When is the last time you were at the weight you want to be



  • melisssaarielle
    melisssaarielle Posts: 80 Member
    Must have been grade 7 so 12 years ago.Up until I was 18 I wans't much over what I wanted to be, but never happy with my body. Then 19 hit and a gained a bunch of weight and things just got out of control.
  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    15 years ago (ish) when i was in middle school, pretty sure.
  • Sixalicious
    Sixalicious Posts: 283 Member
    1997...before the kids started coming.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    middle school? honestly I can't remember...I never really knew what I weighed until I got into high school, and by then I was at 155-160...by the time I graduated, 180...
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    Around 12 years...but I was actually much under my goal weight, but not in a healthy way. This time, I got this. :P
  • Middle School maybe? 13 years ago or something like that?
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    2003 when I was bulimic and very very sick. It was a good weight, but I had no muscle and no confidence in myself. I'd love to get the number to say that small again, but I am 20 lbs heavier now than I was in 2003, and wearing a smaller size jean... so... not sure what I want to go for now!

    2003 - 125lbs and a size 8 jean
    2011 - 145 lbs and a size 4 jean
  • For me it was 10 years ago but I still was bottom heavy-my goal is 125 and I am 5ft2... Hoping to go down in the lower part!
  • MrsOMG
    MrsOMG Posts: 84
    Not for a good decade!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    1 minute ago
  • isaacs06
    isaacs06 Posts: 75 Member
    i want to be about the size i was in high school (and i was the fat kid then too lol) so about 15 years ago....
  • Probably in 2006. I had a pair of jeans that I loved and I can't even get them past by thighs now. I must have been around 175-180 lbs.
  • When Ronald Reagan was nominated....
  • 160; I was 17 (20 years ago). I looked great but, of cores I thought I was fat then. I was 180 about 4 years ago and felt so very sexy!! I decided to set my goal to 160 because that takes me out of the obese category. I don't want to be skinny. I don't want to be obese. I want to be sexy and healthy!
  • BattyMama
    BattyMama Posts: 136 Member
    2001 at 120 age 21
  • For_the_Last_Time
    For_the_Last_Time Posts: 136 Member
    Birth? Really I have no memory of being the weight I want to be but I am sure I was at one point but it was a long time ago.
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    October 2006. I was about 125lbs. right after my surgery. I miss being that little!
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Never! never in my adult life have I been at the weight i want to be. Not even close!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    8th grade I think. But I may not go that low. We shall see.