fitbit....recommend or No???



  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I'd love to get one because everyone's so positive about them but they are quite expensive! :(

    They are actually the least expensive device in their class. HRMs aren't meant to be worn all the time. Of devices that are, BodyBugg, BodyMedia FIT, Jawbone UP, Striiv, etc., Fitbit is least expensive. BodyBugg and BodyMedia FIT (I've used both) require monthly subscriptions in addition to $175+ price tags.

    I just replaced my last casualty of the washing machine and paid $92 at Amazon. Isn't the information you gain worth $92? It sure is to me. That's why I replace mine when it goes through the washer.
  • msbobbitx
    msbobbitx Posts: 66 Member
    I like mine.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    My husband, mother and I have all been using fitbit ultras for 1-2 months (my husband the longest). It is not a perfect tool but for the price and size I think it does a very good job (vs. HRM). I can wear it with a business suit without any mysterious lumps under my clothing. Benefit is primarily awareness and motivation.

    Hubby has lost about 15 lbs, my mom and I both in the 5-7lb range since we started wearing them. fitbit website allows you to link to others so we have some friendly competition on steps takes, stairs climbed, etc.

    I'm curious. You say it's not a perfect tool. What, in your eyes, would it take to make it a perfect tool? Because I've used all it's competitors except the Striiv, and I do think it's a perfect tool.
  • I loooove my fitbit ultra! I use it with my hrm still because of my fitness choices bellydancing and kettlebell doesnt log softer exercises accurately. The two together have proven to be invaluable.
  • girl_afraid82
    girl_afraid82 Posts: 178 Member
    they have a clip which i would throw away first thing - i've known a couple people to lose thiers with the clip - i keep mine in my pocket all the time. no chance it will fall out or losing it from there.

    That's weird, I've found the clip on mine to be pretty good. I have it clipped to the pocket of a really flimsy dress right now and it's going nowhere. I was really paranoid of losing it for the first few days, but it's survived everything so far.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Those who own do the calories the fitbit shows you burn during exercise compare to what you had been calculating in mfp? I am curious if mfp over or underestimates calories burned. I would like a fitbit so that I can get a more accurate calculation, especially since mfp encourages you to eat those calories back. I am always worried that I am eating back calories that I didn't actually burn!

    I don't have a fitbit, but I recently got a HRM and it gives me a much lower calorie burn for my exericise than MFP. It was a little disheartening at first, but I'm glad to have the more accurate info. My burns seem like a lot less than what I see among friends, so I guess it's true, everyone's different. I can't decide if a fitbit would be good to have as well.

    Thank you! I am thinking I need a HRM rather than a fitbit because I would like to get a more accurate reading of my gym activities (Zumba, Kickboxing, Hip Hop) rather than just my steps. I'm afraid to find out what you've found out...that I burn fewer calories than mfp has been estimating,,,,,eeek! Thanks again!

    If you only care to get your gym calories, go with the HRM. I found that MFP overestimates my exercise calories by a lot, but underestimates my "daily life" calories by a little. I do not believe you will find the HRM is more accurate. I have not, nor have I found sensors with more gadgetry like the BodyBugg or BodyMedia FIT to be more accurate. I have worn them together and found Fitbit to report the same results. An HRM would be less expensive, but are you going to wear it to work?

    I also have worn my Fitbit with my doctor prescribed (brainwave mapping) sleep monitor, and it's dead-on accurate there too. I accurately measures awake vs asleep (I need to know more--hence the brainwave monitor) when matched to my sleep monitor. Sleep quality is at least as important as nutrition to health.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    I love my Fitbit. It encourages me to walk more. Be more active. Jump once in a while. it keeps me in check with what I eat too. I like seeing my flower grow. It's a little pricey but the positive outcome that you get is worth it

    ^ this
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I love my Fitbit. It encourages me to walk more. Be more active. Jump once in a while. it keeps me in check with what I eat too. I like seeing my flower grow. It's a little pricey but the positive outcome that you get is worth it

    For the motivational end of things I'm considering adding a Striiv. It offers several different ways to motivate you to walk more! You can play a video game, or rack up miles to get the company to donate to charities like providing clean water in parts of the world where children die because of a lack of clean water! What it lacks is that it's huge compared to the Fitbit!
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    I absolutely love mine. It seems very accurate with stairs, sleep, and intense exercise. I do find that (I think) it exaggerates how many incidental calories I burn just living my life. Maybe I do burn that many, but I don't look at them as exercise calories. The food database isn't nearly as extensive as MFP (although you can sync them), but it's a small quibble. I recommend it.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    what is the difference between the fitbit and the fitbit ultra. Does it have monthly charges and is it accurate??

