Energy Booster

I have 0 energy on most days. Been like this a good while. All I want to do is lay around and sleep. I do force myself to get up and workout but I always feel like I'm better off just sleeping for the next 5 years.

Anyone know of a good energy booster? One that actually works. I know 99% of you are against anything that doesn't grow from the ground but I need something to get me through the day, or at least just my workouts.


  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Food, rest, and will.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    diet coke
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    you also may want to see a dr, those are classic symptoms of congestive heart failure.
  • I agree with seeing a doctor. How you're feeling doesn't sound right and you should get it checked out.
  • Sound like I did not long ago when I had anemia. Get checked cos sounds like you are lacking in iron!

    Otherwise an energy booster is always caffiene... or have you tried poweraide or something like that...
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    5 hour energy works for me in a pinch, but I would strongly suggest against regular use.

  • jdaddy615
    jdaddy615 Posts: 24 Member
    Take a fat boss gave me two of his MusclePharm fatburners this morning, and I am still cracked out lol
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Food, rest, and will.

    will is a pretty nice guy.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Take a fat boss gave me two of his MusclePharm fatburners this morning, and I am still cracked out lol
    Lol not sure if me being cracked out is a good thing for those around me.
  • GNC Women's Ultra Mega® Energy and Metabolism

    I use mens version of this and it works well its a multivitamin and it doesnt make you feel all amp'd up and crash later.
  • BevsCalerieCount
    BevsCalerieCount Posts: 14 Member
    HorrorChix89, I would be more concerned about why you don't have energy. If you have not been to the doctor's office in a while I would suggest getting blood work. You may need iron or there could be some other cause, especially if exercise does not boost your energy. If you've been to the doc. office, I would first try water (2 glasses with each meal and at least 20oz during and just after your workout).
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    My younger brother chugged a huge can of Monster and jumped out of his friend's truck and took off running (it was parked by that time) Then he crashed of course.

    Not sure if I want to try that but maybe a smaller can would work. It has little calories, no sugar.

    Oh and 5 hour energy never worked for me.
  • ghettosmurf999
    ghettosmurf999 Posts: 33 Member
    Iron deficiency can cause tiredness - maybe some vitamins - but really best advice would be go to docs and get some blood tests done.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    What does your diet look like?
  • Take a fat boss gave me two of his MusclePharm fatburners this morning, and I am still cracked out lol

  • Get your thyroid checked out, I was like that before I started to take meds x
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Well last time I tried to donate blood (Red Cross on their quarterly school visits) the guy testing me said my iron was too low to donate.

    I took some iron pills for a bit, but then I got tired of taking them because I never remembered
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    I agree that you should go to the doctor. There are so many things that could be causing it (little and big). I personally found out that I had a Vitamin D deficiency last summer. I'm a completely different person now!

    **I should also add... $5 a month in Vitamin D supplments was the only change.
  • Sounds like it could be a medical condition...I had low iron and had to start a multi-vitamin regiment that helped. My go to when I need a boost is peanut butter. Sometimes on a 110 calorie bagel, or just with an apple. That get's me up and going through my one hour work out at least.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    you also may want to see a dr, those are classic symptoms of congestive heart failure.


    Uh. Wow.

    I will bet that you need to make some improvements in your diet and sleep hygiene. But you might want to make an appointment with your doctor.