Having Babies, for the women.

So I am 29 recently married and all I can think of is babies, we are not ready financially or emotionally but I have this constant worry that I will not be able to have kids, cause I have never been pregnant.

I have my yearly physicals and everything is fine but I am just worried, they don't always find everything in physicals. I need to stop worrying.

Does anyone else feel like this? How can I stop worrying?


  • jenni128
    jenni128 Posts: 20 Member
    I am 26 and also recently married. I have what most people call "baby fever" and I am in your boat with you. I haven't been on birth control since I was 20. And as of a year ago my boyfriend and I haven't been too careful either. I worry so much because we haven't even had a "oh no" moment. So I have an idea how you feel. My doctor says I am 100%, but I walk away always saying "what it".
    My goal is to lose the 30 lbs that have me over the healthy weight range and get my body is its best form ever, then I take it from there. I wish you the best of luck.
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    You're not alone. My periods actually stopped when I gained too much weight and they haven't come back yet.

    I will say that I have been pregnant though. I had a stroke last August and the Doctor's said it was a blood clot due to using oral contraceptives and smoking. (Stupid, I know.) But anyway, I was told to stop taking the pill, so I did. Came home from the hospital and my husband and I forgot that I had stopped it and didn't use any other form of protection that one time. A few weeks later... BAM! Pregnant (with twins). Unfortunately, I lost them at 12 weeks so now we're both getting healthy so that it will be less of a threat to carry a baby later in life.

    The only thing I can suggest to stop worrying is to try really hard to not think about it as much. Get yourself as healthy as you can and it should be a lot easier and much, much safer for you and baby.
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm 29, also recently married and it's something that worries me. I try not to let it rule my life, though. Whatever happens is fate at this point. I know I'm in for trouble because my mom had 6 miscarriages.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    This may seem dumb, but were you trying to get pregnant? I mean this in a genuine concern way, not sarcatic.

    I know as women we tend to worry about what we can't control. Is there a reason you think you might not be able to get pregnant, ie family history? Have you had unprotected sex for an extended period of time and didn't get pregnant? Have you talked to your dr at your yearly exams?

    I think you might want to talk to your husband about these concerns and see what he thinks about them. Maybe if there is some validity to these concerns, then you can start talking about options for when the time comes. There are so many options out there, that worrying about that issue may be a mute point.

    Best wishes to you
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Yes, I was worried right from the start that I would not be able to conceive. Never used any birth control, and we were not able to conceive. It has been 19 years, but it still makes me sad.
  • MrsWife2011
    MrsWife2011 Posts: 28 Member
    This may seem dumb, but were you trying to get pregnant? I mean this in a genuine concern way, not sarcatic.

    I know as women we tend to worry about what we can't control. Is there a reason you think you might not be able to get pregnant, ie family history? Have you had unprotected sex for an extended period of time and didn't get pregnant? Have you talked to your dr at your yearly exams?

    I think you might want to talk to your husband about these concerns and see what he thinks about them. Maybe if there is some validity to these concerns, then you can start talking about options for when the time comes. There are so many options out there, that worrying about that issue may be a mute point.

    Best wishes to you

    We have never tried to get pregnant. I guess the only reason I am concerned is I hear about all this woman that are having difficulty and I focus on that. My husband tells me to stop worrying and try to be positive. Guess I am just impatient.

    In the mean time my focus is to get healthy for what ever happens. I will leave it in the hands of fate, if i am meant to be a mother I will be one in whatever way God wants. Thanks everyone for sharing, it helps to hear I am not the only one.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    You know, I didn't worried at all before and when we started TTCing because I was 27, I was young. Then almost a year went by, I was worried. I went to my doctor, and got a referral to infertility specialist. I ended up getting pregnant before I made an appointment.

