About to give up.



  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    Are you looking any better? The scale won't change if you are replacing lost fat with muscle, but you will look different. If you aren't building any new muscle and not losing fat, then something is wrong with your calories in/out. You might be overestimating the calories you burn with exercise or underestimating how much you're consuming. But it boils down to thermodynamics.
  • catic
    catic Posts: 156
    Up your calories, check out this site:

  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    It could be that you were dehydrated before. 9 glasses of water is a lot, I bet any weight gained is water. Keep at it, you will start seeing a drop eventually.
  • westcoastredhead
    The only advice I can give is... MEASUREMENTS, MEASUREMENTS MEASUREMENTS.
    They will NEVER lie. I personally never had a scale, and bought one last December. I'm not sure it was a good idea. :noway: Measurements will tell you exactly what's going on, and where. When the scale doesn't go down, take your measurements. I bet you lost a few inches already, reason why your pants fit better.

    Don't give up! It's a lifestyle that you are doing, nobody said it was gonna be easy.
    But you can do this. You are on the right track! Hang in there! :flowerforyou:

    And remember... measurements.


    Unfortunately I did not do my measurements when I started, but I have since had my measurements done (last week ) and had the trainer at my gym weigh me on some scale that calculates, lean muscle weight, water weight, BMI etc... but he says not to do that again for 3 MONTHS! I hate the scale, I think I am going to smash it into a million pieces!
  • regions02
    regions02 Posts: 154 Member
    If you're 5' 9" and 209 and only eating 1200 calories - in my opinion, you are NOT eating enough. I'm 5' 4" and started at 160 and eat 1300 calories a day. I have lost 16 pounds. I walk about 40 - 45 minutes 5 out of 7 days. I would try to eat between 1400-1500 and see what happens. Good luck - DON'T GIVE UP!
  • DanaDeveraux
    Muscle weighs more than fat. Do you clothes feel bigger? I take fiber caplets everyday to help move it on through.
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    Giving up will get you no where. So you shouldn't. I'd say up your calories! 1200 cals is way to low in my opinion and very few ppl can pull that amount cals off. I sure know I couldn't. Maybe 1lb -1/2 lb a week loss
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    EAT YOUR CALORIES!!!! - you might not be eating enough - dont worry about protein intake -
    dont give up everything - if you like to have a glass of wine here and there - have one - just count it. If you just change everything all at once you'll feel deprived!

    you're doing wonderfully - keep up the good work. YOu have to remember that muscle is heavier than fat - and it's only been a month. You'll start to see the pounds drop - did you measure yourself before>??? have you lost inches intstead?

    You can do this. dont give up!!! - feel free to add me if you like - it's great motivation to have friends - look at alot of diaries and see what others are eating - change things up so you dont get bored.

    all the best - stay strong and healthy!
  • donitaj01
    Hey don't give in you probable aready know the answers you seek from inside yourself. You sound very well put together. The only other constructive thing I might add if someone hasn't already is lean (muscle)tissue weights more than fat but is smaller and smoother. Fooey on the scale was does your body and your clothes say. That's what counts.:wink:
  • westcoastredhead
    Like I said I feel like I look better, my waist, back fat LOL, seem smaller and my arms tighter... I am definitely sore after workouts and just read recently about the body retaining water to repair muscles so I wonder if that is some of it. I think I look different, but the scale tricks my mind into thinking I am imagining it!!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You started working out, so you are likely retaining water.
    You are undereating so your body is reluctant to shed fat.
    Eat up.

    Also, open up your diary. You will get better feedback that way.
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    The only advice I can give is... MEASUREMENTS, MEASUREMENTS MEASUREMENTS.

    THIS, definitely this.

    My profile 'status' today is - "Measure people! - My weight has gone up :-( (boo!) but I'm further down in cm on waist & hips this week (lost 9cm in total off my hips and 5cm off my waist in the past 30 days) Certainly helps keep me focused when I could otherwise wonder why I'm bothering..."

    You can do it :happy:
  • BlaireV
    BlaireV Posts: 137
    As someone already suggested, you should use the same scale to weigh every time. You should also weigh in the morning on the same day. Weight fluctuates many times throughout the day so it's not really an accurate measure. If your clothes are fitting better, that means success! Take waist/hip/thigh measurements to track your progress. Keep going, you can do this :smile:
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    You started working out, so you are likely retaining water.
    You are undereating so your body is reluctant to shed fat.
    Eat up.

    I think too that maybe you are exercising a bit too much, even. If you're doing very intense cardio, you should try switching to doing that every other day, giving your body time to heal properly. You could always do strength training on the off days or simply walking. :)
  • Healthy1Gregg
    I think cutting out the wine would help. but for sure do the strength training. Circuit training or intervals are a great way to get defined and lose the weight. The plus with the strength training is the after burn lasts for almost 24 hours. Cardio does not offer that. Good luck on your journey and do not give up.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    This is so very typical of New Year irresolutioners.
    Give up?
    The fight has just begun. Sometimes it takes weeks to find your zone.
    Just keep punching and make sure you are using MFP right.
    Getting healthy and fit is actually very simple but it's just hard work.
    This is how MFP works

    Just get started by going into settings to Update diet/fitness profile.
    Set your goals for 1 lb weight loss per week.
    NO MORE!
    And eat lean meats, low fat dairy, nuts, whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies.
    Do both cardio and resistance exercise.
    Log in those exercises to your MFP exercise diary.
    Remember, this is not a race, and you can reach your goals if you stick to a good plan as recommended on this site.

    You have many people here ready to lend support, answer qustions and discuss any challenges.
    You can do this.

    All Is Possible!
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I love this type of thread. I've been dealing with much the same for a long time, BUT I'm ok with it because i'm losing inches like crazy. You have to understand that your body is reshaping. Feed those muscles, and your muscles will help work off the fat.

    Be patient, don't quit. This is not a job for weak people. It's about strength. I'm skinnier today than I have been in 6 years. I wear clothes that wouldn't have fit me for another 20lb loss if I hadn't done strength training. I've lost more inches than pounds. I started this in August and am down 38lbs and well over 40 inches.

    Don't measure by scale, measure with a tape.
  • nitaperk
    I feel you, but have you took your measurements. Maybe you lost inches. You also could have gained muscle which might make you weigh more. Are your clothes fitting somewhat better. Check all of that.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    It's just harder for some people than it is others, but it's a lifestyle change so keep with it.

    I find it hard myself, I stick to around 1200 calories, exercise as much as I can it doesn't budge that much but I'll keep at it as it's a permanent change.

    There are many reasons why you could have gained weight, it will most likely go away, I always weigh more when I work out.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I love this type of thread. I've been dealing with much the same for a long time, BUT I'm ok with it because i'm losing inches like crazy. You have to understand that your body is reshaping. Feed those muscles, and your muscles will help work off the fat.

    Be patient, don't quit. This is not a job for weak people. It's about strength. I'm skinnier today than I have been in 6 years. I wear clothes that wouldn't have fit me for another 20lb loss if I hadn't done strength training. I've lost more inches than pounds. I started this in August and am down 38lbs and well over 40 inches.

    Don't measure by scale, measure with a tape.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: