FRUSTRATED!!! I'm working my *ss off to lose weight and noth



  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
  • mlc314
    According to fitness experts in the US , In partlcular mike geary you can rest your metabolism from staying in starvation mode by having a cheat day once a week where your calorie intake should be greater than 1200 calories. I have really never eaten enough and i am still overweight and sure enough went to the doctor for another issue and they advised that my body was either de hyrated or in starvation mode . They suggest eating carbs and fats on these days even mcDonalds and pizza if you want to. . . This method is about the type of food you eat and apparently the TYPE of exercise you do that matters too. Strength training and resisitance training is far better to lose weight the the good old cardio workouts. Im not an expert though
  • steelersfamily6
    steelersfamily6 Posts: 138 Member
    I was making the same mistake you were!
    I ate too few calories, worked out hard 5 days a week.. lost nothing and eventually gave up!
    Now, I make sure I eat my 1200 cals a day, eating as healthy as I can (I'm not perfect) But.. i actually only work out 3 days a week now... and am seeing results quickly! In one month I lost 7 lbs... not bad. If you don't eat enough you body will hold onto water weight and whatever fat it can so it can survive the starvation you are putting it through! Working out 90 mins a day isnt necessarily needed, however, if you feel best worling out that much I would be eating SOME of the calories you burn. For example, if you burn 600 calories, dont be afraid to eat a hundred to 2 into that. You will still lose weight. Make sure you are feeding your body right if you are working out that much! I can't stress that enough, if you dont you surely will burn out! Bodies need fuel :smile:
    Keep going, dont give up! If you are working your *ss off and its not working, I think your body is trying to tell you somthing

    Wow, that was so awesomely said! I too did the same thing but I was losing. I felt like crap though and I was tired and irritable and yucky...I was robbing my body and that is worse then stuffing it full of unhealthy fattening food! I am trying my hardest to stick as close to my calories and then some now but its still kind of hard. I figured out what I was doing wrong by not looking at my net calories, I just kept thinking about what I ate....

    Thank you again for you. I love when people actually put out something that is true and makes complete sense! :)
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    This is a very general statement and is directed at the "experts" on all threads.

    I am always making bets with my self on which page you guys are going to start going back and forth with scientific explanations off topic.

    You guys know a lot. I mean, you have done a lot of research and I think that is great, but do you think the best place to debate is on a thread requesting help about diet and exercise?

    I think it is really great that you have taken the time to educate yourself on things that affect weight loss. One thing I would suggest is to move to a PM if you disagree with someone on a thread and it requires a scientific explanation. Not many people understand what you are talking about and why it is important. The other this is, if you want to go off subject then post your own thread.

    I know you guys just want to help by sharing your knowledge, but for the OP and interested readers, lets stay on topic.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I know you guys just want to help by sharing your knowledge, but for the OP and interested readers, lets stay on topic.

    OP is asking for help with a closed diary. There IS no topic here. This is now just a spot on the internet to chit chat.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    This is a very general statement and is directed at the "experts" on all threads.

    I am always making bets with my self on which page you guys are going to start going back and forth with scientific explanations off topic.

    You guys know a lot. I mean, you have done a lot of research and I think that is great, but do you think the best place to debate is on a thread requesting help about diet and exercise?

    I think it is really great that you have taken the time to educate yourself on things that affect weight loss. One thing I would suggest is to move to a PM if you disagree with someone on a thread and it requires a scientific explanation. Not many people understand what you are talking about and why it is important. The other this is, if you want to go off subject then post your own thread.

    I know you guys just want to help by sharing your knowledge, but for the OP and interested readers, lets stay on topic.

    First, this reply isn't just for you. I am going to copy it and paste it every time this happens from now on.

    You know, I'm literally on 100s of forums, mostly for cool stuff. Forums for various motorcycles, cars, jeeps, jet skis, guns,

    computers, electronics, games, etc...
    But its only on the "health" forums, (not even the bodybuilding ones) that you get these "mother" women that try to herd conversation

    to what they think the proper convention is... "oooh stay on topic", "oooh that’s rude", "oooh be nice" (and my favorite) "don’t be

    mean, we're supposed to support people, even if they're wrong"

    I’m a guy. Talking to other guys, and girls that are cool enough to appreciate the fact that I am going to treat everyone equally...

    as another guy. I am not going to be especially nice just for you... but I am not going to be especially mean..
    We will all just continue do everything exactly like we do, and if you really can’t stand that, get off the damn internet.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I know you guys just want to help by sharing your knowledge, but for the OP and interested readers, lets stay on topic.

