I am going to PIG OUT tomorrow!



  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    So...here's my opinion, take it or leave it.

    BAD food is an addiction, like any other addiction, you can't feed it. So let's look at this another way.
    An alcoholic is not going to celebrate 50 days of sobriety by getting wasted. That's insane! This is the SAME thing. If you delve in, you might not climb out. Not to poo-poo your willpower, but is it really worth it to you? If you do decide to go balls to the wall, then go ahead & log it. This lifestyle is a hard habit to start, but easy to quit.

    Best of luck on your decision.

    Um, this is not the same thing. Alcoholics have to cut alcohol completely out of their lives. We cannot do that. Food is part of life. And I don't think there's really such a thing as BAD food, nor should willpower be the only thing that keeps you on a healthy eating plan. That kind of thinking, IMO, is much more harmful to long-term success than planned feasts. Many of us love eating clean and healthy, but there is NOTHING wrong w/ planning for splurges. All things in moderation, including moderation. Your approach to taking care of yourself sounds pretty dry and joyless, something I couldn't sustain for long. Re-feed/spike days are great ways to keep a food regimen interesting and healthy.

    Eat up!! Happy Valentine's Day!
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    Having a little freak out here! My BF told me he'd booked a table at a very expensive Thai restaurant for tomorrow night. He was so excited he'd managed to get a table that he couldn't wait to tell me. Now I'm stressing out over what to order, I don't want to sit there and just pick at my food feeling guilty for being there, will completely spoil the atmosphere but don't want to have a total cheat where my daily calories are whacked out of the ball park, Thai food isn't renowned for being the lowest calorie option and not like I can order a salad!!!! Can't believe I am so wound up about it!!! Is this what constant calorie counting does to you?

    Exactly why planned spike/re-feed days are good for you. Down this road lies madness!

    But seriously, try to take it easy and enjoy yourself. One day of going well over your net will not ruin your end result. Have a nie meal w/ your man, and take comfort in knowing you will be right back to MFP, on-point, the next day. It's all good!!
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    enjoy yourself....but just a warning, I have done this a couple of times, but now that I'm not used to eating like I used to, it makes me almost sick....

    That is the one thing I'm worried about... I got fried mozzarella sticks a couple weeks back and felt awful (nauseated) for hours afterwards. I guess my body is used to eating healthy now, which is great, but could present a problem for my plan to feast, haha.

    It'll be interesting to see how you feel once you start. I used to be be able to eat all the fried goodness that is typical serving of "bar food". Last time I went out, I had a just a few bites here and there and I was so stuffed.

    Have a great time and enjoy every bite. Get back to it Wednesday. No guilt. Just don't overdo it and feel sick after ;-P
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    I certainly wouldn't pig out on Valentine's Day. I would end up feeling sick because I'm not used to eating like that anymore. And if I'm feeling sick, I'm not going to want to have sex. Personaly, I'd rather have great sex then pig out on Valentine's Day.

    We need a like button. i LIKE this comment :bigsmile: And I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    Nope. If I pig out, I need retribution... and those red numbers drive me bonkers.

    Not that it keeps me from occasionally going over?
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    I have one once a week :) this week will be two since Sunday is my usual splurge day enjoy it!!! What I have found is after a splurge day I'm not as hungry !!
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    Having a little freak out here! My BF told me he'd booked a table at a very expensive Thai restaurant for tomorrow night. He was so excited he'd managed to get a table that he couldn't wait to tell me. Now I'm stressing out over what to order, I don't want to sit there and just pick at my food feeling guilty for being there, will completely spoil the atmosphere but don't want to have a total cheat where my daily calories are whacked out of the ball park, Thai food isn't renowned for being the lowest calorie option and not like I can order a salad!!!! Can't believe I am so wound up about it!!! Is this what constant calorie counting does to you?

    Thai food has a lot of good stuff. My fav is chicken with mushrooms, there is also chicken with green beens or chicken with spinich and peanut suace. Hold the rice and you will be fine!
  • marquesajen
    I'm doing that too. Sort of! We're going out to eat, but I get full so quickly that I probably won't eat too overboard, but I'm getting dessert and a drink! We think of indulgent food as celebratory rather than guilty. Have a great day everyone!
  • LavenderChamomile
    People, eating badly is not comparable to alcoholism! Some people might be more susceptible to fall back into their old diet...that's completely understandable and if you can't handle a cheat day that's perfectly fine for you. But it's not WRONG to indulge yourself once in a while. Eating should be ENJOYABLE. If you have a day where you're just NOT going to enjoy yourself unless you have a piece of cake, then have a stupid piece of cake! I refuse to feel like I'm cheating myself out of eating certain foods. My diet is my choice, and it will answer to me rather than me being controlled by it. Personally, I think there are more important things to think about on Valentine's day than my calorie count, and if you can't forget that for one day without feeling guilty then you may have actual problems and you might wanna get that checked out.

    I'm still going to log my food tomorrow though, just because I'm curious. Also, it never seems to be as bad as I think so it's usually encouraging to see how much I actually ate. And you definitely do get used to eating healthy. I can't even finish a whole piece of cake anymore. Last week was my mom's birthday and I decided to go all in and have some ice cream for the first time in months. Well, I dished out a mound of ice cream that I would have had NO problem finishing before...and I couldn't even get halfway through. So I definitely don't think ONE day of splurging is going to send you full force back into your old ways. It would take a lot of conscious effort to get used to eating the same processed, sugary foods that you did before.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Final status report: A lot of you were right, I didn't eat as much as I thought I would! I did have a huge calzone for dinner, but I had eaten a light breakfast and skipped lunch. I also ate a good amount of chocolate throughout the day. It was awesome!

    At the end of the night I did feel a little sick to my stomach but nothing too bad, and when I woke up yesterday morning I felt fine. I got back to logging yesterday and I haven't gained any weight back, woohoo!

    Hope everyone had a good vday :)
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    Good job! I had steak and mashed potatoes with a glass of wine and it was fabulous.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    I definitely had a high calorie day on valentines we had spinach dip with French bread for appetizer then dinner was a family feast!! Steak veggies pasta with Alfredo sauce, garlic bread, and delicious chocolate ice cream for dessert Yummy!!! The next day back to eating 1200-1500 again. It works for me!!!