Pooping - this is a serious question...



  • raindropwishes
    Are you eating anti-matter?
  • Gioooo
    Gioooo Posts: 301 Member
    Just wondering why this even matters?
  • eileencorry
    Happens to me all the time...
  • michele_lynn
    michele_lynn Posts: 66 Member
    Happens to me!! Not all the time, but sometimes I'd go and be all excited to "check the number" and then wonder HOW that's possible!? Glad I'm not alone!
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Seriously - a second weigh in just for kicks??

    That would drive me insane. Weighing in once a day is one thing, more than once a day is a bit crazy- IMO. No offence!

    You misspelled "offense"
  • tracyvrmt
    tracyvrmt Posts: 1 Member
    It maybe your workout causing the grief. You shouldn't weigh yourself post workout as it is normally higher than preworkout weight. Try weighing yourself before you workout for a more accurate weight.
  • SKOrnelas
    I would say its the scale. But I have to say I have never had this problem. I am in the other direction and have to keep taking my "cough Syryp" just to stay healthy once a week.
  • ElectricMayhem
    ElectricMayhem Posts: 214 Member
    Same scale? Zeroed both times before weigh in?

    Yep - and yep!

    Maybe it needs new batteries.

    And there's really not a whole lot going on in between. No eating or drinking - there'd be no mystery if that was the case. It's become a minor obsession now, I'm trying to keep the variables as controlled as I can.

    No different clothes. Not holding the cat. It's weird. It's sometimes been only a half pound (which is the lowest increment the scale goes to) but this morning it was two.

    Not holding the cat?! This totally cracked me up...thanks for that ;-D

    PS you are not alone in this "obsession" , i weigh myself, have my bm, weigh again, take my bath/shower, weigh again! I usually see a 1-3 pound loss from the first weigh in to the last!
  • kayleen_longworth
    kayleen_longworth Posts: 147 Member
    I haven't dealt with your exact situation. I don't have a scale at home so I use the one at work. I usually eat breakfast and start my water intake and go about my morning. I find that my low point for weighing is about 10:30-11:30 in the morning. All the while I have had breakfast and at least three glasses of water. I may or may not use the bathroom prior (I try to before I weigh - Every ounce lost helps!). I have wieghed before right when I got to work (after eating) and again just before eating lunch and it's a 1.5# difference. I think once you get started and start tracking your weight flucuations throughout the day you will find when your low point it and then weigh consistantly at that time.
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    I would say it is because of your workout. Depending on what you do for a workout, it could be that you muscles hold onto water. I think if you did your 1st weigh in, no workout, released, then weighed it may show different results.
  • kmanwant2
    kmanwant2 Posts: 5 Member
    As one person stated in the post as you are up and around your body starts to retain water and recover again. This is very typical and not to be alarmed. The best way to truly measure your weight loss is not the scale but a good tape measure. It is so dependant on so many things, how much SODIUM you had the night before can and will retain water for over 36 hours if your body needs the water for recovery. That is why it is very important to drink you 8 glasses of water a day and then some. This will help your body rid itself of toxins.
    I was the same way and felt the same until i went to a nutritionist and explained she explained everything to me. I was amazed that my weight loss hovered .6 to .8 for several weeks and then all the sudden i had a 4 lbs weight loss. The body is an amazing tool and is so much greater than we know.
    Try to have someone you love and trust measure you and see the diffrences you are making working out and you will be truly satisfied. God Bless and good luck on your goal, you will do it.
  • CreepyOne
    CreepyOne Posts: 221 Member
  • Emily_Katherine
    The real question is do you normally have floaters or sinkers. If floaters maybe you will weigh more. But if sinkers.... You will enjoy the scale afterward like myself!

    Oh I hadn't thought about this. Maybe I produce hydrogen instead of methane.
    1. Workout
    2. Weigh in
    3. *cough*Daily Constitutional*cough*
    4. Wait 10 minutes - don't eat, drink, or let anything touch the scale
    5. Weigh again just for kicks

    I will try this, next time the occasion presents itself. Would taking a shower count against me? Morning time is generally pretty packed.

    My gut says yes; however, since we are people on the internet talking about poo and not serious scientists, it's probably fine as long as you're totally dry before you weigh yourself again.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    poop on the scale, and subtract from your 1st weigh in..............
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    poop on the scale, and subtract from your 1st weigh in..............

    It's the only scientific way/weigh ^^^^
  • peacemongernc
    peacemongernc Posts: 253 Member
    I wish I had an answer, but I just wanted to say that this sounds exactly like something that would happen to me. And yes, if I had a scale at home, I would totally be doing a before and after just to see what happens. :)

    I like bigbearw's answer. "Poop on the scale and subtract it from your 1st weight." Hee hee!

    I used to have an eating disorder and used to weight numerous times a day (like 20 or something), and I almost always weighed before and after I peed or pooped. I remember it always went down when I peed, but with poop it would sometimes go up and sometimes down. I never figured it out and was never even close to brave enough to ask or investigate. But I know it can happen.

  • DaltonsMom910
    I literally just LOL'd!! Hahahha! (about a girl's post about 'taking out the garbage should make the trashcan weigh less! lol)

    but in all seriousness.. since I have been dieting and exercising.. I have gotten into a routine of peeing when I first wake up.. then weighing.. then I drink an 8 oz. energy drink and take a diet suppliment.. and within 30 minutes, I will have to go back to the bathroom to do #2.. and I yes, I will weigh myself again too.. and I usually don't lose anymore weight.. it will still be the same unfortunately.. I dont understand either.. it's just one of those weird things in life! lol
  • luvgreen25

    That is too funny! Love it!
  • DaltonsMom910

    That is too funny! Love it!

    OMGosh!! This just made my day!!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Wow. Nope, I've experienced the opposite. I totally weigh before and after, but it pretty much always goes down quite a bit (I eat a LOT of fiber).