Advise from overweight parents with young children



  • AceyFaceX
    Tell your daughter to be strong! It'll get easier as she gets older. I used to get picked on all of the time when I was her age. As the years went by I grew up, and so did my tormentors. They finally left me alone and they have ever since. Let her know that it's okay to be upset, but at the end of the day kids are just mean! I remember that when I was her age, fighting fire with fire never worked. If I simply ignored my tormentors, they would more than likely leave me be. I hope everything works out for you and her! (:
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
  • NewTeena
    NewTeena Posts: 154 Member
    Sometimes kids teased my youngest son about the same thing and he used to react violently. When I spoke to him about it I told him I appreciated that he felt the need to protect me, but I really didn't care what his friends thought and that in the future he should just respond with "yes she is". Not only is that the truth, but if the other kids think it doesn't bother you, then they lose their power and will often drop it and move on. It didn't take long for that to stop being an issue.
  • nubeing
    I don't know if anyone else said this, but sometimes it helps to be visible at your child's school and let the kids get to know you, even those mean ones! My issue is that I have a large (and I've heard UGLY) growth in my throat (enlarged thyroid) and my kids (reluctantly) mentioned that other kids at school were asking them about it and bugging them, like "What's WRONG with your mom's neck??"

    I used to be more sensitive about it, wear turtlenecks and things. WELL! After I heard about those kids, the next time I went to the school, I marched right in there like "Hello!" I have told kids about my neck -- I mean, it's a valid question. They want information, they better learn to ask for it rather than tease my kids about it. I have even made jokes about it (like "I'm the old lady who swallowed a horse, and if you don't watch it, you'll be next!" (laughing of course) or "My neck is big because I am flexing my neck muscle which just means that I'm super strong so watch out!"

    Really I am trying to show them that we are all different and we have issues but we (parents) are also fun and we can laugh at ourselves. Bullies come in all ages and some of them are grownups too who never learned the lesson as kids not to judge others by their appearance and not to be mean when really all we want is more information.