Anybody up to start 30 day shred Wed.?



  • hoamai
    hoamai Posts: 76
    Hi: this is my first exercise dvd experience. I usually go to the gym/classes at the "Y" but am traveling and needed something I could do while away from home. I started the 30 day shred this morning - it was a good work out though I feel I need more than 20 minutes and where I am today I had access to a hotel gym. That will change after tomorrow however so I am looking for other options to extend the 30 day shred workout. I also have a yoga dvd which I have not tried. I also don't have weights but one of those stretchy ropes (I couldn't add the extra weight to my luggage) - so I need to improvise on some of the exercise.
    Anyway, hopefully this will keep me going on the dvd exercise experience - - :smile:
  • stormluv
    stormluv Posts: 4
    Hello I'm so happy that I found this message board. I have been doing the 30 day shred on and off. I just started back last week on mon. bit after two days I was so sore I couldnt bend my legs to sit. So, I didnt do it again. After seeing this challenge and reading your post I'm going to start again tomorrow. I'm aiming for 5 days a week. :smile:
  • MyQuinney
    MyQuinney Posts: 42
    I'm starting Level 2 tomorrow! Wish me luck!

    Good luck! Please let me know how it goes! I'm not quite ready for Level 2 but I can't wait to try it!
  • MyQuinney
    MyQuinney Posts: 42
    Hello I'm so happy that I found this message board. I have been doing the 30 day shred on and off. I just started back last week on mon. bit after two days I was so sore I couldnt bend my legs to sit. So, I didnt do it again. After seeing this challenge and reading your post I'm going to start again tomorrow. I'm aiming for 5 days a week. :smile:

    Yay! Glad to see you here! I'm doing it 4 days a week. I'm still on Level 1. Is that what you're on?
  • MyQuinney
    MyQuinney Posts: 42
    Hello Nadyasmom, Butterfly and Hoamai! Glad to see you all here! I'm always glad to hear what other people think and experience with this Shred dvd. I love it! I think that the strength part is great! I can already tell a difference in my arms. As for losing weight....I'm not sure. I'm doing some other things, too, so I guess it's a combination that's helped me to do that. I do know that muscle burns more calories than that's a plus for the Shred! Do any of you do other things, too? Any of you run? It's nice to meet all of you!!!
  • MyQuinney
    MyQuinney Posts: 42
    I was so motivated on Monday when I did the shred for the first time! Then Tuesday I caught a flu bug and I haven't been able to get rid of it yet! So hopefully soon I'll be back to shredding with all you lovely people!! Keep it up! You're all doing great!! -Juli

    Created by - Free Food Diary

    How are you feeling, Juli??? Better from the flu?
  • queenmina
    queenmina Posts: 84 Member
    I'm starting Level 2 tomorrow! Wish me luck!

    Good luck! Please let me know how it goes! I'm not quite ready for Level 2 but I can't wait to try it!

    Haha! I know what you mean... I feel like I'm never going to be ready to start a new level. I've been on level one consistently for two weeks now. I used to do it before then stopped. I now can get through the whole level without DYING, but I can't quite do the advanced stuff either. I feel like I need to push myself because I'm getting complacent. So Level 2 it is! I think I'm going to straddle 1 and 2 this week. Next week 2. Then straddle 2 and 3 after that. I know some people who do multiple levels in a day! I want to be STRONG enough to do that. :noway:
  • hoamai
    hoamai Posts: 76
    I went to the hotel gym today for about an hour - I didn't want to waste gym time while I had the chance - but after today - no gym as an option so I will start with the dvd again. Does anyone do the dvd twice a day to get in more time - ?
  • elle77
    elle77 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi all! I've only done the video twice, but can tell its a good one. I was actually sore the next day. At first I thought 20 min would be easy...but I was a sweaty mess!lol So, I'm gonna try to do it 5 day's a week :smile:
  • MyQuinney
    MyQuinney Posts: 42
    Hi all! I've only done the video twice, but can tell its a good one. I was actually sore the next day. At first I thought 20 min would be easy...but I was a sweaty mess!lol So, I'm gonna try to do it 5 day's a week :smile:

    Hello Elle! Good luck with Shredding! I love it! I think it's a GREAT dvd! Keep in touch and let us know how it goes! Love the pic of your cat! Is that a bath on purpose? :happy:
  • queenmina
    queenmina Posts: 84 Member
    I went to the hotel gym today for about an hour - I didn't want to waste gym time while I had the chance - but after today - no gym as an option so I will start with the dvd again. Does anyone do the dvd twice a day to get in more time - ?

