Tales from the Work Toilet

porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
edited November 2024 in Chit-Chat
Boy, I love where I work..... Especially when someone comes into the bathroom and announces on their way to the stall, "Oh, I'd better grab my 'wipies' in case I do a 'poopy!'" THEN, upon grabbing said 'wipies' from cupboard and going into the stall, says with great joy, "My bowels are about to be so happy!!" And yes, this was a grown woman that said this.

What are some of your work bathroom horror stories??


  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Boy, I love where I work..... Especially when someone comes into the bathroom and announces on their way to the stall, "Oh, I'd better grab my 'wipies' in case I do a 'poopy!'" THEN, upon grabbing 'wipies' from cupboard and going into the stall, says with great joy, "My bowels are about to be so happy!!"

    What are some of your work bathroom horror stories??
    We have one guy that brings in his iPad to the stall. We have a janitor that talks to you while you are peeing.

    I use the short urinal so i can feel like a giant. When I am alone in there I say "HO HO HO".
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    Boy, I love where I work..... Especially when someone comes into the bathroom and announces on their way to the stall, "Oh, I'd better grab my 'wipies' in case I do a 'poopy!'" THEN, upon grabbing 'wipies' from cupboard and going into the stall, says with great joy, "My bowels are about to be so happy!!"

    What are some of your work bathroom horror stories??
    We have one guy that brings in his iPad to the stall. We have a janitor that talks to you while you are peeing.

    I use the short urinal so i can feel like a giant. When I am alone in there I say "HO HO HO".

  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Boy, I love where I work..... Especially when someone comes into the bathroom and announces on their way to the stall, "Oh, I'd better grab my 'wipies' in case I do a 'poopy!'" THEN, upon grabbing said 'wipies' from cupboard and going into the stall, says with great joy, "My bowels are about to be so happy!!" And yes, this was a grown woman that said this.

    What are some of your work bathroom horror stories??

    That woman is effing cuckoo.
  • At my old job someone had used the floor as their own toilet. The building had a lot of security and only employees could get in, which means that one of my co-workers did it.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Do you work at a daycare?

    I get annoyed when the person in the stall next to me is playing games on their phone, mainly because I don't know what game they're playing or if they're winning. That bothers me.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Our receptionist will come in, spray bath and body works crap everywhere and asks everyone who was in there before her to please leave because she has to do a #2.

    I feel like I am in kindergarten sometimes.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    Do you work at a daycare?

    LOL!!!!! No, I work at an office!
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    I like working at home. This is one of the reasons.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    We work in a three story building and the folks from the second floor come down to our bathrooms to do their business, apparently they don't want to stink up their own bathroom. And they talk on their cellphones the entire time, through flushing toilets and all.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I went to the ladie's room two days ago at my school library, and this girl came into the stall next to me and started farting really loud... she was also on her phone while doing this.

  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I always play angry birds on the loo on my iphone and turn the volume up real loud.....
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    My story is super-gross! We have a woman at our office who has some serious hygiene issues and apparently does not bathe on a regular basis or just has a problem reaching certain spots. Ewwww I know. We are talking nasty rotten stinky....... Well let's just say that the bathroom smells like dead fish after she's been in there, I mean it is super over powering gross!!! My co-workers and I have been racking our brains trying to come up with a way to deal with this delicate situation. Any suggestions would be welcome!!!!!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    My story is super-gross! We have a woman at our office who has some serious hygiene issues and apparently does not bathe on a regular basis or just has a problem reaching certain spots. Ewwww I know. We are talking nasty rotten stinky....... Well let's just say that the bathroom smells like dead fish after she's been in there, I mean it is super over powering gross!!! My co-workers and I have been racking our brains trying to come up with a way to deal with this delicate situation. Any suggestions would be welcome!!!!!

    Talk to your boss confidentially and ask him/her to deal with it. That's really unprofessional.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    My story is super-gross! We have a woman at our office who has some serious hygiene issues and apparently does not bathe on a regular basis or just has a problem reaching certain spots. Ewwww I know. We are talking nasty rotten stinky....... Well let's just say that the bathroom smells like dead fish after she's been in there, I mean it is super over powering gross!!! My co-workers and I have been racking our brains trying to come up with a way to deal with this delicate situation. Any suggestions would be welcome!!!!!

    Lots of air freshener as soon as you see her come out!
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I just walked in the bathroom and it sounded like someone dropped Niagara Falls from their colon.

    ...and he might have given birth. I was about to inquire as to he health, but thought better of it and left quickly.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    My story is super-gross! We have a woman at our office who has some serious hygiene issues and apparently does not bathe on a regular basis or just has a problem reaching certain spots. Ewwww I know. We are talking nasty rotten stinky....... Well let's just say that the bathroom smells like dead fish after she's been in there, I mean it is super over powering gross!!! My co-workers and I have been racking our brains trying to come up with a way to deal with this delicate situation. Any suggestions would be welcome!!!!!

    Lots of air freshener as soon as you see her come out!

