Creepy guys at the gym



  • rocketmouse
    rocketmouse Posts: 143 Member
    ^ how did guys cross the line?

    and its soooooooo true that if it was a hot guy, girls would be flattered.... if it was an ugly guy, you would treat him as if he were a Dateline episode!

    I have to agree with you on this because I was thinking the same thing. I'm sure if it was some hot guy it would feel differently.

    It would not. Staring at my *kitten* while I'm working out is creepy regardless of how hot that person may be.

    I disagree. If some smokin hot guy is checking you out, and it bothers you, it ain't because your creeped out, it's because you have image issues and it makes you uncomfortable. Sorry. I've had the feeling.
    I know it's the gym and it's not exactly the time and place for it, buts it still always secretly flattering.

    Would you rather no guys check you out? Cause I know a couple of women who don't get checked out and they notice. I wouldn't want to feel like them.

    This whole mindset bothers me to no end. Why is it so wrong to be creeped out by UNSOLICITED attention? I go to the gym to work out. I don't wear anything provocative, and even if I did I am still not "asking for it". Why am I not allowed to be creeped out by someone's lack of self control and inability to keep his glances to himself? Why is it ok to just say "He's a man, he can't help it?". And why should I be flattered?

    I deal with this situation at my gym every day and it makes me so uncomfortable. He works there. He is ALWAYS wherever I am in the gym. Whether it be the pool, the weights, or the cardio area. The guy is not bad looking, but it still creeps me out and I am not interested. His looks do not matter. It is the manner in which he conducts himself that makes him creepy.

    And yes, I would rather not be checked out than made uncomfortable. I do not need male attention that badly.

    Preach sister-friend. I feel exactly the same as you. Reading threads like these always drive me up a wall with the pages of "boys will be boys" apologists and the "you must have been asking for it by being a woman" people.
  • rocketmouse
    rocketmouse Posts: 143 Member
    There is a guy that comes into my work that also goes to my gym. He apparently told our dock guys he could stare at me all day long. I literally see him everyday at the gym and he always makes a point to say hi to me or when doing cardio get a machine next to me... creee--eeepppyy! Luckily my boyfriend and I go to the gym at the same time =) He is clueless tho hehe.

    Yup... in today's world... actually being interested in someone or attracted to them is creee--eeepppyy.... IF... you are not interested in them... if it's on your terms... it's sooooooo sweet, cute, or any other number of words that applies. I'm not delusional, though. This is the world we live in... and we must deal accordingly. :)

    whoa sir, your bitterness is showing
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I have a shirt that reads: This is my you're not getting lucky shirt.

    Love this!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    To me, that "Just being a guy" is not a valid excuse for blatantly being a creep.


    I understand "can't help but NOTICE" because we all notice attractive people, but a grown man should have enough self control to learn how not to creepily STARE. It's like the guys who tell me they can't help but drop f-bombs around me. Oh, really? Funny how you control yourself around your mother... but "can't help it" around me? Lame excuse.

    And I understand some women wear way-too-skimpy stuff at the gym, but I also resent the fact that to be considered "not asking for it" most people (guys) think we have to relegate ourselves to sweats and a t shirt instead of the form fitting performance gear which is a) more comfortable and b) much easier to move in.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    This thread & others like it makes me so glad that
    a) I'm in the UK & people tend to be a little more discrete about eyeballing &
    b) I go to a small local gym where just about everyone knows each other.

    No creeps there, we've more than our fare share of excentrics but thats another story.:laugh:
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Today for the first time I encountered this... older guy... was staring and had a grin - I ignored him but it was very bothersome -- there is a reason I don't like going when the big crowed is there... grrrr