Eating past 6pm?



  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    Is it really bad to eat this late?

    Not at all, assuming that you aren't overconsuming calories.

    ^ This.
    As long as you aren't over your calories for the day you are fine.

    I'm so busy that the only time I usually have to eat dinner is closer to bed.

    Good point!
  • teachmond
    I work in the medical field the 3-1100 shift so when I eat can vary on whats going on at work. Usually if I eat at 6 I want to eat again. I guess my point is you have to find what works for you.
  • slimtobemom
    The only advice I have been given is if eating late cut down on carbs. Rice/pasta/potatos are carbs for fuel. Majority of people air down and chill for the night after tea and do not use the fuel from the carbs.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Physiologically there is no reason to eat at a certian time unless you have acid reflux and going to bed too soon after eating triggers it. If you are the type of person that will snack and go over your calories at night just because you are home and bored then sure, create a cut-off.
  • teachmond
    What happens if you work night shifts and wake up at 6 pm to eat before heading to work?

    This is why I don't like or adhere to hard and fast "rules" of dieting/fitness. You need to figure out what works for YOU. Screw the rest. Most advice is so general it becomes useless. Try something. If you have negative results, don't do it again. If it works for you, tune out all the other BS and keep at it.

    You're the one that's going to have to live with the consequences anyway, so who's opinion should matter the most? A diet expert's or yours?
    Good point.
  • StrugglingtoMove
    StrugglingtoMove Posts: 73 Member
    That study was based on people who go to bed at 8pm or 9 pm, i cant remember. Its supposed to be 3 hours before bedtime. Ive done both it matters to me, i dont eat after 7pm. I drink still.
  • lilyjay_
    I eat dinner as late as 9.30pm sometimes after finishing work, going to the gym, showering & then cooking dinner! I've been worried about this too as I do eat the majority of my calories later on in the evening (prob between 8 and 11pm, but so far it hasn't been too much of a problem.

    I've heard your metabolism works better soon after exercising, and I am sat down all day at work anyway so I'm not sure a big breakfast would benefit me that much?
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    This are the times I used to eat when I had to wake up early for work:

    7am - snack
    10am - breakfast
    1pm - lunch
    4pm - snack
    8pm - dinner
    11pm - 0 carbs 0 fat 50g protein shake or tea

    I kept it within my calorie count and arranged so most of the carbs and fats were during the day and almost none to 0 by night. It worked for me.

    And just in case you're wondering, some bodybuilders wake up in the middle of the night to have a snak just to keep the metabolism going.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    Not eating after 6pm sounds like an unrealistic and potentially counterproductive goal for most people. I'd rather walk home from work, cook a healthy meal from scratch, and not eat until 8pm than eat at 6pm by driving home and heating a frozen meal in the microwave. However, I do keep my dinners small compared to breakfast and lunch, and I try not to eat anything a couple hours before sleeping. You'll have a more restful sleep and not wake up feeling queasy and bloated if you avoid eating right before bedtime.
  • alisahaggard
    I think that this "rule" was based on the idea that people would eat a huge meal and then not burn it off. It has nothing to do with proper digestion or anything like that. If you're being careful about tracking calories, there's no problem with eating late if you still have the calories. I don't get out to run until after 8:30 most days, so I generally eat something(s) when I get back and showered because I end up with a huge deficit.
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    I wouldnt make it to the next day if i didnt eat past 6pm. i usually have my last meal around 8 or 8:30.
  • calell83
    calell83 Posts: 43 Member
    The only real reason I see for not eating at night is that usually when people eat late at night it is sort of a second dinner. I guess people associate that they always eat late at night with gaining weight and think that the late night eating is the cause. If you eat your normal meal and stay in the calorie range it shouldn't matter.
  • nnapieralski
    nnapieralski Posts: 132 Member
    A calorie at 6am is the same as a calorie at 6pm. If you stop eating at 6pm, you're likely to have a calorie deficit and that's what really matters.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The only impact eating late might have is when you weigh yourself the next morning, there might be waste in your intestines you haven't pooped yet.
  • kspoon5
    kspoon5 Posts: 239 Member
    I eat on a pretty consistent schedule but come 8-9 pm and I am still hungry (and water doesn't help) I eat anyways ...... it seems to work for me
  • MelisandreRed
    MelisandreRed Posts: 31 Member
    I always have my evening snack sometime between 8-9. I'd be starving in the morning if I didn't.
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I eat after 10 pm on my two "late" workout nights, and it honestly hasn't hurt me. The only thing I'd say is if you have a big meal you might be uncomfortable or stay up a little later, but weight loss wise, no problem.
  • lost_snowboarder
    You need to eat something within 1 to 2 hours of going to bed. Something that wilk fule your muscles a bit while you sleep, if not your body is "eatting" your muscles. even if its a light protine drink like eas carb control drink or some cottage cheese. something with protine in it. nothing heavy or allot of carbs. this keeps your body from totaly entering into starvation mode when your asleep, and you wont sleep well either.
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    I think the "experts" make this claim because people generally are much less active in the evening - they think if you eat and are then inactive you will gain weight. Like other people have said, as long as you eat at a deficit you're good. I almost always have an evening snack and I've had no problem with weight loss so far.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I sometimes am eating after 10 - though I do try to eat something really light at that time if I do - if I eat heavy I don't sleep well. so a bowl of Special K Protein Plus with 1/4 cu of blueberries with 1/2 cup of 1% milk is my meal of choice on Monday and Wednesday... before I head to the gym and volleyball court - I eat carb (usually english muffin or toast), potasium (banana), protein (peanut butter) -- not heavy at all before a workout...

    hasn't affected me a bit