*February Weight Loss Challenge* - "Wed weigh in"

This February Weight Loss Challenge was started Wed. Feb. 1 with our initial weigh in. The sweet lady that started this dropped out because she got an overwhelming response, and she would not be able to chart each persons weigh loss every week.

*For those of us who would like to continue with this motivation, I am reopening this with weekly "weigh in" every Wed. in Feb.
Anyone can join~each person will keep their own chart of weight loss, & you can use the "progress" report area from MFP to chart this month. We are trying for most weight lost this month. Please include what you are doing as far as exercise etc.
*No prizes, except the one you get from your own motivation. :love:

Initial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1=192
1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8=186
2nd week weigh in:Wed.Feb. 15=_______
3rd week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 22=_______
4th week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 29=_______

I am watching my carbs & exercising on my Gazelle, treadmill, dance DVDs from Zumba & Hip, Hop, Abs at home.
Good Luck!


  • scott2178
    Thanks Janice for getting things going again with this challenge.

    Initial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1 214
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8 211.5

    Calories In/out & exercising primarily through running and elliptical machine.
  • MsUnlucky13
    MsUnlucky13 Posts: 29 Member
    Initial weigh in: Feb 1st 230
    Week 1 weigh in: Feb 8th 230

    Tracking all calories and exercising everyday.
  • Snave88
    Initial weigh in: 203.4
    week 1: 201.8
    week 2:
    week 3:
    week 4:

    Goal weight: 193.4 (190)

    I have to say I'm pretty happy with the results of the first week. I have been counting calories in/out and tracking my exercise. The exercise has consisted of alternating treadmill runs and elliptical workouts 5x a week. In addition to those workouts I walk the beast 3 or 4 times weekly for a distance of about 5 miles. This coming week should be at least as successful as this past week, and due to the fact that Superbowl Sunday is now behind me it will likely be better! I used Superbowl Sunday as an excuse to eat, drink and be merry and it showed. I weighed less on Sunday morning than I did today. I won't lament though, I am owning my "cheating"... and since there are no built in excuses this week I expect an even better result next week! Good luck to all of you and don't give up!!
  • rhindon
    rhindon Posts: 35 Member
    Initial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1= 215.9
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8= 215.4

    Being more diligent on tracking all of my food and started Couch to 5-K last week.
  • dandan1974
    Couch to to 5K is awesome. Good luck!
  • jennifer282000
    jennifer282000 Posts: 128 Member
    Feb 1st-192.6
    Feb 8th-190.6

    I plan on doing alot of running. I already play Just Dance 3 with my kids ALOT. I am attempting to start my p90x vids..This should be interesting.
  • dandan1974
    Thanks for kinda taking over. I was blown away by how many people were on the post too, and wondered how she would be able to do all that work! Here's my info:

    Initial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1=145
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8=144.3
    2nd week weigh in:Wed.Feb. 15=_______
    3rd week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 22=_______
    4th week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 29=_______

    My goal is to break 140 by end of February. I would prefer to lose more, but I've hit a plateau. Just started going to boot camp and eating my way to fit with a healthy foods cleanse. I'm a nursing mama, so can't take anything (and don't want to). I'm super proud of myself this week because my mini challenge to myself was to drink more H20. The last 3 days, I have surpassed 8 glasses which is a record for me!! :)
  • IamL
    IamL Posts: 69 Member
    Initial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1=144
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8=141.6
    2nd week weigh in:Wed.Feb. 15=_______
    3rd week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 22=_______
    4th week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 29=_______
  • rhindon
    rhindon Posts: 35 Member
    Couch to to 5K is awesome. Good luck!

    Thank you!
  • Junepal
    Junepal Posts: 148 Member
    Initial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1=237
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8=235
    2nd week weigh in:Wed.Feb. 15=_______
    3rd week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 22=_______
    4th week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 29=_______

    Feb GW: 229
    Watching Calories, exercising at home (Walk away the Pounds, Biggest Loser DVD, Pilates) least 30min a day 5x a week

    Good luck everyone!

    "Rather than aiming for being perfect, just aim to be little bit better today than you were yesterday."
  • krunchykat
    krunchykat Posts: 158 Member
    I'm glad to see someone picked this challenge back up! I thought it was dead. My initial goal was to lose at least 6 pounds in February.

    Week 1 - Feb. 1: 235
    Week 2 - Feb. 8: 232

    February GW: 229
    Total lost in Feb: 3
  • lindypayne
    SW - 198
    Today's weigh in - 197.6

    I am going to stick to my workout plan (6 days a week of various aerobic programs at home) and try to focus more on eating healthy foods. I know I overate during the Super Bowl, so now I need to make up for it by eating extra healthy!

    Have a great rest of the week.
  • johnlatv
    johnlatv Posts: 655 Member
    nitial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1=217
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8=215
    2nd week weigh in:Wed.Feb. 15=_______
    3rd week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 22=_______
    4th week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 29=_______

    i am trying to eat right and doing weights and cardio. This has been working for me. total of 15 lbs so far (Since Jan 3rd)
  • yari94
    yari94 Posts: 2 Member
    Initial Weigh In-

    2/1/12: 174 lbs.
    Week 1: 173 lbs.

    My goal is to lose 1 lb. a week keeping track of my calorie intake and working out 3-4 times a week with workout videos.

  • daisydieter
    Initial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1=197
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8=195

    Exercise is M-W-F treadmill running days (training for an 8K)... T-Th-Sat are elliptical days. Both have a stretch session after. I also try to work in a lunchtime stroll when weather permits.
  • gemini2267
    gemini2267 Posts: 74 Member
    Feb 1=202
    Feb 8=200
    I triéd weighing in after Wednesday but I was blocked out. I'm happy to see its open again. I'm working out daily and watching my calories.
  • okhollycow
    okhollycow Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for explaining what happened .
  • okhollycow
    okhollycow Posts: 10 Member
    Feb 1 189.8
    Feb 8 188.0
    increasing exercise by ten minutes on treadmill
  • Andreanna13
    Andreanna13 Posts: 2 Member
    Initial weigh in: Wed. Feb. 1= 142.5
    1st week weigh in: Wed. Feb. 8= 139.5
    2nd week weigh in:Wed.Feb. 15=_______
    3rd week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 22=_______
    4th week weigh in:Wed. Feb. 29=_______

    I'm trying to eat right and exercise to lose about 15 lbs total. I'm tired of yo-yo dieting, I'd like to figure out how to eat well and get into a healthy pattern.
  • Langlady
    Langlady Posts: 51 Member
    Inital weigh in Feb 1 = 152.2
    Wk 1 weigh in Feb 8= 151.6

    Trying to stick to working out every other day now. my YMCA membership and 30DS. I would like to lose 6 lbs this month.