raspberry ketone



  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    I dont know why everyone is hating on OZ (hes the doc not these people) lol... yes ive been taking it for a few months not sure if it works but it taks a while... good luck

    :huh: I don't even....I can't even....I....whaaat?!
  • mle_k
    mle_k Posts: 88
    To answer the OP's original question. No I have not tried it but there is very little evidence (essentially no evidence) to support that it would help you sustain long term weight loss. Personally I would not try it. It would probably be a waste of your money hun! :flowerforyou:

    and another thing... peeps it is her first post on MFP... I don't think she was looking for anti-Dr Oz remarks (although I agree much of his show is BS, this is not the post to discuss it). Just answer the question... if you can't, move along please :flowerforyou:
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    I seen a episode because it happened to be on yesterday & I can careless what anyone thinks of him I asked a ?? Not looking for people hating on him or smarta remarks..go start a topic about him else where

    Well I didn't seen noone h8tng on Dr. Oz. I just seen the comet "Lemme guess, you saw it on Dr. Oz". I didn't seen none of the h8ting yous talkin bout.
  • You know, I'm actually very glad you asked this question cause I have been wondering about this myself over the last few days when I saw that show. Unfortunately, once I started researching it, I found that the ketone show was a rerun of an earlier one aired last year. Since I had not heard anything about this awesome successful raspberry ketones phenom in the news in the last 6 months, then it wasn't anything to it. I figured it probably didn't work for the general public since their had been plenty of time for people to try it out and see and then give their accolades. It would appear though that it was (once again) just another thing Dr Oz was promoting to go with the gazillion other things he promotes. I figured if it truly, truly, worked everyone with a weight problem on the face of the earth would have $12 bottles of it stockpiled in the garage all the way to the ceiling and MFP would cease to exist.

    I decided to save my money. You probably should too.

    I'd be interested to hear if anyone has a differing opinon though. If anybody has been successful using it without any kind of side affects, do share your story please!!! I won't call you a liar or a fool. I'm just interested in other people's experiences. :smile:
  • Aap23
    Aap23 Posts: 5
    To answer the OP's original question. No I have not tried it but there is very little evidence (essentially no evidence) to support that it would help you sustain long term weight loss. Personally I would not try it. It would probably be a waste of your money hun! :flowerforyou:

    and another thing... peeps it is her first post on MFP... I don't think she was looking for anti-Dr Oz remarks (although I agree much of his show is BS, this is not the post to discuss it). Just answer the question... if you can't, move along please :flowerforyou:

    THANKS yes exactly new to this had a simple question and only looking for answers to this question.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Gosh, I feel really uninformed. What is a raspberry ketone, and who is Dr. Oz??

    I have heard Dr Oz mentione before but have no idea who he is or why everyone else seems to know him. I'm assuming some network medical coorespondent??
  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    I dont know why everyone is hating on OZ (hes the doc not these people) lol... yes ive been taking it for a few months not sure if it works but it taks a while... good luck

    Having degree does not make a person the be all end all of information. There are a lot of other doctors that flat out disagree with a lot of what Dr. Oz says, so which one is wrong?
    Nor does having a degree mean a person is above endorsing something for reasons other than it works, like money.

    I trust someone who has YEARS of school rather than some random on a message board ...thats just me
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I dont know why everyone is hating on OZ (hes the doc not these people) lol... yes ive been taking it for a few months not sure if it works but it taks a while... good luck
    You're not sure if it works...but yet you know it takes a while? And again...this is something that has only been lab tested on mice...good luck to you, hopefully you'll realize it's a scam and save your money for good nutritious food instead of worthless pills.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    If you're going to try a junk science remedy, I would go with the one where you drink vingegar. It's a lot cheaper.
  • I dont know why everyone is hating on OZ (hes the doc not these people) lol... yes ive been taking it for a few months not sure if it works but it taks a while... good luck

    Having degree does not make a person the be all end all of information. There are a lot of other doctors that flat out disagree with a lot of what Dr. Oz says, so which one is wrong?
    Nor does having a degree mean a person is above endorsing something for reasons other than it works, like money.

    I trust someone who has YEARS of school rather than some random on a message board ...thats just me

    And your ticker says you have lost how many pounds..?

    Years of school and is on -->TV<--- promoting supplements to make a PROFIT. With Oprah.
    Supplements that don't show any evidence in humans
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I dont know why everyone is hating on OZ (hes the doc not these people) lol... yes ive been taking it for a few months not sure if it works but it taks a while... good luck

    Having degree does not make a person the be all end all of information. There are a lot of other doctors that flat out disagree with a lot of what Dr. Oz says, so which one is wrong?
    Nor does having a degree mean a person is above endorsing something for reasons other than it works, like money.

