

  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Okay, quick question.

    Does toasting bread take all the carbs out of it?

    J/K! Agree with your post Dave. :wink:
  • aymie24
    aymie24 Posts: 227
    I completely agree that there's no pill to pop to lose weight and that you need to make a choice to eat well and stay active but i disagree with your comment on how we all got here. Not everyone sat on their *kitten* their whole life and just stuffed gallons of junk down their throat, sometimes life just happens and you end up gaining a little weight, or in my case having a baby played havoc with my body and I am still battling every day to get my pre-baby body back but I will get there eventually. I think something that makes it harder is that I never drank pop, I never ate really unhealthily and I never stopped being active. However being married, having a child and a desk job doesn't allow me to be as active as when I coached horseback riding full time and worked in the barn from 5am until 10pm doing physical labor all day! I'm not trying to take away from your point that losing weight or chaning your appearance takes hard work, you are correct there, but sometimes life doesn't allow the same opportunities to stay healthy and in the same shape that you once were so people look for quicker ways to fit in the healthy stuff. I'm not saying pop pills, but finding a good workout that is short and you can fit into your every day schedule is worth looking for and asking around!

    Sorry but I have to disagree. Why would anyone who is serious about getting fit and being healthy focus on looking for a quick way to cram it into their schedule?

    I uderstand your points, I have four kids. My husband is in Iraq. I work a mostly desk job and am on call 24/7. I could easily say I don't have time but this change has to be about making the time. This really shouldn't be about appearance, being even ten pounds overweight affects your health. I want to be healthy, to be there for my kids for a very long time, to enjoy the company of my husband for a very long time. Long term, it's worth making the time for and not trying to find a way to 'squeeze' fitness into your busy schedule. There is no age of child that is prohibits a parent from working out with them. Spending an hour incorporating fitness into your time with your child is not a bad thing!!! It's setting a good expample and giving them the gift of healthy habits.

    And for the record, I didn't sit around on my *kitten* either, nor have I poured gallons of junk down my throat, pints maybe :wink:, but you are generalizing in a really ufair way and putting words in Dave's mouth that were not said. Honestly, you sound pretty bitter about the way things are going for you and maybe you should turn that into motivation...just my two cents...
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Well said and I agree. It offends me everytime someone comes up to me and ask me "what kind of diet pills have you been taking"? I always tell them, it's the result of good old fashioned diet and exercise. Everyone wants a magic pill to pop and the weight just fall off. I'm so proud to have done it with hard work and determination, there are no quick fixes.

    I get the same thing. Peoople ask how I am losing weight and I say exercise and eating right. They look at me like I am being dishonest about it.
  • pussycatsandtoast
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    What the hell......people are actually defending Dave??? Who are you people?? :wink:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Dave the weight loss Guru! Who would of thought? Love this thread.

    I now find myself saying things to my friends like "do you know how much fat is in the half and half you just dumped in your coffee"? It makes me nuts to have friends who are talking about wanting to lose weight yet consume really high fat and high sodium foods. I want to help but know in relaity they have to figure it for themselves. Or I will soon be friendless....:laugh: from the annoying tips.

    I was just away on business and was travelling with a woman who has diabetes and needs to lose weight. I had soup and a green salad for lunch. She had a ceasar salad and a large cheese scone with butter, followed by a large muffin.....hmmmmmm
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Well said and I agree. It offends me everytime someone comes up to me and ask me "what kind of diet pills have you been taking"? I always tell them, it's the result of good old fashioned diet and exercise. Everyone wants a magic pill to pop and the weight just fall off. I'm so proud to have done it with hard work and determination, there are no quick fixes.

    I getthe same thing. Peoople ask how I am losing weight and I say exercise and eating right. They look at me like I am being dishonest about it.

    The diet industry has brainwashed us into thinking we all need pills. :grumble:
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    I've decided that the next time someone asks me how I've lost weight I'm going to tell them:

    "I take two pills a day - diet and exercise."

    Sonjavon - GREAT POST!!!! I loved what you had to say.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Great post Dave!! Very well said.

    I love the look on my doctors faces when they ask me how I've lost the weight I have and I say "Good old fashioned counting calories and exercise" . It does bother me though that they look surprised!

    I agree that change is hard - we all enter it all excited and high on adremalin, but when the rubber meets the road it is time to just knucle down and "get 'er done". That's usually when you see the "i'm so frustrated/I'm about ready to give up" type of posts - but we here in western civilization are definately a product of the fast food generation. We want it NOW! Even weight loss . . .
  • aymie24
    aymie24 Posts: 227
    What the hell......people are actually defending Dave??? Who are you people?? :wink:

    Sorry, I'm new :bigsmile:
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    Thanks Dave!