    Aimed at her crotch.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    My story is super-gross! We have a woman at our office who has some serious hygiene issues and apparently does not bathe on a regular basis or just has a problem reaching certain spots. Ewwww I know. We are talking nasty rotten stinky....... Well let's just say that the bathroom smells like dead fish after she's been in there, I mean it is super over powering gross!!! My co-workers and I have been racking our brains trying to come up with a way to deal with this delicate situation. Any suggestions would be welcome!!!!!

    Lots of air freshener as soon as you see her come out!

    Aimed at her crotch.

  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I work from home now. But when I did work in an office - we had a few weeks where they were doing construction in the building. Since there wasn't access to the bathrooms they built a bathroom trailer outside. It actually wasn't that bad. But there were only 3 stalls. Well there was always a line. One time I am in line and this woman comes out of the stall and heads to the sink. Naturally I go in to the stall next. She then bangs on the stall door. Almost gave me a freakin heart attack.. I notice she had left her briefcase in the stall. So I say 'one second Im still going'. She bangs again. Finally I button up and open the door. This psycho is standing with her hands on her hips and says 'I left my case in there on purpose while I washed my hands'.
    I said - well there were a lot of people waiting and you can't really occupy the stall with your personal items.
    She tells me...and I am dead serious " I can DO what I WANT'.
    Oh Ok. - So I smile and reach over a grab her case. (Unwashed hands and all)
    Here you go. Have a nice day.
    She just stood there in shock.
    Seriously shes lucky I didn't outright pee on it.
  • Audddua
    Audddua Posts: 176 Member
    We have a crazy coworker, that clearly doesn't get enough attention at home, so she tends to trap women in the bathroom. She blocks the door, ignores all attempts to end the conversation and leave so she can have impromptu "girl talks". She'll ask super obnoxious & personal things like, "I thought heard a wrapper while you were in the stall, are you on your period, are you using tampons?". Then she'll offer her nutty advice for some herbal remedy for cramps while explaining that tampons will probably kill me. It's terrible. :grumble:
  • Audddua
    Audddua Posts: 176 Member
    My story is super-gross! We have a woman at our office who has some serious hygiene issues and apparently does not bathe on a regular basis or just has a problem reaching certain spots. Ewwww I know. We are talking nasty rotten stinky....... Well let's just say that the bathroom smells like dead fish after she's been in there, I mean it is super over powering gross!!! My co-workers and I have been racking our brains trying to come up with a way to deal with this delicate situation. Any suggestions would be welcome!!!!!

    I have one of those too! I literally just checked your profile to make sure you're not working in my office LOL. Our lovely lady has a walker (she's older and larger than most) so I can hear her moving about. I will hold it until it hurts :sad: to avoid that stench. The thing is I really like joking around with her and she's quite funny. I just have to keep my distance from her desk.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    My story is super-gross! We have a woman at our office who has some serious hygiene issues and apparently does not bathe on a regular basis or just has a problem reaching certain spots. Ewwww I know. We are talking nasty rotten stinky....... Well let's just say that the bathroom smells like dead fish after she's been in there, I mean it is super over powering gross!!! My co-workers and I have been racking our brains trying to come up with a way to deal with this delicate situation. Any suggestions would be welcome!!!!!

    Leave coupons for lady wash & spray on her desk when she's not there.
  • DQMD
    DQMD Posts: 193
    There are a few women that I work with that the second I walk in the bathroom I know they are there. I will walk out so I don't gag with the smell. I will hold it before going in there.

    The grossest is when women have the TOM of the month and leave a tampon in the tiolet. FLUSH IT or wrap it up in a tissue to throw away. DON'T leave it in the tiolet for someone else to deal with. Barf.
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    I go two floors down to our basement level to use the bathroom. Not because of ME.. but because of the other cows I work with. The toilets are always flooding on my floor. They flush and poo at the same time (idk if they want a bidet effect or the toilet to suck it out or what...) Like someone else said, there are a handful of women with "hygeine issues" When I was pregnant, I didnt hold back comments. "OMG, are you F'ing kidding me?" and i would walk out LOL now I just use it as an excuse to take stairs up and down every so often :)
  • I am so happy right now that I have a private bathroom at work.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Thanks for all the advice on the 'Fish Lady'! And from all your stories it seems apparently that bathrooms can really bring out the crazy in people!!!! :noway:
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    I won't even read this thread because it'll probably gross me out...but I'm gonna be frank..

    There are people with AES (Anal explosion syndrome) in my office.

    It's to the point where stalls have been left gross, bathrooms closed and signs put up "Please be courteous to your coworkers and clean up after yourself".

    I'd rather go pee in the woods most days than use the bathrooms here.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    Did this thread just really happen?
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    Did this thread just really happen?

  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    I'm really happy that I have my own bathroom.
    Although the main customer bathroom is about 12 feet from me and some of these truckers can really stink up the whole damn place. It's pretty disgusting... and the reason I don't eat in the office.
  • When I went into the toilet after a lady in work (I was 7 months pregnant) The smell was so disgusting that i vomited all over it...very loudly...went i walked out to clean up she was still standing washing her hands with a really red face....I didnt mention anything to her lol
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