Do I get to eat the calories today that I didnt burn yesterd



  • milkll13
    milkll13 Posts: 27 Member
    MFP needs a "Like" button.
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    I bet you are even more confused now than you were before you started this thread.
  • eschwab855
    eschwab855 Posts: 258 Member
    Weight Watchers says yes. You can accumulate your excercise points during the week and use them anytime during that week. You just can't carry them to the next week.
    Thats great 1 problem this is nothing like weight watchers. This is about healthy eating WW. is about learning to count. Knowledge is POWER learn to eat whatever you want log it stay under day by day week after week log on everyday and this will work. Learn portion size learn moderation the rest of it will come and we will all succeed
  • eschwab855
    eschwab855 Posts: 258 Member
    Oh my gosh people! Please stop! This isn't about being in a certain calorie count every day for the rest of your life. This is about being healthy for the rest of your life. If you are just here to lose weight and not learn anything along the way. You will gain it all back and then some.

    It is about balance. So, OP asked if she has a certain amount of calories one day that aren't eaten...can she eat more the next day? The question could be re phrased as....If I am really good and only eat x amount of calories on Monday...can I have something the next day that I normally wouldn't eat? Or...can I cheat? Or...whatever. IMO...if you are learning a healthy lifestyle, you can eat WHATEVER you want!

    Ideally we want to stay in a certain calorie range because it still comes down to calories in...calories out. So, to logically answer OP. If your calorie allotment is 1700 and you only eat 1300 on Monday...can you eat 2300 on Tuesday? Are you hungary? Then eat it! Will you lose more weight if you don't...not likely. Why not? Because that 300 calories isn't going to make or break you!

    If you are truly learning HEALTHY EATING HABITS you will eventually lose weight! Or maintain....or live longer cause you are healthier anyway! Learn the basics...what is good for you and what should be eaten in moderation.

    I'm sorry for this rant....I've been fat all my life and have nearly lost 100 lbs. Not one day of that journey has been about eat this and never touch that. It has been about balance and learning what is good for MY body.

    To of luck to you! I hope you realize this was about showing you that are in control of your lifestyle. The fads are in control of the diets!
    Love your attitude towards food it is really spot on thank you. I was going to friend you lol but I do read profiles lol.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    I called my 1st grade math teacher, she said it was fine
  • luvmybaby333
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    You can, I think. My goal is 1900. On days I work out, I struggle to net that amount and am usually below by a few hundred sometimes. On days that I do not work out, I often go over 100-250 cals. They all tend to even out to the loss I am looking for every week.
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    Sort of. As long as you don't go over your weekly total, you should hit your weekly goal. But it's probably not a good habit to get into of having large variations in your eating, that will make it harder on you in the long run in terms of modifying your overall eating habits and getting into a good routine.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    I would say No....That's why it's your daily intake...
  • deekaydee
    deekaydee Posts: 158 Member
    Absolutely not. At precisely midnight, your body 'closes the books' for the day and immediately adjusts your metabolism based on your last 24 hours of eating.

    Just kidding. That's ridiculous. Shoot for a weekly target and you're golden.
    CAKEDOC Posts: 110 Member
    I AGREE ONCE AGAIN---->I would say No....That's why it's your daily intake...
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    MFP needs a "Like" button.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Soooo does everyone expect to go the rest of their lives eating the exact same amount of calories EVERYDAY? Some days I eat 1600 some days I get as high as 2200. Week to week trumps day to day.

    If I eat over maintenance by 300 calories one day and it get stored as fat and the next I eat below by 300 calories and I burn fat...doesn't that net a zero gain overall?
  • deekaydee
    deekaydee Posts: 158 Member
    But it's probably not a good habit to get into of having large variations in your eating, that will make it harder on you in the long run in terms of modifying your overall eating habits and getting into a good routine.

    Disagree with this -- firstly 1700 one day and 2300 the next is hardly a 'large variation' in your eating, secondly there are many schools of thought that not eating a consistent calorie level every single day actually helps you from slowing your metabolism down more than necessary.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Oh my gosh people! Please stop! This isn't about being in a certain calorie count every day for the rest of your life. This is about being healthy for the rest of your life. If you are just here to lose weight and not learn anything along the way. You will gain it all back and then some.

    It is about balance. So, OP asked if she has a certain amount of calories one day that aren't eaten...can she eat more the next day? The question could be re phrased as....If I am really good and only eat x amount of calories on Monday...can I have something the next day that I normally wouldn't eat? Or...can I cheat? Or...whatever. IMO...if you are learning a healthy lifestyle, you can eat WHATEVER you want!

    Ideally we want to stay in a certain calorie range because it still comes down to calories in...calories out. So, to logically answer OP. If your calorie allotment is 1700 and you only eat 1300 on Monday...can you eat 2300 on Tuesday? Are you hungary? Then eat it! Will you lose more weight if you don't...not likely. Why not? Because that 300 calories isn't going to make or break you!

    If you are truly learning HEALTHY EATING HABITS you will eventually lose weight! Or maintain....or live longer cause you are healthier anyway! Learn the basics...what is good for you and what should be eaten in moderation.

    I'm sorry for this rant....I've been fat all my life and have nearly lost 100 lbs. Not one day of that journey has been about eat this and never touch that. It has been about balance and learning what is good for MY body.

    To of luck to you! I hope you realize this was about showing you that are in control of your lifestyle. The fads are in control of the diets!
    Can this be put in flashing letters? People need to stop looking at things on a 24 hour basis. Look at your calorie intake for the week. If you have a set amount of calories, you want to hit that goal. If that require you to eat a little extra on another day then do it. You don't want to make it a habit cause you will go too deep into a deficit. A deeper deficit is not better. The goal should be 3500 deficit to lose a pound a week. Hell, that number is even being disputed.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    But it's probably not a good habit to get into of having large variations in your eating, that will make it harder on you in the long run in terms of modifying your overall eating habits and getting into a good routine.

    Disagree with this -- firstly 1700 one day and 2300 the next is hardly a 'large variation' in your eating, secondly there are many schools of thought that not eating a consistent calorie level every single day actually helps you from slowing your metabolism down more than necessary.
    The benefits of calorie, carb cycling or have not been proven to increase metabolic rate. The goal of carb cycling is to restore muscle glycogen, not to magically "trick" the metabolism into burning faster.
  • milkll13
    milkll13 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey there. I think your post is awesome!
  • WehttamThims
    WehttamThims Posts: 57 Member
    i wish, I'd save mine up for a couple weeks then go get a few sundae's
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Definitely not. No rollover calories lol. If you eat all your calories and are still hungry try and munch on some veggies and drink more water. Otherwise you could off set your progress and result in a gain.
    I was thinking "this isn't AT& T rollover minutes" when she asked that, lol.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    I would say no too......