    No monthly charge. The difference is that the Ultra has the new firmware that measures flights of stairs climbed, flashes "motivational messages" (I have to say I find this part hokey), and has a clock. The clock part I love. My neuropathy keeps me from wearing a watch, and I have occasionally needed to know the time. Since the Fitbit has to know the time to work, it seemed a little dumb that the original couldn't display it. I've tracked it with an HRM, BodyBugg, and BodyMedia FIT, and if they are accurate, Fitbit is accurate. You do have to tell it what kind of activity you did in a given time for some activities.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I've never really looked into one and just spent some time at the website and reading their blog. I have a question or two. It seems like it's made to be a somewhat glorified pedometer and just tracks steps and stairs, right? Can it tell the difference between running and walking? The steps would be the same but the calorie burn would be different. Also, I do grinders at least once a week, i.e. running up/down stairs at a stadium. I would be burning more calories running those stairs then I would walking. Does it give an accurate calorie burn for that? I also mainly do other exercises like spin classes, outdoor cycling, cardio-kickboxing, yoga and weight-lifting, for example. Does it track the calories burned doing that? I have the impression it doesn't. Am I mistaken?

    Actually, the steps wouldn't be the same running vs walking, but if you're concerned you can tell the Fitbit that what you did during that period was running vs walking. There is provision for that in the application. Running stairs would be it's strongest suit, since it CAN tell the difference between walking (running) up stairs and on level ground. (A pedometer can't--maybe that's why you say it's "glorified--because it has a lot more sensors??) It would work well with kickboxing, but doesn't do well with cycling. It cannot be worn swimming. I think you miss the point. It's strength isn't in it being able to track strenuous exercise. It does okay for that if you use the app properly, but it's real strength is in measuring what recent studies show is much more important--NEAT, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis.
  • usc2626
    usc2626 Posts: 186
    Just got mine in this morning and it's charging now. I pretty much have a desk job so maybe the fitbit will help motivate me to take a few more steps during the day. I am doing P90X at night and will use a HRM for that because the fitbit probably won't be accurate.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I've never really looked into one and just spent some time at the website and reading their blog. I have a question or two. It seems like it's made to be a somewhat glorified pedometer and just tracks steps and stairs, right? Can it tell the difference between running and walking? The steps would be the same but the calorie burn would be different. Also, I do grinders at least once a week, i.e. running up/down stairs at a stadium. I would be burning more calories running those stairs then I would walking. Does it give an accurate calorie burn for that? I also mainly do other exercises like spin classes, outdoor cycling, cardio-kickboxing, yoga and weight-lifting, for example. Does it track the calories burned doing that? I have the impression it doesn't. Am I mistaken?

    Actually, the steps wouldn't be the same running vs walking, but if you're concerned you can tell the Fitbit that what you did during that period was running vs walking. There is provision for that in the application. Running stairs would be it's strongest suit, since it CAN tell the difference between walking (running) up stairs and on level ground. (A pedometer can't--maybe that's why you say it's "glorified--because it has a lot more sensors??) It would work well with kickboxing, but doesn't do well with cycling. It cannot be worn swimming. I think you miss the point. It's strength isn't in it being able to track strenuous exercise. It does okay for that if you use the app properly, but it's real strength is in measuring what recent studies show is much more important--NEAT, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis.

    Re NEAT: I fidget. A lot. Frankly, everybody wonders how I ever gained weight with all the fidgeting I do. Does it track that as well?
  • poundsgalore
    poundsgalore Posts: 99 Member
    I love the Fitbit. It really gives me the encouragement and reminder to keep moving. I am very sedentary and love the motivation it gives me. I am always trying to reach or top a goal, whether steps, floors, calories, etc. It was the best 100 bucks I have spent. I heard you can get them cheaper on Ebay also.
  • I know the new Fitbit Ultra says that it tracks sleep patterns. Does the fitbit upload this anywhere into My Fitness Pal?
  • 1cari140
    1cari140 Posts: 1
    I LOVE my fitbit ultra. I think it is a very cool gadget, and amazing for the price. It syncs all your data wirelessly and even tracks your sleep. It encourages me to get extra exercise, every time I feel bored I take the dog out for a few laps around the condo complex which is about 1/4 mile each lap so it adds up quick. ! I would recommend it to anyone who loves tracking data!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    No, it uploads to the Fitbit site.
    I know the new Fitbit Ultra says that it tracks sleep patterns. Does the fitbit upload this anywhere into My Fitness Pal?
  • You guys have me so excited! My Fitbit comes sometime this week! I ordered it Friday morning and it was marked shipped!
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    No, it uploads to the Fitbit site.
    I know the new Fitbit Ultra says that it tracks sleep patterns. Does the fitbit upload this anywhere into My Fitness Pal?
    Yes, sorta... and MFP synchronize, and the info does come over here... you will find your steps and your sleep minutes as separate fields under Check In, and MFP will make adjustments to your food allowance based off Fitbit steps.

    Over on the fitbit site, you will find your food numbers synched from here, and will tell you its opinion of how much to eat.
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    I just returned mine two weeks ago. It was great, but I don't need a "motivator" to remind me to exercise, or take more steps, or any of that. It's all in your head and up to YOU to be active. :)

    I got my money back and just bought some sports bras and new capri workout pants. I feel better.... the whole time I had it I was asking myself, "Is this thing really worth the money?"