Here comes summer week 5

Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
Hi guys
Sorry another late posting :blushing:
How's everyone getting on?
I went out walking yesterday, burnt 700 calories, my legs were so tired though, I hadn't walked like that for around a week.
Been raining in the night, but looks as though it'll be a nice day today, sun is slowly coming out :happy:


  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Hi guys
    Sorry another late posting :blushing:
    How's everyone getting on?
    I went out walking yesterday, burnt 700 calories, my legs were so tired though, I hadn't walked like that for around a week.
    Been raining in the night, but looks as though it'll be a nice day today, sun is slowly coming out :happy:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hi Jackie, Lovely to hear from you! Missed your posts last/this week!

    Kathy... OMG my HRM is sooooo much fun... so i went to the gym for 15 mins n did a bit of running and walking to warm up - followed by 1 hour aerobics... Burnt 569 cals.... WHOOOAAHHH! More than MFP had said! Now im thinking that im not eating anywhere near that amount back.. do you reckon it will hinder my weight loss.. Considering im on 1,330 on a non workout day..
    It still puzzles me!

    Last night i didnt want to eat anything because my dad had a massive anger attack and took it all out on me.. didnt want to eat anything (felt sick to my stomach) about the things he said.... I forced myself to have a stir fry but i just wasnt feeling it.. Hmm.. i really dont think i ate enough yesterday... :grumble: Just feel a bit hurt...:frown:

    Anywhoo im gonna carry on as normal today.. no bad food.. even if the Managing Director bought in Cream Eggs for easter... i will not give in... I hope i dont anyway!

    :heart: Katherine

    P.S Its 10.20am and i still havent finished breakfast... Oooh how i hate setting up conference rooms in the morining.. 2 BIG meetings...:grumble:
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hi Jackie, Lovely to hear from you! Missed your posts last/this week!

    Kathy... OMG my HRM is sooooo much fun... so i went to the gym for 15 mins n did a bit of running and walking to warm up - followed by 1 hour aerobics... Burnt 569 cals.... WHOOOAAHHH! More than MFP had said! Now im thinking that im not eating anywhere near that amount back.. do you reckon it will hinder my weight loss.. Considering im on 1,330 on a non workout day..
    It still puzzles me!

    Last night i didnt want to eat anything because my dad had a massive anger attack and took it all out on me.. didnt want to eat anything (felt sick to my stomach) about the things he said.... I forced myself to have a stir fry but i just wasnt feeling it.. Hmm.. i really dont think i ate enough yesterday... :grumble: Just feel a bit hurt...:frown:

    Anywhoo im gonna carry on as normal today.. no bad food.. even if the Managing Director bought in Cream Eggs for easter... i will not give in... I hope i dont anyway!

    :heart: Katherine

    P.S Its 10.20am and i still havent finished breakfast... Oooh how i hate setting up conference rooms in the morining.. 2 BIG meetings...:grumble:

    Omg I think we have the same job! :laugh: I only just finished my breakfast from setting up the Board room for a meeting :huh: annoying. I am doing OK so far, not going to Pizza Express with colleague at lunch, woo. Didn't do to great last night though :sad:

    Hope you're ok. Parents suck sometimes! :flowerforyou:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hi Jackie, Lovely to hear from you! Missed your posts last/this week!

    Kathy... OMG my HRM is sooooo much fun... so i went to the gym for 15 mins n did a bit of running and walking to warm up - followed by 1 hour aerobics... Burnt 569 cals.... WHOOOAAHHH! More than MFP had said! Now im thinking that im not eating anywhere near that amount back.. do you reckon it will hinder my weight loss.. Considering im on 1,330 on a non workout day..
    It still puzzles me!

    Last night i didnt want to eat anything because my dad had a massive anger attack and took it all out on me.. didnt want to eat anything (felt sick to my stomach) about the things he said.... I forced myself to have a stir fry but i just wasnt feeling it.. Hmm.. i really dont think i ate enough yesterday... :grumble: Just feel a bit hurt...:frown:

    Anywhoo im gonna carry on as normal today.. no bad food.. even if the Managing Director bought in Cream Eggs for easter... i will not give in... I hope i dont anyway!

    :heart: Katherine

    P.S Its 10.20am and i still havent finished breakfast... Oooh how i hate setting up conference rooms in the morining.. 2 BIG meetings...:grumble:

    Omg I think we have the same job! :laugh: I only just finished my breakfast from setting up the Board room for a meeting :huh: annoying. I am doing OK so far, not going to Pizza Express with colleague at lunch, woo. Didn't do to great last night though :sad:

    Hope you're ok. Parents suck sometimes! :flowerforyou:

    Hey Mimi,

    Thanks for your comment... I know its kinda hard living at home now.. i just wanna have some indipendance..

