anybody else scared of the big boys?



  • keesh1123
    keesh1123 Posts: 229 Member
    I just don't like going to the gym, period. I always feel self conscious. The last time I was at one (circa 310 pounds) someone walked by me and made a comment about "not being sure the elliptical was going to make it" through my workout. Awesome. Needless to say, I never went back.

    I really hate that this happened to you. :( Some ppl can be so insensitive and immature. I would be back at that gym riding the mess out of that elliptical.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I just don't like going to the gym, period. I always feel self conscious. The last time I was at one (circa 310 pounds) someone walked by me and made a comment about "not being sure the elliptical was going to make it" through my workout. Awesome. Needless to say, I never went back.

    I've had similar experiences at the gym. You can say that the buff guys are focused on their workouts and don't notice the big girls working out, but they notice and sometimes get a good laugh out of it. It won't keep me out of the gym when I'm ready to go, but it would definitely keep me out at this weight.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Most of the "big boys" that are in shape arnt there to hang out. As long as you're not interrupting their workout, they'll probably be nice and helpful to you..

    The *kitten* tend to be easy to spot as well. Its just like any other group... however in the gym, they tend to be the middle guys or scrawny guys.. not so much the in shape ones.

    as for the elliptical comment.. you just have to grow a thicker skin. you're 300lbs. that sucks. you have a long road ahead, that sucks.. but you're not going to win it by quitting just because someone made a rude comment about it. suck it up and walk back in there.
  • Udail51
    Udail51 Posts: 35 Member
    As one of the"big boys" I am compelled to respond. One year ago I was the fattest (heaviest) person in the gym. Now I am generally the heaviest in the gym. Usually I am also the one moving the most iron.

    There are always going to be rude people, however big people generally are not the ones being rude. If they are a jacked up roid head that is different.

    I generally stay to my self, clean the bars and try to be considerate of others. I have years of lifting experience and if asked I will give my of opinion. I think I am friendly and enjoy visiting with people. I would not mind more not looking at me like I was a freak because I want to move 500 plus pounds.

    I will help anyone. The only thing that I don't like is when a person is using the only power rack for something that does not need a rack.

    Give us big boys a chance and you may just find a very kind and knowledgeable friend that is more than willing to lend a hand.
  • twoscimitars
    twoscimitars Posts: 272 Member
    Most of the "big boys" that are in shape arnt there to hang out. As long as you're not interrupting their workout, they'll probably be nice and helpful to you..

    The *kitten* tend to be easy to spot as well. Its just like any other group... however in the gym, they tend to be the middle guys or scrawny guys.. not so much the in shape ones.

    as for the elliptical comment.. you just have to grow a thicker skin. you're 300lbs. that sucks. you have a long road ahead, that sucks.. but you're not going to win it by quitting just because someone made a rude comment about it. suck it up and walk back in there.

    I never said I quit. I bought my own damn elliptical and now I workout whenever the hell I feel like it. And believe me, I have a thick skin. I just chose to remove myself from a negative situation. And I'm no longer 310 pounds. As of this morning, almost 28 of those pounds are gone. So thanks for your helpful advice.
  • nutandbutter
    Nope. I probably was at first but now the free weight area feels like my home at my gym. Everyone back there tends to look really angry but I've realized it's just because of their focus.
  • ChemHate
    YES. This is the reason I'm terrified to go to the legit free-weight room on campus - it is DOMINATED by international soccer players (and there is just no getting over that). I would LOVE to do the free weights, but IT'S TOO SCARY. If they just made a wussy women's free weight room....
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    haha, how funny. some of them are very nice, but most of the time I just think they're all steriod injecting boof heads lol which is probably not true at all, but that's how I deal with it. If they're walking around like they own the joint, then they're are a show off idiot. Haha. I feel much more comfortable going to gym with my partner, but for a long time when I went to the gym solo I would avoid those men - I felt intimidated and like they were always looking at me (they probably weren't - just pananoid!). Now I am more confident on the equipment & know some of them that it's all fine now. I still will never go alone at night though - even though there are cameras everywhere etc. FREAKY.
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Had to chuckle....

    We recently moved into a new station and the executive staff included a
    FABULOUS gym!

    I work out after my shift (I only have to work 10hrs)
    and when I go in, the PM deputies are in their working
    out before their shift. I'm old enough to be most of these
    guys Mom!! :tongue:
    At first, yes, a little indimidated....some of these guys
    have guns! (and I'm not talking about the one on their
    Sam Brown!!)
    But, I asked, and they are more than willing to help.
    Suggesting exercises for my problem areas (might as
    well be this whole body!!) Pushing me when I want to
    give up. Spotting me when I need help.
    And if I don't make a workout....they seriously
    want to know what's up.

    Don't let intimidation dissuade you from a workout!

  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    If you are anything like me, it's all in your head. It's not about them, it's but about me. I feel embarrassed about my fitness level as it's brought into sharp contrast with theirs. I got over it. Everyone has to start somewhere, and I actually admire the people who are in far worse shape than I but still get in there faithfully. I figure it's like jumping off a high dive. The first time it's really terrifying, the second and third it's still a bit scary, but by the time it's a habit, you are expected in there. Don't let your fear stand in your way. Conquer that B and do the right thing for you. :)

    Disclaimer- I'm lucky to workout at a gym with a good mix of everyone. About 35% fit to super fit, 50% Overweight, and about 10% Obese to which I belong. There is also a small group of people with serious physical and mental disabilities there EVERY DAY and I admire them the most. They work really hard to do the simplest exercises, and are such an inspiration to me. If they can do it, I can do it. And so can you!
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    they do seem intimidating being all muscular and knowledgeable, but they're totally cool and usually helpful if you're respectful to them
  • chaoticxinsane
    I'm so self conscious I can't even get myself to go INTO a gym. It has nothing to do with my weight, I just get so wrapped up in being a stupid clutz that I freeze if I have to do anything physical where anyone can see me!

    I REALLY, REALLY want to learn tribal belly dancing, but can't get myself to sign up because I'm so afraid of... well, the learning process. Why the hell can I take artistic and literary criticism so well, but start critiquing my form and posture and I freeze?
  • melrose09
    ok so I work on a military base as a civilian. One of the many perks of this job is they have a gorgeous inexpensive gym! So I use it at lunch everyday! At first I was VERY intimidated by the "big boys" at the gym (thank goodness there's fewer of them usually when I go!). It's getting easier, but sometimes I feel so self- conscious there. Tell me I'm not the only one!

    Me me! I'm venturing over there tomorrow. I go over there to use some of he dumbbells and the pull up and tricep dip stuff sometimes, but I've never actually lifted lifted, but I'm meeting up with a friend and she is going to show me the ropes!