Pet Peeves!



  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    This is the best answer I have seen. I am a cyclist, and I have wondered at times if some drivers consider the fact that they might kill someone! I have had things thrown at me, been run off the road, etc., one guy even followed me once! I am only obeying the law, and I just have to be on my guard, because I enjoy riding so much, I am not ready to give it up. There are lots of people that may annoy me for one reason or another, but I don't want to hurt them!

    I cannot even begin to understand why my life has less value because I choose to engage in an activity that I love, that is good for me and is good for the environment. I'm appalled by the things people do to cyclists and the statements that I've read and heard where people say we deserve to be injured or killed. A woman cyclist here was hit by a garbage truck and the idiotic comments made online following the article were horrifying. And for those reasons, I ride my bike with a .38 handgun clearly visible.
  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    I ride my bike with a .38 handgun clearly visible.

    I hate to say it, but is your handgun going to be of any use if you're hit by a car? I mean, are you planning to shoot drivers if they come near you? That seems unreasonable.

    That being said though, I as a driver AND a biker hate people who bike in the street. I know it's illegal in some places (like where I live) but I still bike on the sidewalk anyways. I get away with it by not wearing a helmet. Cops drive by me all the time and one even stopped and told me I was safer on the sidewalk than on the street. Simply put, it's just not safe to bike in the street and I don't understand why biking on the sidewalk is illegal in a lot of places. I mean, it's not like there are more people on the sidewalk than there are cars in the street, amirite?
  • puskarichs
    oh I so totally agree!!!
  • discodaddy61
    discodaddy61 Posts: 161 Member
    cyclist do pay the same road tax as you!!!! if i have to get off your road then get out of my bike lane.!!!!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Bad spelling, bad grammar, and misplaced apostrophes. Can't help it, I was an English
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 538 Member
    People who think that I am lazy because I am fat. No, I just love food darn it. :(

    AMEN SISTA! lol
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    LIARS!! especially those that lie so they can make themselves seem like the perfect person

    and stupid drivers, of course

    edit: let me also add-- people who can't do simple arithmetic and people whose pet peeve is other people with "bad grammar, bad spelling, etc."
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    This list could be very long but here are a few
    The use of the word y'all
    People who don't use their signal light
    Pee on the toilet seat
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    - Smokers
    - People who are pushy with a trend or fad
    - People who don't watch over their own children and use those around them as babysitter. (Like going somewhere and just assuming the other person who went with them is going to keep an eye on their kids)
  • emczech5
    emczech5 Posts: 224 Member
    As a cyclist, the fact that many "drivers" think that they own the road. Cyclists are bound to the same laws as motor vehicles. Riding on the sidewalk is illegal in most places.
    Stupid, in all of it's many shapes and forms.
    Matt Lauer; smarmy *kitten*.
    The word "peeve"

    Even if riding on the sidewalk was legal, the area I live in doesn't have a lot of sidewalks and sometimes there isn't even a shoulder. Cyclists have to ride on the road. People then scream out of their cars windows telling me to get off the road. Trust me I'd rather be off the road than share it with a motorist that doesn't know how to share the road. In most places the lane is plenty wide for a car and bike, so it makes me laugh when cars swerve all the way into the next lane to pass up a cyclist, not that I don't appreciate people not wanting to hit me on my bike but some people go a little overboard.

    -People who leave shopping carts in the middle of a parking spot is a big one.
    -Pedestrians who start crossing after the hand starts flashing and then take their sweet time crossing the street so everyone has to wait for them to finish slowly cross the street after the light changed.
    - Most spelling/grammar mistakes don't bother me but, I can't stand it when people use to instead of too and especially can't stand it when people who use to instead of two.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    cyclist do pay the same road tax as you!!!! if i have to get off your road then get out of my bike lane.!!!!
    The problem is here, in outer London, a lot of the roads aren't wide enough for a bike and a car, as there aren't many bike lanes. Passing typically has to be done halfway into the oncoming lane. Also, unless cyclists drive a motorised vehicle as well, they don't pay road tax. The situation is probably a bit better state side.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Drivers who don't indicate
    Pedestrians who don't look before crossing roads
    Parents who push buggies into the road before traffic has stopped
    Dog owners who don't pick up their animals' poo - I have three and manage to pick up every single scrap!
    Jason Bieber's hair and all the little wannabees who really need to get a short back and sides
    Badly applied and/or excessive fake tan
    False eyelashes worn during the day
    Loud conversations on public transport
    The ridiculously high calorie content of dry roasted peanuts

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • cbrewer904
    People that come to visit you and can't put the mobile phone down! If you come to see me, leave your shoes, blues and phones at the door!
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    i like this thread! i'm feeling vent-y, so i'll give it try.

    (as a preface, i live in china, and a lot of my pet peeves are directly related)

    - spitting EVERYWHERE in public. i hate it. if you spit anywhere near me, i will throw stuff at you (so far, water bottles and wadded-up receipts).
    - give a pedestrian the right of way, for the love of god! i'll be tromping across the street in the middle of a crowd of incredibly frail old women and the taxis still want to play 10-pin-human-bowling.
    - holding your baby in the front seat of your car turns him/her into a 10lb projectile if you get into an accident.
    - don't talk about me when i am standing right beside you. my mandarin chinese is as good as yours or better, and i'm not afraid to tell you off.
    - hooker heels everywhere. girl, you are grocery shopping! at least wear something comfy.
    - personal space. if you touch me deliberately to test if my hair is real or grab my bum while brushing up against me on the bus or look down my shirt, things are gonna get nasty real quick.

    ahhhh, much better now :D
  • pinktulip76
    *****es ..... girls who are just plain nasty (for no reason)
    One sided friendships
    sales people who crack the sads when you ask them for a good deal (when that is their sales pitch)
    People who dont say thankyou
    when you work hard to get ahead and people treat you like s#$% cause they are jealous