    Welcome to the group :)

    I know.. sometimes it can be a pain.. cause by now i should have had a mid-morning snack... but finishing my breakfast seemed to do the job.. Needless to say i wont say no to some fruit..!! :laugh:

    Ohh what happened last night.. or dare i ask?

    :heart: Katherine
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    I think everyone has dissapeared:sad:


    Im off to the gym now.. Speak to you all in the morning hopefully...

    been naughty today and had a YUMMMMY slice of carrot cake... GYM GYM GYM!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Over and out...

    :heart: Katherine
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    :bigsmile: Have no fear jenny is here! hee hee I haven't disapeared! I had to go to an appointment this morning and then decided to stop at a consignment store to look at pants. I refuse to buy new ones when I am plan no wait I AM going to be going down a couple more sizes. Anyways good news I bought my very first size 12's that actually FIT. Oh yeah thats right ladies I am sooooo happy!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: Unfortunately i have a whopper of a headache, must be from the sun or somethign....but I am going to workout today anyways.

    Oh Kathering HUGSSSSSSSSSS it can be hard living at home and being independent as well! I had the same problem although my dad never got into a yelling spree, but it was like you wanted to say HEY I am grown up, just deal with it!!!! I am sure it will get better. That is the one thing that is so terrible about blowing up in anger, people say things that are hurtful and even if they don't mean them the other people will NEVER forget them. i try to just keep my mouth shut, it doesnt always work mind you but it has helped. I am so sorry that you have hurt feeling :sad: :frown: :frown: HUG HUGS HUGS!!! I hope your evening went better sweetie!!!!

    Oh Jackie I am so happy you are back yippeeeeeeee! holy cow did you burn up the calories!!! Tha is awesome!!!!!

    I guess I should get doing something....I am being a lazy bum today! I NEED to get going on my housework, but man I don't feel like it:frown:

    loves to all you beautiful ladies!!


    ps.....Carrot cake CANT be bad for you becuase there are carrots in it....:wink::wink: Plus my mom said that all the calories in cake and cookies are all baked out...:laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: hmmmm coming from a fluffy worman maybe I shouldn't have listened to that advice so much....*looks at self* yeah that could be part of my problem....I better reevaluate mom's advice that she has given.....:bigsmile:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I found you all.

    Katherine I feel for you. Hope you are feeling better. (((((HUGS)))))).

    Jenny, I hope you are feeling better also. the weekend is coming.

    Hi xXmimiXx. Hope to get to know you.

    Jackie so nice to hear from you again.

    I am continuing to say on track so far. That makes me feel great.


    :heart: Kathy
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies :flowerforyou:
    It's pouring down with rain here :flowerforyou: in the UK :grumble: but I won't let it stop me going for a walk today (well, maybe just a lickle). I've been good all week - not 1 single sweet has touched my lips WOOHOO!!! :drinker:

    Katherine: I'm really sorry you had a bad time the other night, if you wanna talk, you know where I am :flowerforyou: I cannot imagine living at home with my parents - I moved out when I was 17. I'm glad your enjoying your HRM - I love mine :bigsmile: It's amazing just how many calories we really burn isn't it.

    Mimi: WELCOME, hope we get know you a little better, sorry to hear you had a bad time, what happened ?? We've got a great bunch of ladies here, feel free to chat about anything :flowerforyou:

    Kathy: Glad you found us, and well done for staying on track, I know how difficult it can be at times :flowerforyou:

    Jenny: I wish I never listened to my fluffy mom, but hey, we have to live the mistake before knowing it is a mistake :grumble:

    And thank you all for your kind words, I'm truly sorry I haven't been around so much of late, time seems to slip out of my fingers at the moment.

    Easter is apon us, and I've managed to get hubby & sons to agree that there will be no chocolate
    in the house this weekend, I'm going out today to buy healthy snacks and treats instead - doing a finger buffet for Easter Sunday instead of easter eggs (wish me luck guys, I have to walk through the easter egg monster isles where the bunny is sure to grab my attention, swing me round and force those darn chocolate eggs into my trolley, and I will be forced to spit them back out again :laugh: )

    Right, I'm going for now, got to get my boys aaaaarrr (erm, I mean butts :laugh: ) outa down the bed, and hit the high street before the crowds get there. So, if you see a blurr shaped me, you know I tripped over and HIT the high street with a BANG :laugh:

    Love to all
    Jackie :heart:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I just had to show my happy face that you are all here... it really does make a difference when i speak to you all, it definately lifts my mood a lot!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Jackie - the weather officially sucks today doesn't it... woke up this morning hoping for another lovely day... only to be greated by wind and rain...:sick: Ooh well.. at least is getting a little warmer so i can go out on my bike!

