How on earth am I supposed to eat that much??



  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Seriously?! Can't get to 1600 calories?! Go to 7/11 pick up a bag of chips, candy bar, litterally, anything in 7/11. If you want to do it healthy, have two large spoon fulls of peanut butter, thats got to add up to around 250 calories... if you dont like plain peanut butter, put it on a banana, add another 100 calories for that... have a glass of wine (if your over 21), about 125 calories, whever ever I find I'm too low for the day (usually due to a hard workout and burrning a lot) I'll have a glass or two of wine to treat myself.

    This is exactly what I am on about. What is the point in eating junk just to fulfill the calorie allowance?? It was doing this that got the vast majority of people here in the first place! Nutrition education is more than just ensuring you eat your calorie allowance every day.

    If you want to talk about starvation mode, then think along the lines of starving your body from nutrients, it is done via crap and junk.

    Somebody taking in 4000 calories per day for instance, eating nothing but junk will be starving their bodies of essential nutrients. They won't lose weight, they will put it on actually, but their bodies will be rendered useless in the end because it will not have enough nutrients to do a job. THIS is what crap food does. It starves the body. I thought people wanted to eat their quota each day in order to not go into the dreaded "starvation mode" - which is a very overused phrase on this site by the way.

    If somebody wants a candybar or chips because they genuinely fancy some, then no problems whatsoever, but to just eat them to fill up on one's calories is ludicrous.

    Fruit, meat, fish, vegetables, nuts, pulses... all these are fine to fulfill the calorie allowance, however if somebody is going to try and reach that allowance via chips and candy bars, they would be better off staying below their calories.