    Try not to worry about that now, especially since you are not even trying. Stress is never good.
  • Twyla123
    Twyla123 Posts: 47 Member
    I have had PCOS since I was 16 years old. My husband and I had tried (well didn't prevent it) for 6 years and nothing. Finally we got help and first try we now have a very active 3 year old which I wouldn't change for the world! Everything happens for a reason and if it's meant to be it's meant to be. Don't stress that is the worst thing you can do when trying to get pregnant!
  • I feel this way because I will be 26 in April and I still dont have any children and all I can say is "my clock is ticking!" All I hear is no worries it will happen so just try not to think about it as much and you will be blessed!
  • Stress is never good and your hubby is right, be positive and don't dwell on the worries. This is coming from a major worry head. If I can give you one piece of advice, without knowing your health state or anything: Do what you can now to get as healthy as you can before getting pregnant. I mean, really work hard on your body and mind now.

    I'm currently pregnant (22 weeks) and the one thing I regret is not getting in a healthy weight and a good exercise routine before pregnancy. So far there are no complications, but because I'm 40+ pounds overweight it is quite likely and, as I said, I am a worry head so I freak out sometimes day dreaming about how much bigger I'm going to get and how that terrifies me. Seriously, the only thing you can do for yourself now is eat well and exercise even if it's not intense, just get in a good routine of anything now. This will also help alleviate your worries and clear your mind. Best of luck to you!
  • cartea01
    cartea01 Posts: 156 Member
    I'm 25 years old, a doctor and I know that it takes a normal couple actively trying to get pregnant (not on contraception, having intercourse regularly around ovulation and being physically and mentally healthy) up to 12 months to fall pregnant. DESPITE this, I'm in the same boat as all of you, worried that something will be wrong with me and I won't be able to get pregnant.

    I see young women every day who've accidentally fallen pregnant and I think "Well if it happened to them, how come it hasn't happened to me in the 8 years my partner and I have been together?" My emotional brain forgets that I was methodical about my oral contraceptive pill and also used barrier methods for ~5 years.

    I know that there's nothing I can say to take the worry away (because I can't make my own doubts disappear!) but I encourage you to optimise your health, know your cycle, know when you should be having intercourse and if you like, keep a diary. I've had a patient come to me distressed that they weren't pregnant after a year but when we sat down and looked at things, her husband worked away and they would have been lucky to have been sexually active at the right time 3 out of the previous 12 months. Within 6 months they were pregnant.

    All the best.
  • I understand the feeling. I do have a son, he will be 2 in one week, but my husband and I were married for 5 years before Luke. Before we officially started trying I freaked out about the what ifs, but really I shouldn't have. There is such a short time period each month when you can actually get pregnant that it can be hard. As I understand it, there is only a 12 to 48 hour window each month in which you can become pregnant so it's not the easiest task ever. You need to just relax and let nature take its course. You still have time. You are not alone in feeling this way. I started having baby fever not long after I was married and I was only 20 when I got married. Not I'm 28 with a 2 year old. Trust me, you have time. Enjoy just being a couple for awhile.
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    I was worried for a bit and realized that what will be will be. There are only so many things that are within my control. I try to do what I can, ask for help when I need it, and DON'T BORROW TROUBLE.

    One day, when you are ready, it is a whole new world of depth and love and fear and excitement... and more worries than you could possibly imagine at this stage in your life. Everyone is different. Life is too precious to waste it worrying about something that may be a non-issue in the future.

    The best thing you can do is build a healthy lifestyle for yourself. This will be the best for you and any babies in your future.

    Congrats on your marriage and this exciting new aspect of family and all the good, bad and ugly that comes with it.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    As opposed for the men having babies?
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    So I am 29 recently married and all I can think of is babies, we are not ready financially or emotionally but I have this constant worry that I will not be able to have kids, cause I have never been pregnant.

    I have my yearly physicals and everything is fine but I am just worried, they don't always find everything in physicals. I need to stop worrying.

    Does anyone else feel like this? How can I stop worrying?

