About to give up.

Ok, so I am going to sound like a total whiner, but I need some help here before I give up completely. I started this whole journey recently I guess... January 4th 2012. I joined this site I think on the 9th and have been entering my meal plans and exercise religiously since then. I went from terrible eating habits and having multiple glasses of wine every night to eating healthy, working out every day and no wine during the week. According to this site I should be consuming 1200 calories a day. I do some sort of cardio class 5 days a week, burning between 420-550 calories each workout. I drink roughly 9 glasses of water per day and am always always under my allotted caloric intake per day. According to my scale I have GAINED 2 pounds since the 4th of January!?!? How is it humanly possible to go from eating probably 2500 calories a day, drinking NO water and never working out ... to eating 1100-1600 ( per this site I should eat more the days I work out ) drinking 9 glasses of water a day and working out and burning minimum 450 calories each day??? I keep hearing about how I may not be eating enough calories, but I am following what is laid out on this site?? I am getting so frustrated, and feel like a total failure. I've done WW before and was succesful, losing 1-2 lbs a week and that was with NO working out?!? Oh... I am 5' 9" and started at 209. My home scale said I weighed 211 this morning!! The scale at work says I am down about 5 pounds. What am I doing wrong? I seem to be over my protein alotment for the day and am always WAY under my carb alotment for the day, could that have anything to do with it? I still drink wine on the weekends, but I always make sure it falls within my total allowed calories for the day. Sorry this is rambling, I am just so discouraged, I have to be doing something wrong...


  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    Ok, so I am going to sound like a total whiner, but I need some help here before I give up completely. I started this whole journey recently I guess... January 4th 2012. I joined this site I think on the 9th and have been entering my meal plans and exercise religiously since then. I went from terrible eating habits and having multiple glasses of wine every night to eating healthy, working out every day and no wine during the week. According to this site I should be consuming 1200 calories a day. I do some sort of cardio class 5 days a week, burning between 420-550 calories each workout. I drink roughly 9 glasses of water per day and am always always under my allotted caloric intake per day. According to my scale I have GAINED 2 pounds since the 4th of January!?!? How is it humanly possible to go from eating probably 2500 calories a day, drinking NO water and never working out ... to eating 1100-1600 ( per this site I should eat more the days I work out ) drinking 9 glasses of water a day and working out and burning minimum 450 calories each day??? I keep hearing about how I may not be eating enough calories, but I am following what is laid out on this site?? I am getting so frustrated, and feel like a total failure. I've done WW before and was succesful, losing 1-2 lbs a week and that was with NO working out?!? Oh... I am 5' 9" and started at 209. My home scale said I weighed 211 this morning!! The scale at work says I am down about 5 pounds. What am I doing wrong? I seem to be over my protein alotment for the day and am always WAY under my carb alotment for the day, could that have anything to do with it? I still drink wine on the weekends, but I always make sure it falls within my total allowed calories for the day. Sorry this is rambling, I am just so discouraged, I have to be doing something wrong...

    First, use the same scale every time, weigh yourself at same time of day and with same amount of clothing on. Pair of shoes can add 2 pounds. Or a damp bath towel can add a couple as well. Scale should be on hard surface, not carpet or rug. And cheap scales like the $10 ones from Walmart are not consistent. One scale says you're down 5 pounds. That's a good amount if you've only been at this for 6 weeks. A pound a week is very reasonable for a male and more than average for females.

    Alcohol is calories with little nutrition value. No big deal if you're under your calorie count but you how much wine are you drinking? 5 ounces gives you about 150 calories. And its easy to drink 8 ounces and think it's only 4 or 5.

    PS- change your privacy settings to let others see your diary and you'll get more and better feedback.
  • phia23
    I feel the exact same way. I gained back the 5 pounds I lost, according to my scale. I eat 1000 to 1200 a day and work out at least 3 times a week. This is my third week and no improvement. HELPPP:embarassed:
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    I feel the exact same way. I gained back the 5 pounds I lost, according to my scale. I eat 1000 to 1200 a day and work out at least 3 times a week. This is my third week and no improvement. HELPPP:embarassed:

    Same for you- open your diary so people can see what you're eating to better advise you. 3 weeks is not a long time. What exercise or activites are you doing? Healthy weight loss isn't just about reducing calories. Doing 45 minutes on a treadmill at a steady pace isn't really helping you much. There are ways to exercise that enhance weight loss and there are ways to exercise and just waste time.
  • westcoastredhead
    Thanks... I do weigh myself the same time , every day, same spot, same clothes ( underwear lol ) I think I need to just step away from the scale to be honest. As for the wine... well I love my wine, and honestly have no problem drinking a bottle on a Friday night... I think thats about 550 calories, but I also burn close to 600 calories on Friday's cardio class... I have a heat rate monitor so I can track my calories burned more precisely.
    Phia... I know how you feel, it is brutally discouraging.
  • Kath444
    Kath444 Posts: 77 Member
    No you don't sound like a total whiner, We have all been there when weight loss is stalled.
    Just remember by eating right and exercising you are getting healthier everyday.
    Sometimes we need to stop focusing so much on the scale but that we are feeling better and I am sure looking better.
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    Drinking a lot of alchohol causes me to retain fluid like crazy. Cut back on the wine if you can.

