Diet pills



  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Before you take the diet pill plunge, I read a study several years ago by a nurse who had worked in obesity research at Johns Hopkins. She asked people who had lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off two years to tell her how they did it. It was amazing how many diets, types of exercise etc worked. It was also amazing that not ONE person lost the weight with diet pills. That gave me pause.
    That being said, if the scale is going down it HAS to show up eventually in your clothing size. If you add a little weight training to tone anything jiggly it will accelerate the inches lost process. Good luck!!
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    After about a month of diet pills you will only want to cry more.
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    Eat right. Move more.
    It's the only way

    I agree! :drinker:
  • Just from my own fluctuating weight, I have learned that i can be with in a 20lb range and still be the same size. How much weight have you lost?
  • ATK57
    ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
    There temporary metabolism boosters. I do use Cayenne pepper pills and Green Tea capsules. I take one of those per day after breakfast. To be honest, those are pretty much the main ingredients of all weight loss pills. They do seem to make we sweat more when I work out...

    On the other hand, I would just drink 2 savings of green tea a day to replace the green tea extract caps, but I cannot stand the tasks of it, lol.

    Best diet pills had Ephedrine in them, but ever since it became illegal (and rightfully so!), EVERY manufacturer switched to Caffein...
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Eat right. Move more.
    It's the only way

    I agree! :drinker:

    I also agree... I've tried everything under the sun and more... healthy diet and exercise worked the quickest and has lasted the longest becuase it's a lifestyle change not a 'diet' Diets end lifestyle changes don't.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Here is what the FDA has to say about one of the more popular "diet pills". I'm sure you could find similar information on most other diet pills/supplements.

    Even though the FDA has ordered a recall on them, I have seen ads on TV for Hydroxycut recently. Also, when you see ads on TV, record a few of them. When you get to the page that has the "small print" , pause the recording. They often say something like... in a 6 month study 25% of 1000 people lost 1.5 to 3 pounds (this is just a paraphrase, but very close). I believe I saw this one on Lipozene (?).

    Does that sound like "success" to you ? These companies make BILLIONS of $$$$ off of people like you and me who, desperately, desire to be "normal" and pretty/handsome and accepted. The sad part of it is; they DO NOT have to prove it works in the least.

    One time years ago I tried a supplement that claimed to fill you up so you wouldn't eat so much. I don't remember what the name of it was, but I believe it had guar gum as the active ingredient. I now know what guar gum is, but I didn't know then. Anyway, I really didn't think it was helping, but after a BM one morning, I saw 2 white tablets in there. They didn't even dissolve through my whole digestive system! I put a few in a glass of water just to be sure. They sat there for 3 days until I finally threw them out. They still looked like they were right out of the bottle. True, guar gum is probably harmless, but this is just an example of the results you may get in the end. Unfortunately, lots of the diet supplements are very harmful and can cause permanent damage. It just isn't worth it.

    PS: I am not speaking of prescription diet aids.
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    I know it's very tempting but I just don't understand how after ALL of the information out there anyone would still resort to diet pills.

    If you don't learn how to eat healthy and change your diet and lifestyle then no matter what you do will be a failure. What's the point of being thin if you are dead/hairless/sick all the time?

    Be patient and find the positives in what you are doing. Celebrate daily victories. Some of us would LOVE to see the scale moving (I'm on a plateau for over 2 years which I'm now calling "midway maintenance") downwards, but hey, we deal and we learn and we change and we are patient.
  • velloxal
    velloxal Posts: 78 Member
    Diet pills have jojo effect and as soon as you stop taking it your weight will come back with extra kg.

    To lose weight depends on age and lifestyle. The older you get the harder it become. It's much easier for those who like junk food. As soon as they reduce it kg starts falling down. My uncle is an example. He loves Coca Cola and KFC. Few years ago he stops. He lost 10 kg in 2 months. He used to drink 2lt coca cola a day and had few chicken buckets a week. All soft drinks are empty calories as well as juices which contain so much sugar. Fatty food store bad monosaturated fat which is so hard to burn.

    Exercise and smaller portions is a key to lose weight.