Hi I am about to be up front and honest...



  • ShannonMarie81
    I feel that counting calories is the best way to go...if you cut things out that you love you are only
    going to feel deprived and binge eat..and not be able to stick with it. It's not about being on a "diet"
    it's about making a lifestyle change, and finding a healthy way of eating that you can life with and be
    happy with the rest of your life!!
    Please feel free to add me as a friend..I would love to have another friend to encourage
    and help encourage me!!
    God Bless!!
  • julie82070
    julie82070 Posts: 22 Member
    Something that has worked for me so far... I set a reasonable and attainable goal for myself - 30 lbs in 6 months. It's like 1.25 lbs/week or so. The next thing I did was create a custom calendar for myself. I only do one month at a time, and I have a blank every Tuesday for my "goal" and my "actual" weight. I can ONLY weigh in once/week. I also placed photos of myself that would give me motivation... you know, nonflattering pics you don't want anyone to see. Next, I placed the calendar on my closet door, where I would HAVE to see it EVERY morning, first thing, and the last thing every night. I can't wait to weigh in on Tuesdays and I do not place my "goal weight" on the calendar until one week ahead of time (so that if I get behind where I thought I would be a month ago, I don't give up). So far so good.

    I could live on chocolate and pizza and never need another food, ever!! But, with this website, it's about keeping yourself accountable. If I want a treat, I can have it - I just have to EARN it though exercise. It works. Set yourself up for success and don't allow yourself to fail. Get some good friends on here... there are some amazing and very successful people who LOVE to help others. Take advantage of it!!!!
    Good luck - you can do it! Believe in yourself first and foremost. :smile:
  • fypspirit
    fypspirit Posts: 109 Member
    So correct...A long term goal can be 50 lbs but you have to start with short term goals. Mine is 10lbs per month. For every 10lbs I lose I am gonna treat myself to something(not food). But something I would like to have like new workout shoes or something. But you can't set you short term goal so high. Very well stated.
  • NorseMaiden
    NorseMaiden Posts: 95 Member
    I eat pizza once a week. I eat Kraft Milkbite Chocolate granola bars and they are delicious! I had steak and eggs for supper. I go out to restaurants to eat. As long as you put it all in your menu and keep it right at or just under your calorie allotment...you'll do just fine. This is the 3rd time in my life that I'm losing the same 70 pounds...this time I know it will stay off. Because this time I figured out that counting calories was the only way to retrain my eating habits. You can do this! MFP makes it so easy. When I'm hungry between meals or snacks I drink a cup of hot tea. It always calms the hunger. Feel free to add me.
  • NewTeena
    NewTeena Posts: 154 Member
    If I was to tell myself I wasn't allowed a particular item that would be setting myself up for failure. I don't like being told what I can and can't have, even if the one telling me I can't have these things is me.

    I'm a calorie counter. What works for me is taking each decision one at a time and deciding if a particular item is worth counting, if it's not, I move on to something that IS worth counting, if it is, then I have to decide how much is worth counting. More often than not I'm satisfied with a small piece and I don't feel like I've been denied anything. I have a few real life friends that are completely envious of this but I explain to them if I start denying myself something then I will surely give up on myself, which is something I'm not prepared to do. Some of these people are on "diets". I am not. I am making a lifestyle change. To me, a diet implies it's a temporary way of eating until you can start eating normally again. I am super obese because I had horrible eating habits, which means in order to be healthy, I need to eat well. Forever. If I ever go back to eating the way I did I would end up just as fat as I was before.

    It is not realistic to expect you can change your eating habits overnight. It is realistic to make small dietary changes and keep those changes, as you become more comfortable with new habits, you'll add more of them and you may find you no longer like your old habits (that is happening to me and a friend of mine) and gladly give them up realizing you are missing out on nothing.

    Good luck to you and I hope you find something that works for you. :)
  • magram
    magram Posts: 12
    Just log in what you eat. EVERYTHING. At McDonalds I love the $ sandwiches