    Don't give up. If I can do this, anyone can.
  • westcoastredhead
    Thanks Kath... I 'think' my clothes are fitting better? I just feel like a crazy person!? It is inconceivable to me that I have not lost any weight?? I know I should look at it as a new way of life, but a little bit of movement on that scale would go a LONG way to keeping me motivated. I have never been so gung ho about working out, I can't miss a day, I love how it makes me feel afterwards, but I also want to see that it is working at the same time.

    I am a little nervous to open my food diaries to the world to see... almost feels like someone seeing me naked! LOL
  • cneboy
    I was in the same boat for years, eating good and lots of cardio, and always gaining weight. What helped me turn the corner and start dropping weight was incorporating strength training, and reducing my cardio. More of a mental change than anything. The pounds started falling off, with actually less time spent working out. About 50% cardio and 50% strength training worked good for me. Don't lose hope!!!
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    Thanks... I do weigh myself the same time , every day, same spot, same clothes ( underwear lol ) I think I need to just step away from the scale to be honest. As for the wine... well I love my wine, and honestly have no problem drinking a bottle on a Friday night... I think thats about 550 calories, but I also burn close to 600 calories on Friday's cardio class... I have a heat rate monitor so I can track my calories burned more precisely.
    Phia... I know how you feel, it is brutally discouraging.

    skip that bottle of wine each week and lose an extra 2 to 3 pounds a month......
  • westcoastredhead
    thanks misscristie. 102 pounds, thats amazing.... I already HAVE cut back on the wine!! god .. that makes me sound like an alocoholic!! I'm not really! I swear! ha!
  • westcoastredhead
    I was in the same boat for years, eating good and lots of cardio, and always gaining weight. What helped me turn the corner and start dropping weight was incorporating strength training, and reducing my cardio. More of a mental change than anything. The pounds started falling off, with actually less time spent working out. About 50% cardio and 50% strength training worked good for me. Don't lose hope!!!

    I have heard that recently... I think I am going to try to switch it up next week and go for 3 cardio classes instead of 5 and incorporate 2 strength training classes and see where that takes me ... thanks
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    I was in the same boat for years, eating good and lots of cardio, and always gaining weight. What helped me turn the corner and start dropping weight was incorporating strength training, and reducing my cardio. More of a mental change than anything. The pounds started falling off, with actually less time spent working out. About 50% cardio and 50% strength training worked good for me. Don't lose hope!!!

    I have heard that recently... I think I am going to try to switch it up next week and go for 3 cardio classes instead of 5 and incorporate 2 strength training classes and see where that takes me ... thanks

    I also helps to add some weights with your cardio. Even just adding movement of other parts of your body. If you're on a treadmill, pumping your arms as you walk. Use small (3-5pound) weights and do curls as you walk. The more muscles you're moving, the better the cardio workout.
  • westcoastredhead
    I was in the same boat for years, eating good and lots of cardio, and always gaining weight. What helped me turn the corner and start dropping weight was incorporating strength training, and reducing my cardio. More of a mental change than anything. The pounds started falling off, with actually less time spent working out. About 50% cardio and 50% strength training worked good for me. Don't lose hope!!!

    I have heard that recently... I think I am going to try to switch it up next week and go for 3 cardio classes instead of 5 and incorporate 2 strength training classes and see where that takes me ... thanks

    I also helps to add some weights with your cardio. Even just adding movement of other parts of your body. If you're on a treadmill, pumping your arms as you walk. Use small (3-5pound) weights and do curls as you walk. The more muscles you're moving, the better the cardio workout.

