plateau? Should I change my diet?



  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I have been maintaining a relatively low calorie diet. I have lost 21 pounds since July but I only really got serious about the weight loss about a week before I found MFP In my first few weeks the weight came off relatively easy I was going to the gym and eating low calories, but then suddenly stopped. I gave my self a few cheat days, and in the last three I have been over my limit although MFP was still saying at my max I would still loose weight. I am still not seeing a difference on the scale, in fact It showed I gained a pound before I did the spike. I have been lifting weights and I am probably putting on some muscle, but I am wondering if I should alter my diet to less carbs or something to get that scale dropping again. Please take a look at my diary and let me know what you think? I am aware the last three days were kinda high but the weight loss stopped before those days.

    On average what is your daily calorie intake? What is your current weight and body fat? I got red flags when you said, " I gave my self a few cheat days, and in the last three I have been over my limit although MFP was still saying at my max I would still loose weight."

    Provide that information and we can go from there. However this is what I would do.

    Protein: 1.25 x your lean body mass
    Carb: 1-2 x your lean body mass
    Fats: Add protein calories and carb calories, subtract total from your daily intake. You have to find your RMR first.
  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    I don't know what my body fat percentage is but I was 214 now I am 193 my spikes were like 1500-1600 cals for the day...
    I'm averaging somewhere between 800-1100 cals a day I am not really sure I opened my food journal up though so you can see what I am eating
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I don't know what my body fat percentage is but I was 214 now I am 193 my spikes were like 1500-1600 cals for the day...
    I'm averaging somewhere between 800-1100 cals a day I am not really sure I opened my food journal up though so you can see what I am eating
    Protein: 200
    Carbs: 200-300
    Fat: 60

    This assumes you are a male.

    That's a good start. You are severely under eating. Regardless if you are not a male, you're still under eating.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    You not eating enough. I am the same weight, MFP suggests 1200calories without exercise because i want to lose 2lb a week. I never eat that low anyways, i eat between 1500 and 1600everyday and i have been loosing 2lb everyweek since Dec. I am 5'3. You need to eat more. Do you work out?
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Well I just checked your diary, and some days you only eat 2 times in the whole day, others 3. I eat 5 to 6 times per day. I would starv to death if I only at 2 or 3 meals. If you only eat 2 or 3 times it slows down your metabolism. If you are able, you should split up your calories into at least 5 meals per day. It also helps with cravings, because you're eating every couple hours. Also on several days you went well under 1200 calories, which I think can hurt you, it puts your body into starvation mode, slowing you calorie burning even more.

    Just my 2 cents

    False. Eating twice a day doesn't slow down your metabolism at all. Actually, going 16 hours or more without eating at all can actually increase your metabolism.

    Regarding eating too little, that may be true, but I am sticking with my original comment and saying to be patient and ride it out. Don't change anything yet. Your body will catch up, and if it doesn't then start worrying.
  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    I'm 5'81/2 and a girl haha btw
  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    Spiked my diet up a few days and then dropped it back down added intensity to my workouts and I am loosing again =) yay