Are my 3lb dumbbells useless?



  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    3lbs is useless, weigh your purse its at least 5 pounds. Start lifting heavy!

    But does a woman hold their purse at arms length and do lateral raises with them?

    I would wager there are plenty of women who can start SOME lifts with less than 5lbs
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    They are very useful...door stops, paper weights and dust collectors. Lift heavy! If you don't really feel it on your 10th rep it's probably too light.

    ^^^^^^^^^ This.
  • melrose09
    Yep...If you can do more than 12 reps with good for, you need to move up in weight.

    ^^ this is the rule I follow too :)

    Some say 15...But I get bored after 12 anyway :-P
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    3lbs is useless, weigh your purse its at least 5 pounds. Start lifting heavy!

    100% agree

    I don't know how your wife manages to keep it at 5lbs...mine is at least 15!! Then there is the laptop, the suitcase, etc. I probably pack around 45-50 lbs!!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    3lbs is useless, weigh your purse its at least 5 pounds. Start lifting heavy!

    But does a woman hold their purse at arms length and do lateral raises with them?

    I would wager there are plenty of women who can start SOME lifts with less than 5lbs

    Um......would you hit me if I told you I do lateral raises with mine? Cause I do :happy:
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I'm almost embarrassed to ask this, but if I use my 3lb dumbbells and high reps to work my upper body, am I accomplishing anything at all?

    Hey sweetie...the 3lb weights are great for using during walking (as we girls love to swing our arms and it keeps your arm swingin' in check and useful). For upper body shoot for 5-10 or more
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Check out this video (second half) They're using light weights, and it's super effective.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    we use them in class for punching..can u do some punching?
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Shocking confession: I still use light dumbells! GASP...

    Not really for resistance training though, but to add an edge to some of the cardio work. I use 8-10lb dumbells for shadow boxing or hold them up to add resistance to ab crunches. They might even get a look in at the end of a particularly gruelling drop-set... depending on how sadistic my trainer feels on any given day :P

    So there may still be a place for these little 'girly' weights in your routine, but they are guaranteed not to increase your strength in any significant way. I agree with the other posters who have said find a weight you struggle to complete 8-12 reps with, and use those. Remember that this is supposed to feel hard!! :bigsmile:
  • tataliciousd89
    Alright so if you are using a video to workout to and using weights the whole time i guess i could understand 3lbs, but as far as straight lifting goes... I dont use anything lighter than 10lbs and thats for my triceps because I'm super weak back there. I'm not in great shape. Not by a long shot, but I have no problems using 15's and 20's and thats just to start out with.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I don't think they are useless per se, but I bet you are underestimating how strong you really are. Think about what you do in a typical day...lift groceries, lift kids, lift boxes, lift the laundry basket, lift the laundry detergent, etc. I would try a heavier weight. However, if that truly is the heaviest you can lift, then no, not useless at all.