    I guess I should clarify , my cardio classes also incorporate some weights as well, monday is step, tues is tabata ( which includes, weights, resistance bands and bosu ball ) wed is a step / sculpt class, thur is HIIT ( high intenisty interval training ) with weights and friday is mostly cardio. I try and run the 2 days of the weekend ( my gym is at work ) . Does that sound like I am mixing it up enough?
  • jennkess
    If you are working out your body weight is shifting. if you are exercising and only consuming 1200 calories than you body is going to hold everything you eat in order to feed the new muscles you are trying to build.

    if your clothes are starting to fit better than you are losing, just not weight you are losing FAT.

    it may help you to schedule a body fat test at your local gym. most Gyms the cost is around $20.00

    2 years ago my friend and I did a "body fat loss contest" in 3 months I lost 16.4% of my body fat. lost tons of inches went from a very tight size 12 to a loose size 10. do you know how much the scale moved? 2.6 lbs!!! just over 2 lbs is all the weight I lost, yet I was FIT. and I felt great. I felt invincible I loved how my shoulders looked in tank tops. I didn't have a huge muffin top. I even rocked a Bikini that summer though the scale read 163.

    my point is, don't give up yet. just because the scale isn't showing you any pounds your body is adjusting and you will start to see the difference, and don't give up the wine- everyone needs an indulgence otherwise you will not keep up this life change.

    add me as a friend if you''d like, I stopped going to the gym and eat whatever- now I have to get myself back in the groove again.
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    It's not just a calories in - calories out equation. Especially for women, there can be a lot of other factors. Did you take measurements? How are your clothes fitting? How do you feel energy wise? Can you do more exercises more easily? Those are better indicators than pounds on a scale.
    It is possible that you are putting your metabolism into a "starvation mode". Too few calories can really mess with you and make things miserable. I'm betting with your exercise, you are not eating enough. What is your average net calories for the week in the reports? If you are netting below 800, you can bet that is what is making it so hard and frustrating.

    P.S. I'll have 1-2 glasses of wine in a week, but I work it into my calories to stay on track. My theory is live like the healthy person you want to be. Moderation and balance are key!
  • westcoastredhead
    thanks jenkess... I agree about the wine, I have done a 180 I think if I gave up wine I would just be setting myself up to fail. And I make sure to try and burn enought calories to cover any wine I might have. I know they are empty calories, that is just how I like to unwind after a long week of work and chasing after a 4 yr old and 20 month old! I know I my clothes are looser, I bought a shirt at Christmas that was so tight the buttons were bulging now there is no tension at all where the buttons are, so I know 'something' is happening, I just know that in the past the first 10 pounds was always the easiest to lose, not this time apparently.
  • AshleighIsABear
    I'm in the same boat and need help too! I'm under my calorie count every single day, usually only eating about 1200 calories a day and do light cardio, and burn about 200 calories working out. I drink plenty of water, too. I just can't seem to drop anymore weight. :ohwell:
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    The only advice I can give is... MEASUREMENTS, MEASUREMENTS MEASUREMENTS.
    They will NEVER lie. I personally never had a scale, and bought one last December. I'm not sure it was a good idea. :noway: Measurements will tell you exactly what's going on, and where. When the scale doesn't go down, take your measurements. I bet you lost a few inches already, reason why your pants fit better.

    Don't give up! It's a lifestyle that you are doing, nobody said it was gonna be easy.
    But you can do this. You are on the right track! Hang in there! :flowerforyou:

    And remember... measurements.
  • westcoastredhead
    It's not just a calories in - calories out equation. Especially for women, there can be a lot of other factors. Did you take measurements? How are your clothes fitting? How do you feel energy wise? Can you do more exercises more easily? Those are better indicators than pounds on a scale.
    It is possible that you are putting your metabolism into a "starvation mode". Too few calories can really mess with you and make things miserable. I'm betting with your exercise, you are not eating enough. What is your average net calories for the week in the reports? If you are netting below 800, you can bet that is what is making it so hard and frustrating.

    P.S. I'll have 1-2 glasses of wine in a week, but I work it into my calories to stay on track. My theory is live like the healthy person you want to be. Moderation and balance are key!

    How do I figure out the net calories? I went to the report, but how do I figure out my average net? Sorry if that is a stupid question!

    I am definitely feeling like my clothes are looser... and I feel like my fitness level is WAY higher than when I started, I could barely walk the first week I was doing the classes, now I a little sore but nothing like I was the first week... The trainer at my gym thinks I am not eating enough, it's just hard to go your whole life being taught the less you eat the thinner you will be , to you need to eat MORE... KWIM?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Are your muscles sore? If so you may be retaining water to repair them. I track sodium because water retention is a huge issue for me-- I can swing 5-7 lbs just from that. Are you eating back your exercise calories? Are you measuring/weighing your food? Do not estimate! And most importantly-- how are you feeling? If you're feeling energetic, healthier, and better overall then you just need to give the weight aspect time. If you're feeling fatigued, low-energy, or hungry then you may want to increase your calories. 1200 is the absolute low end that MFP will give you. Remember it's just a math problem-- it doesn't always know the best calorie recommendation for you individually. If something isn't working for you then you need to tweak it, but make sure it's really not working first. I think a lot of times people get impatient and change their habits too quickly. Give it a chance to work before you change it up.