    I think if you can hack doing it twice in a row, it should be ok. Just be sure not to over exert yourself and to make sure you really stretch.
  • elle77
    elle77 Posts: 150 Member
    hehe Hi :smile: Yep, I give my cat's a bath frequently b/c my daughter has asthma. They are pretty use to it,lol :laugh:
  • queenmina
    queenmina Posts: 84 Member
    Hi everyone--

    Quick question. I've been thinking about this for awhile but is it really ok to do the shred every day?

    I know that you should let your body rest in between strength training so that your muscles have time to heal and rebuild. And since the Shred is a circuit with strength elements, is it ok to be doing it everyday?

    I know it's ok to be doing cardio everyday so I wonder...


  • csanchez39
    csanchez39 Posts: 52 Member
    I purchased the dvd yesterday and was determined to start it last night. Well, my husband and son were in the same room with me and were my supporters. At first it was ok, I was able to do the warm ups and the jumping jacks...but the push ups. um no, so my so called supporters gave in and started laughing. So I rewinded the dvd and challenged them to the task. Guess what they gave in half way! :laugh: I was so excited because I was able to get through the whole 30 minutes.

    I am really sore today, but I need to be able to do the push ups even the girly style way
  • slm638
    slm638 Posts: 64
    I've only been doing it for 4 days now--but hey...I've done 4 days straight--that's a record for me! I mean, I'll be consistent over all (continue working out for a while) but usually take a break for a day in between. 4 days doesn't sound like much, I know, but man..this workout is tough! I hurt in places I didn't even know I had!

    When do i know if I"m ready to move up a level?

    This could have been my post! ha ha

    I've done the dvd sporadically a few times before, but just started the 30 days on Saturday, so Day 4 is done! :tongue: (yep, getting tired) I have 1 flight of stairs to go up at work and my quads were a little jello-y after my workout the last couple mornings. (never mind that morning workouts have been all but impossible for me before - I HATE mornings and usually don't do my best workout out then :yawn:
    The kids have started coming down though and trying out a few jumping jacks with me. My 9 year old was trying to do the combination strength moves (with no weights) and I told her to stop - the form was pretty scary:wink:

    I'm going to try to go the stratight 30 days, but will not be disappointed if I take a day off here and there...30 in a row is pretty intense. I'm still on level 1, but can almost make out the 2 sets of girly push ups, so am going to keep going until I can do the same with full plank push ups. I'm using 5 pound weights and the shoulders aren't quite ready to move on to level 2 yet either. I'm thinking even if I'm not completely there, I'll move on to level 2 after 10 days...
  • kasuki
    kasuki Posts: 74 Member
    I must confess I didn't shred for the last 3 days because my legs just couldn't keep up with the rest of me. I did do other workout dvd,s during this time so it wasn't a total loss. I did do the shred (level 1) today so that would make it day 8. The squats and lunges and stuff don't bother me but the cardio part using my legs like the jumping jacks, jump rope, and butt kicks make my legs feel like a ton of bricks and they don't want to come off the floor. It's not that the leg muscles are sore it feels more like the bones on the outside of my knees are sore. I do see a real big improvement in the strenght in my arms and they are beginning to have a better shape so I am not giving up I just have to let my legs catch up. I think I will shred every other day and do more of a low impact strenght and toning kind of dvd on the off days. I have reached my goal weight months ago and now my main objective is to get some tone and shape going underneath the jiggly skin.
    Good Luck everyone
  • nzfoxy
    nzfoxy Posts: 29
    I have been doing the 30 day Shred for 3 weeks today, the last week & a half I have had an ankle injury so haven't been about to do the cardio parts, I have modified the cardio sections with things like squat punches, walking on the spot doing jumping jack arms etc... If that helps you at all Kasuki.
    It is amazing how quickly you will strength up if you do this. I have actually lost more pounds since I have been injured and using modified low impact cardio than when I was going hard out with the cardio! Doesn't make sense to me but hey, I am very happy with how my body is changing.
  • csanchez39
    csanchez39 Posts: 52 Member
    Ok...I did day 2 last night! But, I am really, really sore so much that I couldnt turn during the night. At work I cant sit or climb stairs...the pain is so bad I had to take 2 advils. :sad:

    I decided to give my body a rest for today! :bigsmile:
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    Missed yesterday and today--still sick. Sigh...praying that I get better soon so I can get back on track. Hoping to sleep early tonight so that I can get the rest I need for my body to heal, and get up early and exercise.

    One thing though--I don't feel like the 30 day shred is enough. I mean, it's great for toning, but I don't feel like I'm seeing the fat loss much (I know, I haven't been doing it very long, but I thought I'd see SOME change by now). I know some of you all are doing some other stuff, but I'm just curious as to what you all are doing in addition to this challenge?
  • nzfoxy
    nzfoxy Posts: 29
    All I do is walk my dog for 30 mins (briskly) before I do the DVD.