Not loosing very quick - how many cals?

OK so I I'm doing 1200 calories a day and usually sticking to that amount. Very rarely go to far over or under. This is a HUGE change for me. I used to eat fast food lunches almost daily. :sad: (The convenience factor not the stellar taste!) I used to eat a TON of pasta, cheese, mayo. And I used to eat late at night pretty often. And I NEVER exercised. Ever.

So the past month I've been here on MFP and have really been trying to change my lifestyle. I do still go out to eat, but have been making much wiser choices, still staying near the 1200 calories. And I've been exercising at least 3-4x a week. But I haven't really lost much! I see others dropping pounds like nobody's business. And I'm getting VERY frustrated. I've only lost 6lbs in a month. And I know they say to loose slow is better. But I've had a seriously DRAMATIC change in eating and exercise habits. You'd think that at least initially, I'd have had a good loss.

I will say I haven't done great with water. I think I've been getting maybe 3-4 glasses in daily. So that's an area that needs to improve.

Any ideas?!?!


  • 6 pounds in a month is great! MFP recommends only 1 pounds a week, so you are already losing more than a lot of people on this site :).

    However, I do understand your frustration, and I often feel the same way about not losing too quickly :(. Could you make your diary public so we can take a look to try to help you out?

    *edit* Typos.
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    cant see your diary so I don't know what you are eating/ doing, also 6 lbs is a lot, if i lost 6lbs I would be almost done lol
  • GameOn2011
    GameOn2011 Posts: 73 Member
    You have completely put your body in shock by doing such a drastice 180 with you diet an exercise! Good for you! But do not get fustrated, it takes a few weeks sometimes for your body to adjust to the change. You should be proud of your 6 pounds. That is a great accomplishment. Just keep up the good work and your body will adjust. Oh, and up your water intake!
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    I would recommend doing some type of exercise every day. Doesn't have to be anything extreme like gym time, it could just be walking, yoga, pilates, anything. I exercise daily (split it up into two shorter workouts) and I think it helps my metabolism. I lose about 2.5 lbs a week.

    Oh, also: When I first start trying to lose weight it comes off slow too as my body gets used to it. About a month in, I start really seeing results. Stick with it, you'll gain some momentum!
  • I am right there with you on this. I've only lost like 5 total in a month.(My weakness is sweets!! And I love to bake!! Which means more sweets haha) But slow and steady is supposed to be the way to go. It is hard when all my other MFP friends are losing way more than me. Everyone is different I keep telling myself! You can add me if you want and maybe we can help each other out!
  • Aphreal
    Aphreal Posts: 103
    1lb a week is recommended. You are on track so why upset?
  • 6 pounds in a month is great! A normal, healthy weight loss is about 1 pound a week, you're doing better than that! My husband was quite large and he dropped weight faster than that, but a lot was water weight. I think for many very overweight people the weight comes off quickly at first, but later it slows down.

    You're doing so well!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    most I lost is 7lbs in one week in first week of dropping all processed carbs so no pasta, bread, rice, potatoes (any grains) .. I've stayed low carb though with 2 spike meals a week (where I allow potato). I also cut wheat so only allow gluten free bread no more than twice a week,, still losing but not as much as in beginning as body as got used to to the diet, but I've only got 7lb left to go and still losing about 3-4lb a month so will still reach goal in a few months.
  • Hello :smile: the best advise I can give you is drink more water! By getting a minimum of 64oz(8 glasses) a day you will actually speed up your weight loss. Out metabolic rate (how much calories we burn) increases with water consumption. Best wishes to you!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    It is better to lose slowly (6 pounds is wonderful for a month) than lose it all very quickly. When people post that they lose quickly it is mainly just bloat and water weight.
  • PeekABooGirl
    PeekABooGirl Posts: 218 Member
    Thanks everyone! Well hopefully my body will adjust soon. I know 6lbs a month as not bad at all. But I'm greedy and want more! But really, someone who has to loose 50-60lbs SHOULD loose a bit faster than someone who only needs to loose those last 5lbs. Rate of loss should be higher wouldn't it??
  • Unfortunately, our bodies don't care how frustrated we get or how hard we work, they are going to go at their own pace and that is that. But you should be proud of yourself. You are doing a great job.
  • aqua_girl
    aqua_girl Posts: 17 Member
    I was the same weight for one year until I starting tracking on MF, so 6 lbs in one month is pretty good,

    I believe water is essential to losing weight. Force yourself to drink more, try sparkling water for a change of pace. Getting enough sleep is also important.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    OK so I I'm doing 1200 calories a day and usually sticking to that amount. Very rarely go to far over or under. This is a HUGE change for me. I used to eat fast food lunches almost daily. :sad: (The convenience factor not the stellar taste!) I used to eat a TON of pasta, cheese, mayo. And I used to eat late at night pretty often. And I NEVER exercised. Ever.

