Starting the Atkins diet



  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Anybody got a piece of toast to spare? I'm hungry.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    I'm just wondering when the thread will get locked.
  • honyferry
    honyferry Posts: 1
    The change is really surprising and on which things mainly Atkins diet plan focus on and what are the major things that we have to follow? Is there any pitfalls in the diet plan Please produce some attachment links as I want to follow and start soon. I required it.

    diet for quick weight loss
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    oo low carb, yay.
  • LadyDaenerys
    LadyDaenerys Posts: 89 Member
    Atkins has saved my life I was almost 200 lbs and my HDL and LDL were ridiculous. I stumbled across the movie Fat Head ( and understood exactly what I needed to do to get my health back. I didn't want to go Paleo so I did the next level and did Atkins. Think back before diabetes was ever an issue, before cancer, obesity, hypothyroidism, high blood pressure and all of these other deceases that plague our society today. Did they exist before agriculture? Before food was mass produced and items like bread were available? Sugar substitutes, preservatives, chemicals and other things to increase taste, productivity and shelf life are what's killing people. Atkins, like the Paleo diet, takes you back to the basics of primal eating. Cave men didn't suffer from obesity or any other form of decease listed above. How, why? Their diets were "twig and berry" and consisted of meats, fruits, veggies, nuts, berries and water. These are the items that man could consume if given the basic tools to live with. Weapon, fire and an active consciousness. Now I feel that in this day and age, eating Paleo is very difficult to say the least, but that's where Atkins comes in. Atkins allows grains to be slowly re-introduced into your diet as you progress and does not aggressively limit your intake of substances such as aspartame and other sugar substitutes, as as well as preservatives.

    By limiting carbohydrates you are allowing your body to use its stored fat cells for energy as opposed to using sugar as your fuel. When your body is using insulin to control your sugar levels you are storing fat in your fat cells, causing obesity. Watch this clip from Fat Head:

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="; frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    My personal struggles with the Atkins diet is being able to pack lunches for work in advance being that most of the food is meat and there is a lack of a stove in my office. I need to pack lunch in advance or cook the night before, but who like to eat re-heated meat? Meh I suppose there are quirks with any diet. I'm not complaining though, I've been on Atkins for almost 2 years making it a way of life not a diet. I went from 190lbs to 150lbs, 40lbs total, in about 3 months and have lost over 20 inches off my entire body. I even had some cheat days where I will binged on pizza and I didn't gain any weight back. use Atkins in conjunction with a work out plan and you can see results FAST. I keep losing inches being on Atkins ... muscle weighs more then fat :) And my health is amazing now, My doctor (who hates Atkins) was blown away at how my HDL and LDL were looking. I hope this helps anyone who is interested in any low carbohydrate diet and I highly recommend watching Fat Head! its on netflix :)
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    Atkins saved mylife . It's an amazing lifestyle and IMO the way we were supposed to eat! Yay for your success!
  • jannarobison71
    What happened to common sense? Why do we need all of these studies? If we cut out processed foods and eat how we were intended to eat when we were put on this earth it wouldn't be so hard. Paleo, Atkins all make sense to me. Not sure why the haters. It's difficult for everyone out there with all the fast food and everything that is so easy to reach for. No matter what diet you are on, it will be difficult. GMO's, the government trying to kill us all, etc. I'm down 5 pounds, not all that excited yet, but it's a start. Good luck out there!