Do You Eat These Eight Foods Daily?



  • ImSoPerfectlyFlawed
    I will try now
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    (1) Never
    (2) Most days
    (3) Daily
    (4) Daily
    (5) Daily
    (6) Never
    (7) At least weekly
    (8) At least weekly
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    (1) Spinach - At least three cups a day!
    (2) Yogurt - no, I dont tend to do dairy
    (3) Tomatoes - yep!
    (4) Carrots - I eat them with hummus every single day
    (5) Blueberries - Yep!
    (6) Black Beans - no, but I eat pinto beans every day.
    (7) Walnuts - no, but I do almonds almost every day.
    (8) Oats - most days, but I've been trying to cut back because it's so calorie-dense.
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    Great point!
    Now, let's see...

    (1) Spinach - Every other day! Love spinach with eggs :)
    (2) Yogurt - Haven't in a long time... dairy intolerant :(
    (3) Tomatoes - Only if cooked or in sauce.. raw freaks me out!
    (4) Carrots - YES! With hummus, please? Or in a kimchee stew?
    (5) Blueberries - Just made some paleo pastries with these guys! Frozen with dark chocolate drizzled on top is fabulous as well.
    (6) Black Beans - No, too calorically dense for me.
    (7) Walnuts - I keep hearing these are the super nuts, and one of the best for you. High ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fatty acids.
    (8) Oats - I love oats a few times a week!
  • hello77kitty
    hello77kitty Posts: 260 Member
    Spinach salad almost every weekday for lunch
    Yogurt weekdays snack
    Tomatoes few times a week
    Carrots occasionally
    blueberries if they are on sale..which they have been lately. Love them in my yogurt with some granola/kashi
    Black beans rarely
    walnuts no
    Oats does cheerios count? I eat that for breakfast during the week.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Every personal opinion will vary, but I don't think there is any food item that should be consumed every day except water. I like variety so I can keep my meals interesting. If I get bored with what I'm eating I tend to wander into the snack aisle and let my sweet tooth go crazy.

    (1) Spinach - fairly regularly
    (2) Yogurt - off and on. Will go weeks eating every day, and weeks w/o eating yogurt. Real Greek yogurt only now, Fage or Chobani depending on cost.
    (3) Tomatoes - almost daily (salads)
    (4) Carrots - almost daily (salads)
    (5) Blueberries - only when in season.
    (6) Black Beans - couple times a week
    (7) Walnuts - almost never (only if someone sneaks them into brownies or cookies)
    (8) Oats - couple times a week.
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    (1) Spinach - Every day on my sandwich at work
    (2) Yogurt - I stopped eating it because of the super high sugar content
    (3) Tomatoes - Love! But prolly not every day... often tho
    (4) Carrots - As a side to my sandwich every day at work
    (5) Blueberries - Not every day, but often in my oatmeal in the morning
    (6) Black Beans - Very frequently, as I LOVE Mexican food... but not every day
    (7) Walnuts - *blech!* I hate walnuts!
    (8) Oats - I eat oatmeal pretty much every morning for bfast

    Doin' pretty good! :smile:

    Fat free plain greek yogurt has 18g of protein and 7g of sugar (lactose) per 100 cals. I don't think that's too much sugar!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Never eat spinach and black beans just because I don't know what to do with them really, but eat all the others regularly! I couldn't stick to the same 8 foods every day though personally! X
    Black beans are my new favorite food! Use them instead of meat to make tacos and enchiladas. They are also great in soup, chili, egg rolls, etc. You can find a million recipes online for black beans.
  • lillystargazer
    The only one I eat on a daily basis is spinach. I love it!
  • Tasha_Star
    (1) Spinach - 5/7 days a week
    (2) Yogurt - 6/7 days a week
    (3) Tomatoes - 7/7 days a week
    (4) Carrots - allergic so only sometimes when cooked
    (5) Blueberries - also allergic...i do raspberries
    (6) Black Beans - no
    (7) Walnuts - almonds or pistachios
    (8) Oats - 4/7 days a wk
  • angel_north
    angel_north Posts: 51 Member
    in salads
    yogurt--yes , daily
    /all berries
    black beans-sometimes
    walnuts-no almonds/yes
    salad with/carrots and red cabbage 2-4 days a week
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    (1) Spinach--check
    (2) Yogurt---non fat plain Greek yogurt, check
    (3) Tomatoes--check (mixed in with cooked beans)
    (4) Carrots-- need to work on this
    (5) Blueberries--check
    (6) Black Beans--i either do lentils, peruvian or kidney beans (everyday, check)
    (7) Walnuts--check
    (8) Oats--used to .. should do it again