    :heart: Kathy - Thanks for the hugs, im still not speaking to my dad.. not that im ever around really.. get up for work, leave by 7.45am and then home by 6.45pm after i have been to the gym.. Ooh well!

    - The HRM is working like a dream!! :laugh:
    I :heart: it!!

    :heart: Jenny - Thank you for you lovely words of support, its a pain because me and my bro are in our 20's and there are 4 adults in the house.. we just clash at times.. although at the moment it seems to be all the time :grumble: his outburst can be scary.. but i have seen them before so its no suprise to me.. Just hurts to hear the things he says to me. Like you say they are hard to forget.:indifferent:

    Anywhoo its another new day and i have another posotive outlook! :happy:
    .....However there is a Lindt Gold Bunny sitting infront of me on my desk from my boss... Darnn easter!!

    That carrot cake yesterday was just scrummy!!! Couldn't resist.. though i did burn a lot off at the gym to make up for it! :glasses:

    :heart: Katherine x
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Katherine I hope you are smiling now just like your picture. Times do get tough in a house hold with 4 Adults. So glad you are on this thread. Keep your chin up and remember your Holiday to Ireland is coming soon.

    I am going to the gym again this morning. I am so happy that I have a HRM. It just keeps me going. Plus, I can change to different machines and not have to calculate the calories in my head.

    Best to all


    :heart: Kathy
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    hugs to you alllll
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    hugs to you alllll
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    HMMM i don't know what happened there two times it posted and neither time I was finished ...ghmmmm scary must be a net ghost ooooooooooooooooooooo

    just had to dash on but have to get son off to scholl

    talk later!!
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    :laugh: alrighty I am here!

    I hope my little english beauties had a good night! Darn those chocolate bunnies:angry::angry: They look all cute and cuddly but then *BAM* they get you right in the tummy-literally!! Lets be strong! BUT if we do somehow stray just shrug your shoulders and say hey so what! In the grand scheme of things I am just fine! and then go work out!!!!
    We are going to my mom in laws and of course havig HAM. *scrunches up nose* I actually am not a huge ham person unless it is in soup....oh well. But it will mashed tators, and this and that and all the other things as well. But will be good! Kathy i have got my own pink gloves I think!!!!

    I think that we are so lucky to have one another!!!!! hUGS ok enough mushy gushy stuff! hee hee:happy: :happy:

    I had a good work out and now have to go sign tax papers. OH woo hoo how exciteing !!! anyways, lots of loves to you all and HAPPY EASTER!!:wink:


    Don't let the easter bunnies bite....oh wait maybe I should say don't YOU bite the easter bunnies! hahah My weakness is reeses peanute butter eggs....*drools a little* does anyone have a napkin?? hahahah But I WON"T eat one!!! I don't think.....I hope I don't....we will see.......
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Ladies,

    I had to make up an Easter basket for my little child I drive to school. OMG I had all I can do not to put something in my mouth. BUT, I did not and I will not. Then for my grandkids and little nieces and nephew, I bought solid chocolate bunnies. Thank God I can't get into those. I think they would realize I had a bite when the ears were gone.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Kathy
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Ladies,

    I had to make up an Easter basket for my little child I drive to school. OMG I had all I can do not to put something in my mouth. BUT, I did not and I will not. Then for my grandkids and little nieces and nephew, I bought solid chocolate bunnies. Thank God I can't get into those. I think they would realize I had a bite when the ears were gone.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Kathy

    Most definately Kathy :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Ladies,

    I had to make up an Easter basket for my little child I drive to school. OMG I had all I can do not to put something in my mouth. BUT, I did not and I will not. Then for my grandkids and little nieces and nephew, I bought solid chocolate bunnies. Thank God I can't get into those. I think they would realize I had a bite when the ears were gone.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Kathy

    Most definately Kathy :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member

    :heart: Kathy
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    oh hilarious kathy!!! I did not do as well as son brought like TONS of candy home and he wanted to show me every peice and what the heck were all thse teachers thinking of anyways....if i let my boy at all that candy he would up being in a sugar induced coma!!! anyways i had just 2 little pieces....I will log them right NOW stupid peanut butter cups....grrrr hand has complete control of itself when they are in the room!!!:mad:

    oh well I will say that I enjoyed thouroghly:happy: :happy: :embarassed:

  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    My sons and hubby had pringles crisps and biscuits this afternoon - I was good, I opted for a tin of mackerel with 2 ryvita muesli crunch instead WOOHOO:drinker: :drinker:
    How's everyone else doing ?
    Don't forget to weigh in this week :flowerforyou:
    Jackie :love: