raspberry ketone



  • Forskolin as fat burners

    I read that wrong for a sec.
  • [/quote]

    I trust someone who has YEARS of school rather than some random on a message board ...thats just me

    It's not just you. His show is so successful because MANY people believe everything that comes out of his mouth.
  • Here's a few things that may help you come to a decision about the product from a bio-chemical point of view.

    - The natural amount of Raspberry Ketones is low; substantially lower than you may believe. Due to the low amount produced naturally, distributors turn to creating the compound chemically; which completely defeats the purpose of buying into a "natural supplement" and dismisses the idea of it having "no side effects".
    - It's an aromatic compound, a phenolic. Aroma's have little to no substantial evidence of burning fat.
    - As a natural phenol it may have anti-viral and anti-inflammatory side effects. Which would be good if you're swelling or retaining. The negative part is that the body will not hold onto the phenol.
    - The body can burn ketones for energy and naturally creates them (by using fat stores). You can naturally raise these levels with exercise, once glucose stores are depleted. You can also cause your body to rely on ketones for energy through a Ketogenic diet; which means you'll consume protein and fats while depleting/minimalizing carbs. Not something you want to do for a long time.
    - High levels of ketones can be harmful to the body; which is why your body tries to rid itself of them through urination (probably what'll occur to the ketones you ingest = waste of your $$). The higher the level of ketones in your body the more adverse the side effects: skin may become dry, eyesight blurs, acidic taste in mouth and shortness of breath.

    Anyways, if you want to learn more about the product, I would recommend reading into ketogenisis. Learning about how it's broken down may give you more insight about whether or not this product is right for you.

    ETA: The raspberry ketone will probably go right through your body. I personally, wouldn't invest in it, because the body can create it's own ketones and high levels of ketones do have negative side effects. Good luck.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    Forskolin as fat burners

    I read that wrong for a sec.

    Ha!!!! I did too!!!! I was thinking, how would THAT help?
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    Anti Dr.OZ??? Funny... How many of you are Medical Doctors?
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Anti Dr.OZ??? Funny... How many of you are Medical Doctors?
    So being a medical doctor some how makes your opinion impervious to temptation from greed? Please. Show me the science behind HALF of what he claims...I'm betting I can show you more solid research than he ever attempts to.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I do notice he promotes a helluva alot of supplements- never the same one over again, wonder how much he is getting paid for that.

    I looked him up, apparently he's worth $7 million. So I'd say the answer to your question is "a lot".
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    Anti Dr.OZ??? Funny... How many of you are Medical Doctors?
    So being a medical doctor some how makes your opinion impervious to temptation from greed? Please. Show me the science behind HALF of what he claims...I'm betting I can show you more solid research than he ever attempts to.

    greed? Really? OKay!
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    Anti Dr.OZ??? Funny... How many of you are Medical Doctors?
    Some examples of poor advice that Dr. Oz has provided in the past...





    The Media Pigasus Award goes to Dr. Mehmet Oz, who has done such a disservice to his TV viewers by promoting quack medical practices that he is now the first person to win a Pigasus two years in a row. Dr. Oz is a Harvard-educated cardiac physician who, through his syndicated TV show, has promoted faith healing, "energy medicine," and other quack theories that have no scientific basis. Oz has appeared on ABC News to give legitimacy to the claims of Brazilian faith healer “John of God,” who uses old carnival tricks to take money from the seriously ill. He's hosted Ayurvedic guru Yogi Cameron on his show to promote nonsense "tongue examination" as a way of diagnosing health problems. This year, he really went off the deep end. In March 2011, Dr. Oz endorsed "psychic" huckster and past Pigasus winner John Edward, who pretends to talk to dead people. Oz even suggested that bereaved families should visit psychic mediums to receive (faked) messages from their dead relatives as a form of grief counseling.



    It's best to take any advice he has given with a grain of salt. Do your due diligence and investigate other sources for validation of anything that he has said.
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    Who wants some?


    Extra butter please!
  • pukekolive
    pukekolive Posts: 237 Member
    In New Zealand we have Dr Oz's TV show and I thought he was putting forward some good info re body function and medical checkups - that is until I subscribed to his website and emails and all I got was a whole load of c**p and spam about crazy weightloss fads/ supplements!

    I quickly unsubscribed and haven't been near his website or TV program again - he came across on TV as very knowledgeable and with some good advice but he seems to have sold out regarding his email/ web presence.
  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    I dont know why everyone is hating on OZ (hes the doc not these people) lol... yes ive been taking it for a few months not sure if it works but it taks a while... good luck

    Having degree does not make a person the be all end all of information. There are a lot of other doctors that flat out disagree with a lot of what Dr. Oz says, so which one is wrong?
    Nor does having a degree mean a person is above endorsing something for reasons other than it works, like money.

    I trust someone who has YEARS of school rather than some random on a message board ...thats just me

    And your ticker says you have lost how many pounds..?

    Years of school and is on -->TV<--- promoting supplements to make a PROFIT. With Oprah.
    Supplements that don't show any evidence in humans

    I dont log everything because I travel so I have not jumped on a scale in weeks ...
  • Believe it or not Raspberry key tones are an amazing product. I've been using them for two weeks. The first week I did not change anything in my diet. I was eating very high fatty foods and this was over the Easter holiday. I had also just returned from Quebec and accidentally bought too much poutine cheese so we ate poutine 4 times that week. I was bad and even had potato chips in the late evening. Well I'm the type of person that if I eat a fatty meal one day it's a given that I'll be a pound heavier the following day. I really wanted to see how well the rasberry keystones worked without changing a thing. Surprising enough I lost 2.6 pounds in the first week eating a high calorie high fat diet. Seeing how well it worked without change
    I decided to eat healthier the following week. Eating 3 meals a day. Lots of fiber and less fat. No excercise though. Second week I'm down 5 pounds and I never went hungry once. 2 weeks 7.6 pounds. I'm so happy I have to share. I think they are exactly what they claim to be. I will keep updating as I go. I'm going to try with excercise this week....
  • hysahm
    hysahm Posts: 2
    Thank you for the feedback. Please keep us posted.
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    I dont know why everyone is hating on OZ (hes the doc not these people) lol... yes ive been taking it for a few months not sure if it works but it taks a while... good luck

    Yes, Oz is an MD, but he still gives bad advice. And as was already stated, he pushes way too many supplements that don't work and could potentially be harmful.
  • brenlynn23
    brenlynn23 Posts: 15
    what brand of rasberry ketone are you currently taking? I'm taking 250mg once a day of the mineral trace and really haven't noticed a change (been on them for 3 weeks now) I also work out and eat healthy.
  • brenlynn23
    brenlynn23 Posts: 15
    Hi! I've been on rasberry ketone and CLA for 2 weeks and really haven't noticed a difference. Feel sort of like a sheep for buying into the whole thing, but didn't hurt to try. Thought it would boost weight loss with my exercise regiment but I think just eating right (fresh) and working out is the key. I just received some helpful tips to eat back your exercise calories and may be way better than eating some 20 dollar bottle of pills..lol
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    If you're going to try a junk science remedy, I would go with the one where you drink vingegar. It's a lot cheaper.
    i did that once(ok more than once) but it was to pass a drug test for work:smokin:
  • seamonkey789
    seamonkey789 Posts: 233
    I tried them because they were $4 on swansons. I haven't noticed anything except burping up raspberry taste for a few hours after taking them
  • brenlynn23
    brenlynn23 Posts: 15
    Hello, I've been on rasberry ketone 250mg and CLA for a month now, and I have not seen any dramatic difference. I thought with my new healthy eating habits and my exercise schedule it would have increased my weightloss/inches by at least 1pound/1inch a week, but it didn't. I've lost a tiny bit of weight but I strongly believe that it is purely from better eating and exercise. I heard that people suggested to take 2 pills a day, but for 30 pills you pay about 20 bucks, and for me that's too much money. My girlfriend has had some success with Brags apple cider vinegar and water 3x a day before the evening. I just started it a couple days ago and can feel the bloating feeling going away. She also eats at least 5grams of fiber in everything she consumes. She looks amazing so maybe give it a try. Good luck to you, I know how it feels to try and lose that nagging baby weight. I have 3 kids!