    I trust someone who has YEARS of school rather than some random on a message board ...thats just me
    Yes because doctors are above being swayed by monetary gain...of course, he wouldn't just tell you bad things to make you buy stuff you don't need so he can profit, no way! Oprah likes him, so he's got to be legit...

    Do you own research and then weigh in on the subject rather than mindlessly taking ANYONE's word for it...including that quack Dr Oz.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I dont know why everyone is hating on OZ (hes the doc not these people) lol... yes ive been taking it for a few months not sure if it works but it taks a while... good luck

    Having degree does not make a person the be all end all of information. There are a lot of other doctors that flat out disagree with a lot of what Dr. Oz says, so which one is wrong?
    Nor does having a degree mean a person is above endorsing something for reasons other than it works, like money.

    I trust someone who has YEARS of school rather than some random on a message board ...thats just me

    I am not saying to trust some random on a message board, nor am I saying to distrust someone with years of schooling. I am saying that the fact someone has Dr. before their name does not mean they know everything. there are a lot of questionable doctors out there. And I certainly question the motives of someone who stands to profit from their recommendations (and who has a long history of very questionable recommendations)
  • To answer the OP's original question. No I have not tried it but there is very little evidence (essentially no evidence) to support that it would help you sustain long term weight loss. Personally I would not try it. It would probably be a waste of your money hun! :flowerforyou:

    and another thing... peeps it is her first post on MFP... I don't think she was looking for anti-Dr Oz remarks (although I agree much of his show is BS, this is not the post to discuss it). Just answer the question... if you can't, move along please :flowerforyou:

    THANKS yes exactly new to this had a simple question and only looking for answers to this question.

    I responded with a bit more detail and without the flowers, but I hope you see that research is important. I think most people are just joking around tho :D
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Dr Oz is laughable.
    He doesn't care about your health.
    He's on a TV show to make money.
    If everyone was healthy he wouldn't have a TV show.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member

    I trust someone who has YEARS of school rather than some random on a message board ...thats just me

    ok, lol! I trust a real doctor who has a medical practice and cares about health rather than a TV doctor that's there just for show and money and pushes every new products on the market.
  • Aap23
    Aap23 Posts: 5
    Im 5'1 & been 100-105 lbs recently gained and haven't bothered to lose it till now..I know there's no magic pill ive Never taken anything to lose weight.im all for eating right & exercise being a mom of 2 I want them to have health habits too.the only place I gain weight is my stomach so all I wanted to see was if it helps burn fat in your problem area along with diet & exercise
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    all I wanted to see was if it helps burn fat in your problem area along with diet & exercise

    The answer is NO whatever the product is. You can never spot reduce. Try lifting weight and cut the refined carbs out.
  • Im 5'1 & been 100-105 lbs recently gained and haven't bothered to lose it till now..I know there's no magic pill ive Never taken anything to lose weight.im all for eating right & exercise being a mom of 2 I want them to have health habits too.the only place I gain weight is my stomach so all I wanted to see was if it helps burn fat in your problem area along with diet & exercise

    That is good for you! Glad to see you encouraging healthy habits :D Keep up the good work. Diet and exercise with healthy choices is what pays off in the long run. Only thing I would suggest taking is fish oil and a multivitamin. That is all I need :D

    Some people gain weight differently. I don't gain any in the stomach area, it just all goes to my thighs. Just stay in a moderate calorie deficit and the fat will go away :D
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I dont know why everyone is hating on OZ (hes the doc not these people) lol... yes ive been taking it for a few months not sure if it works but it taks a while... good luck

    Having degree does not make a person the be all end all of information. There are a lot of other doctors that flat out disagree with a lot of what Dr. Oz says, so which one is wrong?
    Nor does having a degree mean a person is above endorsing something for reasons other than it works, like money.

    I trust someone who has YEARS of school rather than some random on a message board ...thats just me

    Good plan.

  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Im 5'1 & been 100-105 lbs recently gained and haven't bothered to lose it till now..I know there's no magic pill ive Never taken anything to lose weight.im all for eating right & exercise being a mom of 2 I want them to have health habits too.the only place I gain weight is my stomach so all I wanted to see was if it helps burn fat in your problem area along with diet & exercise
    The only way to rid yourself of fat in certain areas is to keep continuing with a calorie deficit. You cannot choose where the fat gets burned from, but eventually as you lower your overall body fat percentage, these problem areas will make progress. No amount of targeted exercises(this only builds muscles, doesn't burn fat in itself) or specific foods will do this otherwise.