Dating question men!..please help!!!!



  • AlyPhill
    Im no guy and may not have alot of experience because Im only 17 but I do live with one and from my experience guys wait for the girl to make the first move. They sometime think its only a one way street on the feeling part. There could be no feeling between them but I think that there is potential with the mutual Star Wars fans. So I say "give it to him and let nture take its path".
  • chicklidell
    Ok..I feel the need to update. She gave him the bear...HE LOVED IT! lol..they have a pic on facebook with the bear sitting in a popcorn bucket with 3D glasses on! He actually bought her sugar cookies in the shape of star wars characters. Who knows some serious connection may be happening here....if they show up dressed to work like luke and leia i'll definitely have to intervene.

    And to the one that threw the bear away...seriously? that's just a mean thing to do..could of at least donated the damn about being self centered. Whatever happened to the thought that counts...I get stupid macaroni necklaces from my kids..never ever would I throw it out..people choose a gift for a reason, and I think the fact that someone took the time to think about you and wanted to gift you something is worthy enough for it not to end up in the trash....maybe a second hand store but definitely not the garbage bin.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    People put too much thought into time instead of the people. If two people are into each other then its simple,. They just need to be themselves and have fun and whatever happens is whatever happens. Its cute and she should do it and if he is into her then he will so thankful for it and her and finding someone who has common interests.
  • fieryleperchaun
    Just give him the bear, and it's been my experience that he'll probably say something along the lines of, "How cute." and then leave it at that. Darth Vader is awesome.
  • fieryleperchaun
    Last time I checked men prefer BJs to bears.

    (and who gives stuffed animals to grown adults??)

    ETA: stuffed animals are intimate gifts - if you play that way.

    I think there was a CSI episode on that once. Creepy people dressing up in furry costumes on purpose and then getting it on. EEK

    Yep, and the furry blue started it.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I think it would be cool if it was Boba Fet
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    I think it's cute

    Now if we were talking about them getting matching Star Wars tattoos, THEN I'd be worried...
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    For all the people that think men don't like's not's Star Wars...anything Star Wars is cool...or Star Trek LOL.

    Once you put Star Wars in the mix, the fact it's from Build-A-Bear goes a's just a soft Darth effing Vader! LOL.
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    Ok..I feel the need to update. She gave him the bear...HE LOVED IT! lol..they have a pic on facebook with the bear sitting in a popcorn bucket with 3D glasses on! He actually bought her sugar cookies in the shape of star wars characters. Who knows some serious connection may be happening here....if they show up dressed to work like luke and leia i'll definitely have to intervene.

    And to the one that threw the bear away...seriously? that's just a mean thing to do..could of at least donated the damn about being self centered. Whatever happened to the thought that counts...I get stupid macaroni necklaces from my kids..never ever would I throw it out..people choose a gift for a reason, and I think the fact that someone took the time to think about you and wanted to gift you something is worthy enough for it not to end up in the trash....maybe a second hand store but definitely not the garbage bin.

    That is so adorable. Thanks for the update.

    And I agree about the gal who threw the teddy bear she received into the trash?!? WTH??? How Selfish! I once handed a crappy tiny bear won at a fair to a homeless person and they totally loved it and thanked me for brightening their day. I saw them the next day outside that same fair still holding the bear. Funny the things you remember when something sparks the memory.

    I still have the macaroni necklaces, safetypin bracelets and woven keychains made at camp that my girls gave me. They are keepsakes that I will never let go. My girls are now 25 & 18.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    3 years ago on Valentines day a guy I was seeing gave me a teddy bear. I threw it in the trash.

    Wow...and your divorced??? NO WAY!!!
  • neti_call
    neti_call Posts: 81 Member
    I think it is a great idea. Who wouldn't love a teddy bear Darth

    Ugh! ME! I'm not a man, but can't think of a worse gift than a teddy bear! Horrible! And he has to act like he looooves it because they just started dating.
    Super lame gift.