Does your partner share your lifestyle choices?



  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    My boyfriend is starting to, but it's been a long time coming. I started getting really serious about exercise and curbing my sweet tooth sometime back in May or June, and its only in the past few weeks that he has started working out as well. I think part of his increased interest is because I started trying to get him involved in aspects of my routine - mostly because I wanted to have someone on hand to keep an eye on my form while I'm lifting weights. After a few weeks of that, he's also started doing a minor amount of cardio. We'll see if it will be a lasting change, or just something he starts and then gets bored with (that has happened before). I'm hoping he'll stick with it, because he seems more interested in being healthy than he has before. He even did squats, lunges, etc with me yesterday...
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    My hubs & I started on the SAME day...he's lost 90ish & I have lost 60ish!! We have always been a team in EVERYTHING we have done and that doesn't change with this! Tell him that you need him to help you do this & set his phone up for him.
  • shadowdragon1220
    I wish that my husband was as set at losing weight as I am. He started letting me count his calories a few weeks ago but went off the wagon last week and now this week he says he wants to do it again since he gained back everything he had lost and more. I do look at his belly even more now since I have lost 12 almost 13 lbs. It makes me think wow, you want me skinny and sexy but you are not willing to put in the time or effort to do the same for me. Makes me sad sometimes but I cannot force it on him. :sad: :explode:

    whoops was on his account logging his calories. hehehehehehe
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    nope... he did this crazy extreme atkins diet last 2 or 3 weeks, but its only for biggest loser competition at his work.. 6' 275#..eats NOTHING healthy, never works out, every once in a while he'll shoot hoops with out son.

    Ive tried to get him on board many times...but finaly hes being a bit more understand that i cant/wont eat mcdonalds twice a day with him
  • dragonsheart84
    Mine is not as active in it as I would like him to be. Maybe some day he will come around
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    We are both on MFP
  • ashbashbaby03
    Mine does not think he needs to workout... It wouldn't hurt for him to lift weights and get more toned. I have suggested him working out with me or his friends who do lift weights and he just has no interest!! I don't know what else to do but I don't think it's fair I'm trying to get into better shape, why can't he?!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    We menu plan our week together. We run together and hit the gym together as often as possible. When we aren't at the gym together we are supporting each other in making sure we both get our gym time. He supports my running and motivates me to keep my goals. I do the same for him. We eat healthy (almost always) as a family. If he wants a treat and brings it in the house I don't push him to get rid of it I just choose to not partake. Same with him to me.
  • Hayter2013
    Yes, only coz I do all the cooking!!

    He signed up to MFP to support me and is now rather interested in how many cals are in our food! He was under his daily quota the other day and rewarded himself to some beer (I am pretty much teetotal these days anyway so I didn't care) but he'd been carrying our son around a lot in the daytime so that burnt a few cals for him!

    Only been on a few days so haven't seen any results so far but its going on the right track!
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    As I increase my interest in diet and fitness the more I notice my boyfriends gut. I've suggested he comes to the gym, thus improving his energy levels. I have never once suggested he is fat, I'm not mean or anything like that!

    His diet is what I can only describe as 'beige'. Bread, toast, cheese, peanut butter, potato waffles, crispy chicken etc

    I'm starting to worry after watching a program about visseral *sp* fat, surrounding the organs causing a bigger belly but not bigger limbs etc.

    Do your partners have a similar attitude or do you go out jogging hand in hand lol.

    Just interested to know

    You should be GLAD he is just a BF, not a hubby! Try leading by example... if that doesn't work, you'll get more attention from the opposite sex and if he doesn't start noticing that, and stop taking you for granted... time to move on. Being the lazy fat guy is not fun... nor fun to be around.

    I have the same problem... all belly fat and around the organs. I finally woke up!
  • goncrazy
    I am finding that this is my biggest obstacle in my weight loss journey. He wants NOTHING to do with healthy food options or working out. It's not that I want to make him do something that he doesn't want to do, but do you know how HARD it is for me to have all the JUNK food around me. Not to mention, I can't make healthy meals when he is home. I just have to make something he will like, and then watch my portions and make sure I get my workout in that day. It would be SO much easier if he was on the healthy lifestyle change with me :(
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    I'm newlywed only a year. At age 42, this is the first time I'm into working out: running, hiking, Zumba, you name it. My husband is a former competitive body builder. He is now at the age where he could care less about going to the gym. Which is sad- because his body was rockin'~!!

    So, I just hope to lead by example and maybe it'll fuel a fire. I tried egging him on to go back to the gym. That backfired. Seriously.

    I think he'll come back to it, but it has to be completely on his own.
  • WillJaques
    I'm single :-(

    But everyone I know is very supportive and enthusiastic for me.
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    My hubs is super supportive. Like a PP said, he better be, if he wants to eat :-)
    We mostly do our workouts separately, otherwise we'd have to get a babysitter. I mostly run and do some videos, he mostly bikes and lifts. When the weather is nice, we ride bikes and go for walks as a family.
    I never suggested or forced my husband to join MFP. He did so on his own free will. When he saw that calorie counting was working really well for me, he thought maybe he should give it a shot too. He's always always always been supportive of me, and it has taken a lot of conversations and compromises to get us on the same page food-wise. Have an open mind and remember that you can't change anyone.
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    My bf would like to start walking with me once in a while, to improve is cardio. My healthier lifestyle also had a direct impact on the meals... and everybody loves it. Nice meal, a lot of fruits & veggies in the fridge...

    I told my bf that I was seriously thinking about doing the Spartan Race next June in our area, and I asked him if he would come to cheer me up, and he told me he would really like to participate too, but that he would surely die!!! He's more and more determine to start walking, but he hates winter, so I know nothing will happen before spring. But I know he will walk with me this summer. There's hope :laugh:
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    My husband does not share my lifestyle choices or changes. He wasn't very supportive when I began this journey, it's only been the last year that he's told me how proud he was of me. I try to get him to walk with me, use our equipment at home but nothing. Oh well hopefully one day he'll come around but if not I still support him.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I'm really quite lucky. both of us are vegetarians, James eats what he wants when he's at work but he's usually quite healthy (he has cottage cheese for lunch nearly every day!) but he'll eat the same as me, when he's just cooking he'll weigh everything out for me. Same at the weekends he'll stick with me. If I don't have enough calories left for a treat, he won't bother either even though I say he's welcome to (it's past the stage of me being a bit touchy about it), plus he'll come out on walks with me and help me with yoga so that I don't do myself any damage. I do consider myself to be very lucky.
  • seattlerain
    seattlerain Posts: 189 Member
    My ex ate noting but fried food and cheese and complained when I worked out.

    My new partner and I are on the same page as far as lifestye choices go.
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 246 Member
    my husband is very supportive and will eat whatever i cook (go figure, hes a man lol) and his career is very physical so id say ........ yes (for the most part)
  • JanLeb
    JanLeb Posts: 316 Member
    My DH is very supportive most of the time.

    I do most of the cooking, and he is fine with all the meals I prepare, and also is working towards a healthy lifestyle.

    I have offered to make some separate versions of meals I prepare as I have to eat gluten free and don't think he should have to go without just because of me, but he is fine most of the time with it.

    I am sure he sneaks a 'treat' every now and then though.