Protein-to-Carb Ratio



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It was recommended to me to eat my weight in grams of protein every day. I'll be honest...I have a hard time reaching 100 grams non the less 141 grams and I'm already forcing myself to eat more protein than I normally would.

    I have also seen that recommendation several times on this site from MFP members, but it seems a ridiculous amount to shoot for every day unless you are a bodybuilder. I can't recall ever seeing a medical recommendation for that much protein daily. Although some say "lean body mass" which would be total wieght minus body fat, which seems a little more realistic.

    Personally I don't worry about the percentages much.

    Well protein is both more satiating than either fat or carbs, and helps prevent muscle loss during a fat loss diet.

    I think fat is probably the most satiating of the macros to me, but a big bowl of pasta will keep me full for a long time too, even if it's just got a low fat veggie sauce. I'm not saying eating that much protein is bad, just that I'm not sure everyone needs it.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    It was recommended to me to eat my weight in grams of protein every day. I'll be honest...I have a hard time reaching 100 grams non the less 141 grams and I'm already forcing myself to eat more protein than I normally would.

    I have also seen that recommendation several times on this site from MFP members, but it seems a ridiculous amount to shoot for every day unless you are a bodybuilder. I can't recall ever seeing a medical recommendation for that much protein daily. Although some say "lean body mass" which would be total wieght minus body fat, which seems a little more realistic.

    Personally I don't worry about the percentages much.

    Well protein is both more satiating than either fat or carbs, and helps prevent muscle loss during a fat loss diet.

    I think fat is probably the most satiating of the macros to me, but a big bowl of pasta will keep me full for a long time too, even if it's just got a low fat veggie sauce. I'm not saying eating that much protein is bad, just that I'm not sure everyone needs it.

    According to most studies, protein is generally the most satiating. I tend to agree from my own experience.

    I tend to think the authorities greatly exaggerate our need for carbs more so than protein.
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    It was recommended to me to eat my weight in grams of protein every day. I'll be honest...I have a hard time reaching 100 grams non the less 141 grams and I'm already forcing myself to eat more protein than I normally would.

    I have also seen that recommendation several times on this site from MFP members, but it seems a ridiculous amount to shoot for every day unless you are a bodybuilder. I can't recall ever seeing a medical recommendation for that much protein daily. Although some say "lean body mass" which would be total wieght minus body fat, which seems a little more realistic.

    Personally I don't worry about the percentages much.

    Well protein is both more satiating than either fat or carbs, and helps prevent muscle loss during a fat loss diet.

    I think fat is probably the most satiating of the macros to me, but a big bowl of pasta will keep me full for a long time too, even if it's just got a low fat veggie sauce. I'm not saying eating that much protein is bad, just that I'm not sure everyone needs it.

    According to most studies, protein is generally the most satiating. I tend to agree from my own experience.

    I tend to think the authorities greatly exaggerate our need for carbs more so than protein.

    I agree too. if i eat anything high in fat, im generally hungry again within an hour. I take my protein shake for breakfast and thats me filled until lunchtime.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It was recommended to me to eat my weight in grams of protein every day. I'll be honest...I have a hard time reaching 100 grams non the less 141 grams and I'm already forcing myself to eat more protein than I normally would.

    I have also seen that recommendation several times on this site from MFP members, but it seems a ridiculous amount to shoot for every day unless you are a bodybuilder. I can't recall ever seeing a medical recommendation for that much protein daily. Although some say "lean body mass" which would be total wieght minus body fat, which seems a little more realistic.

    Personally I don't worry about the percentages much.

    Well protein is both more satiating than either fat or carbs, and helps prevent muscle loss during a fat loss diet.

    I think fat is probably the most satiating of the macros to me, but a big bowl of pasta will keep me full for a long time too, even if it's just got a low fat veggie sauce. I'm not saying eating that much protein is bad, just that I'm not sure everyone needs it.

    According to most studies, protein is generally the most satiating. I tend to agree from my own experience.

    I tend to think the authorities greatly exaggerate our need for carbs more so than protein.

    If that's true, then I guess in some of those studies I might fall into the minority group.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    It was recommended to me to eat my weight in grams of protein every day. I'll be honest...I have a hard time reaching 100 grams non the less 141 grams and I'm already forcing myself to eat more protein than I normally would.

    I have also seen that recommendation several times on this site from MFP members, but it seems a ridiculous amount to shoot for every day unless you are a bodybuilder. I can't recall ever seeing a medical recommendation for that much protein daily. Although some say "lean body mass" which would be total wieght minus body fat, which seems a little more realistic.

    Personally I don't worry about the percentages much.

    Well protein is both more satiating than either fat or carbs, and helps prevent muscle loss during a fat loss diet.

    I think fat is probably the most satiating of the macros to me, but a big bowl of pasta will keep me full for a long time too, even if it's just got a low fat veggie sauce. I'm not saying eating that much protein is bad, just that I'm not sure everyone needs it.

    According to most studies, protein is generally the most satiating. I tend to agree from my own experience.

    I tend to think the authorities greatly exaggerate our need for carbs more so than protein.

    If that's true, then I guess in some of those studies I might fall into the minority group.

    See I can eat a bowl of pasta and fill up my stomach and think I'm full. But then an hour or two later I'm starving again. I could eat a big lean chicken breast and not be completely stuffed, but I'm satisfied for hours.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It was recommended to me to eat my weight in grams of protein every day. I'll be honest...I have a hard time reaching 100 grams non the less 141 grams and I'm already forcing myself to eat more protein than I normally would.

    I have also seen that recommendation several times on this site from MFP members, but it seems a ridiculous amount to shoot for every day unless you are a bodybuilder. I can't recall ever seeing a medical recommendation for that much protein daily. Although some say "lean body mass" which would be total wieght minus body fat, which seems a little more realistic.

    Personally I don't worry about the percentages much.

    Well protein is both more satiating than either fat or carbs, and helps prevent muscle loss during a fat loss diet.

    I think fat is probably the most satiating of the macros to me, but a big bowl of pasta will keep me full for a long time too, even if it's just got a low fat veggie sauce. I'm not saying eating that much protein is bad, just that I'm not sure everyone needs it.

    According to most studies, protein is generally the most satiating. I tend to agree from my own experience.

    I tend to think the authorities greatly exaggerate our need for carbs more so than protein.

    If that's true, then I guess in some of those studies I might fall into the minority group.

    See I can eat a bowl of pasta and fill up my stomach and think I'm full. But then an hour or two later I'm starving again. I could eat a big lean chicken breast and not be completely stuffed, but I'm satisfied for hours.

    Not sure if you are just adding anecdotal personal experience, or actually arguing about what happens to me. But I would not consider being hungry an hour or two later as keeping me full for a long time.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    It was recommended to me to eat my weight in grams of protein every day. I'll be honest...I have a hard time reaching 100 grams non the less 141 grams and I'm already forcing myself to eat more protein than I normally would.

    I have also seen that recommendation several times on this site from MFP members, but it seems a ridiculous amount to shoot for every day unless you are a bodybuilder. I can't recall ever seeing a medical recommendation for that much protein daily. Although some say "lean body mass" which would be total wieght minus body fat, which seems a little more realistic.

    Personally I don't worry about the percentages much.

    Well protein is both more satiating than either fat or carbs, and helps prevent muscle loss during a fat loss diet.

    I think fat is probably the most satiating of the macros to me, but a big bowl of pasta will keep me full for a long time too, even if it's just got a low fat veggie sauce. I'm not saying eating that much protein is bad, just that I'm not sure everyone needs it.

    According to most studies, protein is generally the most satiating. I tend to agree from my own experience.

    I tend to think the authorities greatly exaggerate our need for carbs more so than protein.

    If that's true, then I guess in some of those studies I might fall into the minority group.

    See I can eat a bowl of pasta and fill up my stomach and think I'm full. But then an hour or two later I'm starving again. I could eat a big lean chicken breast and not be completely stuffed, but I'm satisfied for hours.

    Not sure if you are just adding anecdotal personal experience, or actually arguing about what happens to me. But I would not consider being hungry an hour or two later as keeping me full for a long time.

    Not arguing what happens to you. Just arguing that I don't find carbs satiating at all, even though some studies actually say they are more satiating than fat.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Not arguing what happens to you. Just arguing that I don't find carbs satiating at all, even though some studies actually say they are more satiating than fat.

    The thing about studies is that they rarely apply to everyone. A study that has 75% of participants get the same result is said to "show" or "suggest" something. But there are still the other 25% that had a completely different result. That's why studies are great for setting general standards, and those standards are a great place to start a diet (or whatever). But It's still never wise to discount what your own body tells you.
  • I bought a Whey Protein powder that's 4gm of carbs, 20gm of protein, and super low in sugar. Mixed that with unsweetend almond milk as my afternoon snack.

    Really tastey and allowed me to increase my protein intake by a lot :)

    I will start using that after my workouts to aid in my lean muscle building! Thanks for all of your advice.