has anyone lost weight without exercise???????????



  • I think its very much possible but it might be a slower process. Personally, I HATE exercise and its really hard to get a work out in with my busy schedule. The only real downtime I get is Friday and Saturday after work. So that's when I get a good long walk in :) Even if it isn't much to some people its a lot to me and that's all that matters :) take it one day at a time. If you don't feel like working out then don't, as long as your creating some kind of calorie deficit you should slowly lose the weight.

  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I have done it before in my 20's and lost about 40 lbs. Then I plateaued and needed to workout. Needless to say I eventually gained it all back over some a few years. If you can add some exercises to your week for longevity of weight loss
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    I did.. or continued to when I fell in October. I did not exercise for about 2 months, but kept my diary impeccable by not going over on calories or sodium. I lost 0.5-3 lbs per week.
  • I have a friend who lost 80 lbs last year without exercise, but I don't think she looks that good. She has a really slim waist with no definition and fat flabby arms still. I know it can be done, but why would you want to? If you don't like exercise go for something light and work your way up. Find a buddy and join a class or something, find a dog to walk or a baby to push in a stroller. Just do something.
  • maru84
    maru84 Posts: 128
    This girl did initially- this is a great weight loss blog too: http://www.runsforcookies.com/
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    Yes, you can. In fact, some people are starting to recommend that weight loss only be calorie focused.

    However, the benefits of exercising are way too good to pass up. I wouldn't give up exercise for the world! It keeps me sane.
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    Due to health reasons I cannot do high impact exercise. I can walk, swim, and do yoga and I know that just these alone are helping strengthen my muscles and tone my body. However, I have lost weight before without exercise. It is not impossible, but you really would not want to do it if you are able bodied and can exercise, as the toning is an important part of the weight loss-without it you end up being "skinny fat" and undefined.
  • phillips529
    phillips529 Posts: 194 Member
    In August of 2011 I became a vegan and weighed almost 190lbs. I changed the way I ate and by the end of the year I was 152lbs. I did not exercise one bit and ate whatever was vegan friendly. In January at 152lbs I took a long look in the mirror and my body shape was terrible....flab all over the place. I decided that it was time to exercise because this is not the body transformation I was looking for. Please do not starve or deprive yourself it will do you no good, just find your personal balance between exercise and nutrition all will be o.k.
  • craigers13
    craigers13 Posts: 241 Member
    Yes, it IS possible but probably not recommended. I've found that exercising every day has changed not only my body but my mood as well. I feel good, I get compliments and I've noticed the inches coming off moreso than the actual weight. I even noticed how toned my legs seem to be getting and that puts a smile on my face. It doesn't mean you have to go to the gym everyday but even getting a 30-60 min walk in everyday will get those juices flowing to the point where you'll want to do more and more.