    So the past month I've been here on MFP and have really been trying to change my lifestyle. I do still go out to eat, but have been making much wiser choices, still staying near the 1200 calories. And I've been exercising at least 3-4x a week. But I haven't really lost much! I see others dropping pounds like nobody's business. And I'm getting VERY frustrated. I've only lost 6lbs in a month. And I know they say to loose slow is better. But I've had a seriously DRAMATIC change in eating and exercise habits. You'd think that at least initially, I'd have had a good loss.

    I will say I haven't done great with water. I think I've been getting maybe 3-4 glasses in daily. So that's an area that needs to improve.

    Any ideas?!?!

    6lbs in a month is not slow actually. Stick with that, it is working for you.

    You wanted a good loss, 6lbs in a month IS a good loss!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I am right there with you on this. I've only lost like 5 total in a month.(My weakness is sweets!! And I love to bake!! Which means more sweets haha) But slow and steady is supposed to be the way to go. It is hard when all my other MFP friends are losing way more than me. Everyone is different I keep telling myself! You can add me if you want and maybe we can help each other out!

    and you! 5lbs in one month is good going, you are doing well. Just continue with what you have been doing, because it is working for you!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Thanks everyone! Well hopefully my body will adjust soon. I know 6lbs a month as not bad at all. But I'm greedy and want more! But really, someone who has to loose 50-60lbs SHOULD loose a bit faster than someone who only needs to loose those last 5lbs. Rate of loss should be higher wouldn't it??

    A person who only has 5 lbs to lose will won't be able to lose 1 lb per week. You should aim for 1 lb a week, which means eating back your exercise calories or eat least 50-75% of them if MFP is calculating. Under feeding yourself can prevent weight loss just like over feeding can.
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    make sure you are getting 1200 calories at a minimum - if you exercise - make sure you increase your calorie intake above the 1200 - on workout days, I would recommend at least 1500, or more if you have a HRM that tracks your calories burned. Also - there is a big difference in calories vs. nutrition - don't get so hung up on making sure you stick to your calories if you don't get enough protein/carbs/fat. Nutrition first, calories second. If you are only eating a breakfast bar for breakfast - you are not doing yourself any favors - occasionally fine, but not everyday - it is simply not enough to start fueling your day - eat lots of lean proteins and increase yoru veggies, and if I am low on calories - I still can eat a big meal for dinner - 4 egg whites, spinach sauteed in butter spry, chopped tomatoes, and a little asiago cheese - I have a huge plate of food for less than 150 calories! And lots of protein and fiber and low carbs!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    make sure you are getting 1200 calories at a minimum
    See I would disagree with this, I was say, don't eat less than your BMR. Since that is your metabolic rate, eating below it will only slow it down. So if your BMR is 1500, then you should be netting 1500. My BMR is 2080, eating below that for me, would kill my long term results and has lead to a plateau in the past.
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    make sure you are getting 1200 calories at a minimum
    See I would disagree with this, I was say, don't eat less than your BMR. Since that is your metabolic rate, eating below it will only slow it down. So if your BMR is 1500, then you should be netting 1500. My BMR is 2080, eating below that for me, would kill my long term results and has lead to a plateau in the past.

    I only meant that it was unclear whether she was ONLY eating 1200, even with exercise, so that her net was well below 1200 - I agree - I think 1200 is really too low for anyone - thank you for posting better info taking BMR into consideration :)
  • Kayla165
    Kayla165 Posts: 118 Member
    I am having the same problem I have only lost 8 pounds this month. I come within 100 calories of my daily goal and I am exercising 6 days a week for at least 60 min. It is a little discouraging that I am not loosing more weight.