10k question



  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    I don't consider it a defeat or discouraging when I get passed. You'll pass people too - do you keep track of that?

    I also don't run to beat other people - I do it for me. To see what I'm capable of and to determine my worth in my own eyes on my own terms.

    What I enjoy most about running in races is the sense of community. When else do you see so many people running en masse like that? Enjoy the race! Talk to other runners, make friends :) They don't have to be competition you know - you get to choose if their friends or foes.

    Good luck!

    ^this! good luck and enjoy it!! :flowerforyou:
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Oh, gosh .... I've asked 80 year old men if they would PLEASE let me finish before them! :smile:

    Honestly, it is what it is. You're not going to be first and you're not going to be last.

    If you're totally worried, look up the results from last year and see where you fall. Most races have walkers. I suspect you'll finish before them.

    Buy yourself a shirt that reads, "IT'S NOT NICE TO COUNT OUT LOUD!"

    To date I've run in over 36 half marathons and too many 5K's and 10K's to count. I've placed in a few and have finished last in a few.

    Runners on the whole are very, very supportive people. I've never met one - not one - who made me feel unworthy to be at the race. You won't either. We're too nice.
  • bridies01
    bridies01 Posts: 57 Member
    I ran my first 10k last summer (after having started running a year prior) and I was terrified! I'd done six mile training runs just a couple times. I didn't know what a good pace was, etc. I was worried I would take off too fast and not have the endurance to keep running. So my goal was to simply run the whole thing and not walk. I agree with what someone said about looking up the prior year results and seeing the spread of times - that will give you some idea. If your pace is about the middle of the pack, start somewhere in the middle of the crowd. Start too far up and you will be passed a lot and run the risk of starting too fast. Too far back and you have to waste energy passing other slower runners. Good luck!
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    To be honest, you WILL get passed (and probly by men and women twice your age). But you will also pass a lot of other people! It's part of the experience.
    You won't come in last, I promise. And if you do? Well, someone has to come in last. You still managed to finish before all of the couch potatoes, right?
    I came in 2nd to last in a small 10k last fall. I think there were 40 participants? It was awesome. The last girl and I were neck and neck for the last two miles, she'd pass me, I'd pass her - back and forth back and forth. I had so much fun participating! That race ended up playing an important role in getting me even MORE ready for the half marathon I was running later in the month.
    Just have fun with it!
  • lglg11
    lglg11 Posts: 344 Member
    When I ran my first 5k , there was a 73 yr old man who was speed walking .... passed me like I was invisible
  • Checking the race results from last year was a very smart idea. I doubt I'll finish this race under an hour, but there were plenty of finishers well over that. So I won't be hobbling the last mile alone, at least. Thanks again.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I did 1 hour 20 mins for my last 10K, which was pretty hilly and mostly off-road. I'd say I was about 7/8 of the way back in the field.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    So this is kind of a weird worry to have, but here goes: I am a regular runner. I usually run 3 miles 3-4 times a week and one longer run (4-5 miles) once a week. I've never been super-fast, but I'm not just shuffling along, either. I just signed up for my first-ever race, a 10k, in May. When I'm running, being passed always bums me out. At least, passed by people who don't look like marathoners. But I'm guessing I will be passed by hundreds of people. For those of you who have run races before, did you acclimate to that since there were so many other people? Or was it discouraging? I guess I'm having visions of being the last one to cross the finish line, then sitting down and weeping. Not really, but I don't want to embarrass myself in my first race!

    To be quite honest, when I have run in races, I have been so focussed I don't notice when anybody passes by, plus there are so many people either running or milling about cheering their families and friends on that it takes the attention away from runners running past me lol.

    You won't embarrass yourself I am sure, I bet this will be the first of many races you know, because once you have done one, it tends to get a little addictive :D

    I strongly suspect you will not be the last one to cross the finish line either, especially if you train regularly. When you run on the day you will see what I mean, it is difficult to explain, but I seriously think you will love it.

    WTG on taking the plunge and doing the race by the way, some people NEVER get that far x
  • sweeney73
    sweeney73 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi December,you will be fine. I have done a few 10ks and i am happy just to finish for now and it is a great achievement .i always get nervous ,theres no need for it,everyone is so friendly all out for a good day. i have always started at the very back ,its great when you overtake so many people, i know you will have a great day.so stop worrying you will do really well . and signing up for loads more.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Recreational raceers/runners need to leave any hint of an ego at the start line, or back in the parking lot. Unless you are a top tier athelete you are gonna get beat people people of all shapes, sizes & ages.

    you can't worry about anything but you & the clock.
  • sweeney73
    sweeney73 Posts: 4 Member
    sorry my post was meant for you Rebecca
  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    For me running with alot of other people gave me anxiety. I thought i was being chased by zombies! Strange, so i actually ran faster than i normally would so i could get away from everyone. Thats one thing about races that i dont like.. the huge amount of people i'm running with. ( which is something i'll have to get use too)
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    AND if you get close to the finish line and seem to be battling it out for last place - just trip somebody:)
  • thesarahsundae
    thesarahsundae Posts: 240 Member
    I ran my first (and only) half marathon last March and my only goal was to finish. I didn't care that people passed me. Enjoy yourself!! And congrats on signing up!