    The Topic - "FRUSTRATED!!! I'm working my *ss off to lose weight and noth"

    The problem - several instances of bad advice given that will not help in the long run, and probably not even in the short run.

    The solution - general education by several posters.
    For those that know, they skim.
    For those that don't understand and don't want to, they skip.
    For those that don't believe, they keep their point of view.
    For those thirsting for knowledge, the water is available. (8 glasses a day!)

    Some must learn through the school of hard knocks, rather than learning from others. If it doesn't happen to them, it's can't be true.

    They will go through all kinds of activities and choices in life this way, weight loss isn't the only one.
    Sadly, some doing this also have bad memories and repeat the same patterns again, so they really don't learn. Then again, probably didn't do well in school either.

    So many posters keep sharing the same experience, in the hopes they can rescue but one from a fate they themselves did learn from.
  • CnocNaCu
    CnocNaCu Posts: 536 Member
    But you think you are THE ONE who knows? I see you popping up everywhere and even telling users to :" ....and forget MFP calc.

    You have to leave MFP's BMR calc and maintenance calc out of the equation, because they don't know about any exercise calories until you do it. ......" (That's why we log exercise, isn't it?)
    Why do you use MFP if it is no good at all? I suspect you use it as a forum for yourself.
    I am here to talk to others about their experience and to get to know more and more about exercise and diet. If I wanted to study it I'd be at university.
    I am really grateful for any advice but not if it comes from users who think they know everything and are better than MFP. MFP wouldn't be so successful if it was that useless. I stick to it because after 4 months I am more and more confused by threads like: "Eat for your future you" or "The Olivia Method" "Eat at BMR" " Eat above BMR" etc If you don't like MFP make up a website yourselves.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    Ok, so I've been in the gym everyday for the last 2 weeks...I work out for an hour and a hlaf everyday after I get off of work at 10pm. I eat healthy BUT I have eating under my target calorie intake everday. My boss told me that if I don't at least eat 1200 calories a day I will actually gain weight because my body thinks I'm going into starvation mode. I don't understand how that is possible. Can anyone please help me understand what I need to do to lose this weight?!? I really appreciate ANY feedback!! Thanks :)


    Apparently I'm in the same boat. You should add me.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    But you think you are THE ONE who knows?

    Not at all. Several in this thread responded that shows they know too. Sometimes as simple as "you need to eat more".
    I see you popping up everywhere and even telling users to :" ....and forget MFP calc.
    You have to leave MFP's BMR calc and maintenance calc out of the equation, because they don't know about any exercise calories until you do it. ......" (That's why we log exercise, isn't it?)

    IF, IF, for emphasis, IF, you are doing an easier method I put together EXACTLY for the confusion that MFP causes some users, or the plateau problem it causes other users eventually by suggesting eating way below their BMR. THEN that comment applies.

    And in many other places, and even in that topic for that other method, if someone has no problem getting decent estimates of exercise calories and eating it back and already have increased their calories above their BMR, I mention that may not be for them.
    Why do you use MFP if it is no good at all? I suspect you use it as a forum for yourself.
    I am here to talk to others about their experience and to get to know more and more about exercise and diet. If I wanted to study it I'd be at university.
    I am really grateful for any advice but not if it comes from users who think they know everything and are better than MFP. MFP wouldn't be so successful if it was that useless. I stick to it because after 4 months I am more and more confused by threads like: "Eat for your future you" or "The Olivia Method" "Eat at BMR" " Eat above BMR" etc If you don't like MFP make up a website yourselves.

    MFP is successful for so many because of the mere act of logging food. Couple studies I saw on high blood pressure patients, asked to drop the sodium and log all their food, but not worry about calories yet, automatically cut calories by logging and paying attention.
    And it has a great mobile app, allows for user entry of the database (sometimes good, sometimes bad), and great support, and insight from others that have been there.

    So MFP can work great. And if misunderstood and misused, like any tool, it could at the least be ineffective ("I've stalled after 4 weeks"), or dangerous ("I've got no energy and my hair started falling out and I get sick all the time").

    If you don't want to read advice given to others, pretty simple - don't read it.
    If you don't like all these other methods you've listed because you find MFP works just fine for you, pretty simple - don't read them.

    You are the only one in control of your eyes, and if you've done a good job with them regarding food, you can certainly win this battle of reading posts you don't want to read.