13.1 sticker

My husband finished his first half marathon in Dec. 2011. He was very proud to have finished it. I thought about getting him a 13.1 sticker to put on his truck (just a little Valentine trinket). I'm very proud of his accomplishment as well. May I add he also lost 45 lbs last year while training. Anyway...I was just looking online and there seems to be a love/hate thing with these stickers. Any time I see a 13.1 or a 26.2 sticker on a vehicle I think it's super cool that that person accomplished that. But apparently some people despise these stickers. What do you guys think? BTW...I'm going to go ahead and get the sticker, that doesn't mean he has to put it on his truck. lol


  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    I think worry less what other people think and celebrate your accomplishments as you see fit as they are yours, not anyone elses.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    why does anyone hate them?

    hell, when i do my first ironman, i'm getting a sticker and a tattoo.
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    They also have 3.1 stickers and even 0.0 stickers for the non runners. This makes me grin on the inside.
  • themurph8910
    I love it! I have one on my car, and I have people honk at me then when i notice they've got one too... I am proud of what I have accomplished and I don't care what everyone else thinks.
  • Bloomsday
    Bloomsday Posts: 66 Member
    I figure some people will despise anything: puppies, babies, meat, motherhood, athiests, certain churches, broccoli, etc.

    Do you own thing! :)
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I don't despise them and think 'good for them'.

    I have one and was going to put it on my my car after I do my first one.

    Are the comments you found from those that are runners or non-runners?

    If non runners - they are just jealous ;) If runners, I wonder why?
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    It is an accomplishment to be proud of! Get the sticker and who cares what others think...
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    I think the stickers are cool! I have my 13.1 sticker and my car wears it with pride!!
  • nisseanne
    I think the only people who hate these stickers do it out of jealously - even if it's subconscious. You should absolutely get him the sticker and encourage him to put it on his vehicle. It's an accomplishment to be proud of!
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    Get it for him. There will always be haters of anything. Great idea for a simple, yet meaningful gift.
  • hagamivida
    I got one for my 5K. If he doesn't like it, trash it/sell it/give it away. No harm done.
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    I think the only people who hate these stickers do it out of jealously - even if it's subconscious. You should absolutely get him the sticker and encourage him to put it on his vehicle. It's an accomplishment to be proud of!

    How would it be out of jealousy when it's other half/full marathon runners with the angst?
  • thesarahsundae
    thesarahsundae Posts: 240 Member
    I think it's a great idea! I have one on my car and I am very proud of it.
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    When I do my half I plan on the sticker, a tattoo, a coffee mug for work and will officially introduce myself as Hi,I'm Christine I ran 13.1 miles. SERIOUSLY! I think its amazing and I don't care if people don't think its not "good enough" because its not a full marathon. And extend my congratulations on his accomplishment. Like I just read in a book...the 13.1 doesn't even begin to explain to people how many miles and what dedication it took to get there! You both deserve to revel in the accomplishment. I know my hubby has had to give up a lot while I train. No more super late nights out for us...He makes breakfast on the weekends...etc. Its a team effort even if one of you was the only one racing!
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    You could always get him this one instead:


    Not sure what I'll do once I complete the Princess half in a couple weeks, other than to wear my princess shirt with pride.
  • time2runnn
    time2runnn Posts: 252 Member
    I think they are awesome! My heart skips a beat when I see one :smile: .... One day I hope to earn one for myself :)
  • hagamivida
    I think the only people who hate these stickers do it out of jealously - even if it's subconscious. You should absolutely get him the sticker and encourage him to put it on his vehicle. It's an accomplishment to be proud of!

    I think that sums it up perfectly - who could be annoyed by them? You are such a badass even if you do a 5k (or maybe that's my own wishful thinking) and only those who wish they were fit enough to do it could be cranky about it. Heck, if they aren't runners or friends with runners, they won't even know what they mean.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    I PROUDLY display my 26.2 sticker on my Jeep.

    Too bad for those behind me who don't like to read it. It's not for them. It's for me. Every time I walk from a parking lot and see it, it reminds me of what I can accomplish when I set my mind to it.

    And, it doesn't hurt that every once in a while my ex sees what I've done since dropping his excess weight that kept me down .... dang it .... there goes my vanity.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I saw one on a car for the first time yesterday. It made me smile--I like them. I want one after I finish a half this summer.

    Some people hate those stick figure family car decals too. And the "in memory of..." decals . Some people just like to b*tch about anything. I say who cares?
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    I have a jeep and it's getting stickered up! If I ever do manage a 13.1, I would go for the sticker.. and even a charm for my bracelet.

    A good friend of ours has a Iron Man tatoo.