    Calm down, honey! It will happen for you when the time is right. You're newly married and it is natural to start thinking about kids. Cuddle your friends' kids, offer to babysit (your friends with kids will love that!), and focus on getting into the groove of your new life.

    If you smoke, quit, eat healthy and get into a healthy BMI range if you are not already, take your vitamins if you are into that and exercise to prepare your body for having kids when that time comes. That is all you can do!

    Congrats and good luck.
  • 1981simm
    1981simm Posts: 123 Member
    I'm 22 had my first kid at 19 I am sooo baby hungry my husband and I are financially ready bought a house potty trained my son and have been ttc for 6 months now... everyone around me is pregnant so i figure if I work on my figure a baby will soon come to wreck it... cross my fingers
  • BritFitB
    BritFitB Posts: 106 Member
    Sorry.. you're on your own with that one. I've never wanted kids, no desire to get married, and just see marriage as a business transaction. However, I hope someday you get what you need and desire :)
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    I am a natural worrier - I thought I'd never get pregnant, because I wanted to sooo bad. But I did. Then of course I panicked about making it to term/ having a healthy baby/ being able to breastfeed and so on. The list never ends. Now that she is here I have a million new worries that I have to filter through.

    I think some of us are just more prone to over-thinking things. And we hear so many horror stories (the overflow of information on the internet doesn't help) and some of us just take too much to heart.

    Just enjoy time with your S.O., enjoy the bed room activities and it will fall into place. If it's meant to happen... it will. :)
  • ruthechesney
    ruthechesney Posts: 34 Member
    I am 28 and was married when I was 21. We had our first child when we were 23 ( a surprise from God). I had lost some weight from my heaviest, but wasn't working out. I gained 30 lbs and I lost it all within 6 weeks. Well, I wanted to get done with school (my bachelors) and get a job and sustain it. Well, I decided to start on my masters, but I wanted to be done having kids by the time we are 30. So we stopped birth control in May of 2010. I seriously didn't think I was going to get pregnant. In 2009, I had lost 40 more lbs and started running. My family and I had adopted a healthier lifestyle. I was still watching my diet extremely and running like crazy, but not getting pregnant. I decided back in 2011 to gain some of my weight back because I felt I was stressing myself too much about my weight. So I let it go a bit and gained 20 lbs back. Still no pregnancy. We prayed in June to get pregnant and found out July 24 that we are going to be parents again. What a blessing. I have gained 25 more lbs...not something I am excited about due to all of the hard work, but I know I want this baby to be healthy. I haven't ran since October (boo...my bladder can't handle it, LOL), but I am still working out. Best of luck, it will happen when it is supposed to happen. I know God laughed at me when I told him my plan (this pregnancy now would be our first), but I love my first son to death and wouldn't trade him for anything. If you believe you will receive:)
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    This may seem dumb, but were you trying to get pregnant? I mean this in a genuine concern way, not sarcatic.

    I know as women we tend to worry about what we can't control. Is there a reason you think you might not be able to get pregnant, ie family history? Have you had unprotected sex for an extended period of time and didn't get pregnant? Have you talked to your dr at your yearly exams?

    I think you might want to talk to your husband about these concerns and see what he thinks about them. Maybe if there is some validity to these concerns, then you can start talking about options for when the time comes. There are so many options out there, that worrying about that issue may be a mute point.

    Best wishes to you

    We have never tried to get pregnant. I guess the only reason I am concerned is I hear about all this woman that are having difficulty and I focus on that. My husband tells me to stop worrying and try to be positive. Guess I am just impatient.

    In the mean time my focus is to get healthy for what ever happens. I will leave it in the hands of fate, if i am meant to be a mother I will be one in whatever way God wants. Thanks everyone for sharing, it helps to hear I am not the only one.

    You're not alone. I'm 30 and it crosses my mind as well even though we are not quite ready yet and it was on my mind probably since about 28. We've decided to give it a couple more years then to start trying because I do want to try before 35.