7383 calories



  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    just stick to your calorie goal tomorrow, forget about the binge today

    and lots of water.
  • melrose09
    Addiction is a real demon. I give you many props for even attempting to tackle it. Hit your reset button and take on tomorrow.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Oh my word, did not even think that was possible.

    All i can say is, we are here for you. Rant all you want. We all here because we have some issues with food. Go to search button, there are some support groups for people that binge. Forgive yourself, its only one day. You have a bright future and many more no binge days ahead of you. **hugs**
  • kirstand
    not sure what time it is where you are now but maybe you could go for a 15-30 minute walk (after binge) to help ease the stomach pains...that's what i sometimes do, and end up feeling better about things too.
    :smile: please don't beat yourself up over this...could you talk to or visit a trusted friend about this problem? if not just to distract you from food and anything on your mind.
    keep positive (as hard as that sounds)...keep busy.
    (just a few ideas you can sift through) :happy: making sure your daily calorie setting is not too low to begin with so it's easier for you to cope with and making it not about losing weight so much but to stay around a certain healthy level?? once you start to get into a good pattern then you can decide what to do??
  • PNWriter
    PNWriter Posts: 223 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself.
  • nudqt
    nudqt Posts: 98
    Counselling without insurance is a very costly item....but local Overeater's Anonymous groups are free. OA groups are addressing more and more eating disorders.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Weigh yourself now.
    Weigh yourself tomorrow.

    Move on!

    Benefit from the meabolic boost it will give you over the next week and push through.

    This weekend is my hedonistic weekend!
    Everything goes!

    I've done it before and the strength gains and fat loss that resulted was astounding!

    Go forth young Jedi and prosper!

    Oh yea!

    Dont do that again for about 2 weeks!

    Read this!

  • melrose09
    Counselling without insurance is a very costly item....but local Overeater's Anonymous groups are free. OA groups are addressing more and more eating disorders.

    What a great idea! I feel silly for now thinking of it. I wish more people would utilize this program.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    be positive

    all i can say

    im not good at this
  • ccrawf249
    I KNOW about going on binges and how crappy and guilty you feel the next day. Been there--done that. Like the others said, just do better the next day. I know anger and frustration would trigger my binge, so find your trigger. When you find yourself in that situation, recognize it for what it is. I was thrown into my binge mode one night last week and grabbed 10 cookies that a family member has left at my house. I ate two without even tasting them! I stopped eating, put the other eight cookies back and fixed me a cup of tea. When I calmed down, I was proud of myself for realizing what was really going on. A saying I read said "you fall down seven times and get up eight!". That is what we all have to do.:smile:
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Just move on and start fresh.

    Depending on your BMR and activity level at the most you could have gained was about 1-1.5lbs of fat, even after 7,383 calories.

    My point is, don't stress it and move on. You will do more damage mentally with guilt, then the food did physically in fat gain.
  • ruthiebabe78
    There is help!!! I loved the comment about the Overeater's Anonymous. But honestly, at this point, I would NOT be worrying about what you are or aren't eating. (not that that issue isn't important) I would be focusing on getting help with your depression and suicidal thoughts. Those thoughts/feelings could very likely what is triggering your binges. Depression is HORRIBLE and many times medical help is needed to get it under control. Once that part of you is healthy, then focus on the rest. You have a full plate of things going on, but break it down into bitesize pieces. One minute at a time. One foot in front of the other. Anytime that you are feeling severely depressed, can go to any ER and they will get you to someone to help you with those issues. But you have to be assertive about it and completely honest. ((hugs))
  • happygirl338
    Have you heard of ACT therapy? It may help you a lot. It's helping me.

    Hi, thanks for replying! What is ATC therapy?
  • happygirl338
    Thank you again everyone.

    My doctor knows everything that is going on and he actually wanted me to go on this and record everything I am eating so he could get an idea of my food intake.

    I forgot about drinking tea at night, I will try that again.

    I'm going to forgive myself for this and try to figure out what triggers me. I realized that when people comment about what I'm eating ( ex. What is that?, That looks good! How do you make those? ) I get stressed easily because I feel like I'm being watched when I eat. I think that this was caused during my anorexic stages. Also, when people offer me food I get extremely stressed due to the same reason, and I believe that is what triggered my binge yesterday.

    Another trigger for me is when my sister eats the same thing I am eating. We are twins and both had anorexia. Our doctor thought that what kept it going for so long was " a competition" between me and her which I also believe is true. She is now A LOT smaller than I am so when she eats what I eat I get very anxious and stressed because I am jealous that she has control over her food intake as I don't, and that she is a complete health nut still and doesn't eat anything unhealthy at all.

    I am going to try to learn how to control these emotions and figure out how I beat this eating disorder.

    Thank you all so much.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Sorry for the rant, I just don't know who else to turn too. Can anyone please give me some advice. I've had binge eating disorder for almost a year now. I recovered from anorexia and with that mind set still I feel horrible because what I do to my body.

    Could you be eating too few calories normally, especially with exercise, and body is rebelling and causing you problems?

    Do you net below your BMR constantly?

    Usually hungry?

    Sweet tooth, but keep eating sweet things?

    Salty, same problem?
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Hi, thanks for replying! What is ATC therapy?

    Acceptance and Commitment therapy.

    With the help of a therapist trained in ACT you learn to be more mindful and in control of your inner language and thoughts. It's a little like mindfullness meditation but more structured.
  • jeclpi
    jeclpi Posts: 28
    Remember - well done you for coming on here and asking for help and support instead of suffering alone. You may have had a bad day, but bad days can always be overcome by refocusing and looking for the positive next day.

    There's lots of useful advice here and people to support, so you keep on plugging away, and just find one really good thing about tomorrow - nothing to do with eating or weight loss - just one thing that makes you feel really happy and thankful to be you. I promise it will help everything else stay in perspective.

    Stay strong and big hugs x
  • CosmicDebris83
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    First and foremost. It's ok. What happened happened. You're human, and life will go on. Let's focus on how to prevent this in the future. Have you been eating at a very low calorie intake for a while? If so, that can lead to a big blowout. If you eat to your target every day, you may be less likely have a day like this again. If you open your diary we can probably give more targeted advice.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    You must forgive yourself first & foremost. I understand binge days because mine used to be epic. But don't let this horrible feeling escape you. Just because you've forgiven yourself, doesn't mean its time to forget. Maybe print of a copy of mfp food log & put it anywhere you get your food from. Write on that paper how horrible it made you feel when you had this binge. This will serve as a reminder & motivation to fight hard even when you don't feel up to it. Keep fighting hard & I'm sure you'll overcome this.:smile:

    This is great advice.