    This is so true. It is amazing how many assume that you have to be taking something extra to lose the weight. I have a weird autoimmune disease that caused me pain and swelling over the summer. My Dr. put me on a drug to help combat the remaining pain back in November (the swelling had gone down by the end of September) I saw a friend of mine a couple weeks ago whom I had seen several times since the swelling had gone down and she said I looked less puffy and the drugs must be working. I told her I had lost 20lbs and she said ya the drugs are working right? Why immediately attribute my hard work to a drug and assume I couldn't do it without it? And a drug that is an immune suppressent, not even an anti-inflamitory.

    I think it comes down to a lot of people are lazy and are too quick to make excuses and if they don't think they can do it through diet and excercise then how can you? It makes them feel better if you have some magic pill that is getting results.
  • aymie24
    aymie24 Posts: 227
    I agree with what you said Dave. Except - I TOTALLY don't feel like I've sacrificed anything. I'm not sacrificing when I'm working out - I'm claiming "me" time - something that, as a homeschooling mom, I don't get that much of. Food? I swear that I don't give up anything... I eat what I want, when I want - just less of it... and I don't miss anything!

    Sacrificing is what I was doing before... I sacrificed my waistline to having my son (not that I regret that). I sacrificed my healthy food choices to my husband - because he liked white bread and whole milk (bleh). I sacrificed all my time for anyone and everyone else because I didn't think I was important enough.

    I AM important enough and I AM (for the first time in my life) doing this for me. I'm not sacrificing a dang thing - I'm reclaiming what was mine from the start.

    You wanna come be my coach for a little while? :wink:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I completely agree that there's no pill to pop to lose weight and that you need to make a choice to eat well and stay active but i disagree with your comment on how we all got here. Not everyone sat on their *kitten* their whole life and just stuffed gallons of junk down their throat,

    Sorry but I have to disagree. Why would anyone who is serious about getting fit and being healthy focus on looking for a quick way to cram it into their schedule?

    I but you are generalizing in a really ufair way and putting words in Dave's mouth that were not said. Honestly, you sound pretty bitter about the way things are going for you and maybe you should turn that into motivation...just my two cents...

    thank you Aymie....

    I get in trouble enough with what I actually do say and I take responsibilty for it. I certainly do not need help getting in trouble with inventions from those who disagree with me. I enjoy a legitimate debate but it is not fair to make things up to just use against me or to justify your dislike for me or my approach.

    I wish everyone well in moving towards a healthier future.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Thanks for the great post Dave. :flowerforyou:
  • Road2Hotness
    :drinker: Finally, someone who can say it like it is! I admit I've tried the easy way out a few times but the results have been that I doubled up at the end instead of keeping it off. Good old fashion excercise, good eating, and well in my case I am still getting a little help surpressing my apetite but that's just until my body gets used the smaller portions. I'm getting there...slowly... but getting there.
  • petunia
    petunia Posts: 336 Member
    Good One Dave.. I completely agree...

    I have to admit, before coming here and trying the 'old fashioned way' I was one of those people looking for the quick fix.. I tried Atkins, Protein Power, cabbage soup, low fat.. you name it..

    some of them worked for a while, but I always gained the weight back.. and then some..

    I think you really have to be ready for this type of change. I didn't get fat overnight, and I didn't solve it overnight.. it's a constant dedication and determination to make yourself better... I still make mistakes, but my attitude and outlook on this is completely different.. there are no quick fixes.. once people realize that and ACCEPT that, it makes things a lot easier..

    I still say the easiest way of looking at it is this: Choose to

    I also agree with what Tam said.. the 'old Lori' would have been put-off by this and maybe a little insulted... the 'new Lori'.. the one that is here to stay, is proud to say "I AGREE"! :drinker:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Good One Dave.. I completely agree...

    I have to admit, before coming here and trying the 'old fashioned way' I was one of those people looking for the quick fix.. I tried Atkins, Protein Power, cabbage soup, low fat.. you name it..

    some of them worked for a while, but I always gained the weight back.. and then some..

    I think you really have to be ready for this type of change. I didn't get fat overnight, and I didn't solve it overnight.. it's a constant dedication and determination to make yourself better... I still make mistakes, but my attitude and outlook on this is completely different.. there are no quick fixes.. once people realize that and ACCEPT that, it makes things a lot easier..

    I still say the easiest way of looking at it is this: Choose to

    I also agree with what Tam said.. the 'old Lori' would have been put-off by this and maybe a little insulted... the 'new Lori'.. the one that is here to stay, is proud to say "I AGREE"! :drinker:

    Nicely put, new Lori! :wink:
  • Shadowpaws
    Shadowpaws Posts: 109
    Amen. :laugh: :drinker:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Wow dave, much different responses today compared to your condom lube filled treat post the other day! :laugh:

    I totally agree and to add I recommend baby steps to those having a hard time. Change isn't easy but making small changes a few at a time goes a long way! :flowerforyou:
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Love this post Dave....and I 100% wasnt until I TOTALLY dedicated myself to changing and doing whats right....that I found success....everything we do is an uphill battle this is no different and it takes hardwork and 63lbs later I find myself still motivated and not seeking any quick fixes or excuses....great post:drinker: