30 Day Shred- starting NOW!



  • swellen
    swellen Posts: 78 Member
    I just did L1D1. When I say I "did" it, I mean I completed what I could. I did most of it although a few times I had to stop or modify - eg, the second time around on the squat with arm raise I did it without weights. I figured it was better to do that than not do the move at all. I already knew I was unfit and I have long suspected I have ZERO upper body strength... this confirmed it! My push-ups could barely even be called that... more like a shaky little half-inch dip towards the ground. I tried so hard to go lower but I collapsed every time. I'm glad I live alone because it was just embarrassing. :laugh: Still, at least I know I can only improve.
  • martazdz
    martazdz Posts: 89 Member
    I'm starting today, last time I stopped half way through level two, this time I'm determined to finish and then do ripped in 30! I have 3 months until beach holidays so I gotta loose some inches to show myself in the swimming suit heh.

    Feel free to add me!
  • fat_momma
    Please add me too if you like. I am on day 30 of MFP. Today will be day 4 of the shred for me. Can always use some good support!
  • fritostyle
    I just completed my first day. I am wondering how everyone is logging their workouts.
  • tickledpinksoul
    i finished this workout already. lost 10 pounds doing this. fritostyle, i log it as circuit training, general, 20 minutes, approx 160 calories burned :)
  • fritostyle
    Thank you!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I got it last night, hope to do day 1 today. I am spending a weekend alone with my husband in two weeks and with all the great feedback i've seen about it i'm hoping i can see some sort of difference in that time...but if not, I won't be too upset. :smile:
  • wwhickok_wechange
    I plan on starting tomorrow :)
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    I did day 3 today and struggled a little more in some areas, but did better in others. I have a bad shoulder, so doing both sets of all of the strength can sometimes be rough.

    BTW- just for honesty's sake. I woke up on the second day and didn't know if I would be able to WALK I was so sore. I started this DVD about a year ago and don't remember it being as "effective" as quickly. I don't know if I was just in better shape, or if I am more serious and went at it whole hog this time. Either way, it hurts, but in that good way. :laugh:

    For those of you who are incorporating other workouts as well, I will be trying some yoga too. I have to do it for an Eastern Medicince class that is a gen ed at my school. This will probably push my 30D off to the next day. I am terrified of yoga. I tried a few times in a class setting and cried each time out of frustration at how my body can't do the moves that the rest of the class was doing. So, doing it at home should be better. Less pressure!

    Remember: The neck is not invited to this party!

    Feel free to add me everyone!
  • martazdz
    martazdz Posts: 89 Member
    ohhhh I don't remember level one being so hard!!! I'm so out of shape gosh, I had to put down the weights at the side lunges coz my arms just couldn't take it. I know it will be better after 2,3 days, but at the moment my stomach hurts so much i can't even laugh lol
  • fritostyle
    Day 1 wasn't so bad yesterday besides not being to do all the push-ups. Woke up this morning a little sore so Day 2 took every ounce of effort to do each exercise. I just need to remind myself that sore = good and not to quit! Hope everyone's workout is going great!
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 675 Member
    I want to start, but I can't find it in stores anywhere!!! only online :(

    I found it at Target for 11 bucks
  • kimf412
    kimf412 Posts: 28 Member
    I am starting either tonight or tomorrow morning, I also just ordered ripped in 30 and will be doing that after. If anyone wants a buddy you can add me :smile:
  • rataliek
    rataliek Posts: 32 Member
    Tonight will be day 5 of level 1 for me. I started on February 8th and took saturday off to rest since I couldn't walk up the stairs, and did my regular gym routine that sunday. Yesterday when I did day 4 of the routine I felt my endurance get so much better! I didn't have to put my weights down once in the side lunge and could get to a 90 degree angle with squats without feeling like I could topple over. I wasn't entirely out of breath by the end and my heart rate moniter said I had burned 202 calories (not far off from MFP reading 205). I really want to jump to level 2 just to see what it's like but I'll wait the extra 5 days to try and master level 1.

    I'm having fun with this dvd so far. The scale doesn't say anything different but I'm hoping by 30 days there will be a decrease in inches!

    Is anyone else combining this video with other workouts/going to the gym or are you all doing it by itself?
  • fritostyle
    I have been doing a 10k training program at home and started week 6 (out of 15) on Monday. My reason to start 30 day shred was because I wasn't seeing any change on the scale nor much change physically, besides in my calves. Friday's are my weigh in days, so hopefully I will see a change, even if it is a few ounces!
  • martazdz
    martazdz Posts: 89 Member

    Is anyone else combining this video with other workouts/going to the gym or are you all doing it by itself?

    I want to start doing 6 weeks 6 pack today together with the shred, I will aim at doing it 3 times a week and shred 6 times a week.
  • rataliek
    rataliek Posts: 32 Member

    Is anyone else combining this video with other workouts/going to the gym or are you all doing it by itself?

    I want to start doing 6 weeks 6 pack today together with the shred, I will aim at doing it 3 times a week and shred 6 times a week.

    That sounds like a great plan. I love the shred but I don't feel like there's enough abwork yet in just that video. Maybe that's just level one, though. Good luck!
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    I started 30 DS on Saturday. Think I'm on day four today as I used Monday to do a 6 week 6 pack workout instead. Now I'm doing 30 DS in the morning and one of her other DVDs for the afternoon when I feel up to it.
  • Starlost
    I just started 30ds today so I am with this challenge.
  • rinn1791
    I have just heard about this 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels. I'm kind of excited/hesitant/nervous/pumped all at the same time lol.

    So please explain how this works...30 days...In a row or just 30 days period...then what happens after the 30 days?

    How many levels are there??

    Thanks all,