Things people who are trying to lose weight say that bother



  • emily2tx
    Someone I know flat out refuses to acknowledge the existence of calories...

    I was this person!!!!!!!!!!! Now I am a true believer - however, I do know the difference in good and bad calories too!
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    Speaking from experience, they have to want it before they realize they can do it. At a point where you are 100+ lbs over weight, the task seems insurmountable. I'm not complaining, but I understand.
    Once they see how easy, fun and rewarding it is they follow suit. I like to lead by example. I hope I can be a positive role model for my family and friends. Let's start a revolution!!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    It took me about 15 years to get as fat as I was, and most of that came from sitting on my butt and drinking beer. I've done two simple things:
    - Instead of sitting at a bar, I go to the gym. Not as social, but the eye candy wears less.
    - Instead of drinking my weight in beer, I drink a lot more water and still have some wine.

    Now, the rub. I won't be back like I was in 3 months, 6 months, or even a year. I spent far too much time destroying myself to think I could repair all that damage in just a small fraction of the time.
  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    a) you can't fix or change the problem unless you admit to yourself there is one...
    b) I agree, people want the beautiful body, etc without the WORK - it actually requires some work, pre-planning etc!
    c) until they ALONE are ready, nothing will work - they will revert back to doing what they always do...

    I know all of this because of me and all of my excuses from the past... you have to admit there is a lifestyle change needed and not keep giving excuses as to why you cannot change... mfp was like my light bulb... I sit and think a lot that I can only hope that the ones that sit there and complain or are unhappy with themselves can find their 'ah ha' moment as well.

    I also agree with a lot of posts on here that everyone's bodies are different and the more you have to lose, the harder it is... but right - once they find that something can work it's even more fuel/incentive to keep going. Just think where they'd be in a year if they didn't make that change... oh and one more thing, it has to become a priority or else every little other thing will get in the way of reaching that goal!!
  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member

    "It's too expensive to eat healthy".

    That's all it is in most cases...a lack of knowledge.

    UGH!! Someone I know says this and I want to say... how about all of those Dr bills you'll be paying in the future when you are NOT a healthy person?? Oh, don't get me started on the $$ thing... it's called creative shopping and they don't want to put the time in to plan ahead.... Sorry, rant over, LOL
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member

    "It's too expensive to eat healthy".

    That's all it is in most cases...a lack of knowledge.

    UGH!! Someone I know says this and I want to say... how about all of those Dr bills you'll be paying in the future when you are NOT a healthy person?? Oh, don't get me started on the $$ thing... it's called creative shopping and they don't want to put the time in to plan ahead.... Sorry, rant over, LOL

    ^^^ you hit the nail on the head!! I was paying out of pocket for CO-PAYS ALONE over $300 per month for all the prescriptions I needed. The insurance was paying close to $4500 for the medicine. Not to mention the constant pain, fatigue, severe depression, and lost work days from illness/medical problems. I am now completely free from all medication, all medical issues have either been eliminated or are under control without medication, and am healthy. I am happy, confident, and best of all...I have more money!! My insurance even gave me a break on my premiums because my claims went down so much!
  • Tkwild
    Tkwild Posts: 116 Member
    And it is as *simple* as eating less and moving more. However, it is not always *easy* to do just that.

    I have to disagree with this. Certainly that works for the majority of people, but not all.

    I consistently ate around 1000 cals/day and exercised a reasonable amount (certainly more than 30 mins 5x/day) and gained over 50kgs. Confusing as all hell. It wasn't until I figured out what else was going on (PCOS, Coeliac) and adjusted my foods to be the right ones for my body (low-carb and absolutely no wheat) that I have managed to start to lose that weight.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    I consistently ate around 1000 cals/day and exercised a reasonable amount (certainly more than 30 mins 5x/day) and gained over 50kgs.

    That seems like you weren't eating enough :/
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    It troubles me when people snivel and cry about lack of fast results, then bemoan the whole challenge and talk about how they want to just quit.:sad:

    Further, we have the usual toxic types destined to fail:
    ....pill and supplement junkies looking for the easy path to success...:laugh:
    .....crash dieters who bounce from one scam to another...:laugh:
    .....serial blamers with every excuse under the sun: my genes, my SO, my job, ect....:laugh:
    .....uneducated, over opinionated know-it-alls who argue in one forum while they cry the blues in another about how they can't earn results:laugh:
    ......long-term members of MFP with tickers showing little progress, yet they refuse to follow MFP recommendation...:laugh:

    That about covers it.....:drinker:

    While I would perhaps put it more tactfully, I do actually agree with everything you say on this subject.