fat flush diet



  • You're welcome. These forums drive me insane sometimes.
  • Everyone is right that "fad" diets don't work. That being said, there is nothing wrong with using a 'fad' or alternative eating plan short term to jump start your loss. On November 1, 2011 I did the fat flush AND was also doing in depth cleaning, moving furniture, etc., and I lost 8# in a week. I then continued on eating low fat, complex carbs, watching portion size and exercising and I've lost 34 total. I have a 1200 cal minimum set by MFP, and I am rarely hungry. I eat back most or all of my exercise calories, and if I go over on a day, oh well, it won't kill me. While this is a lifestyle change, there will be days when you cannot stick to any specific eating plan. So you need to be able to accept some variables and not let yourself get freaked out because you were over by XXX calories one day. Just eat healthy foods in moderation, and if you want to try the fat flush diet for a week or so, more power to you! A quick loss can be great motivation, and get you on the path to your healthier lifestyle. Everyone needs to find what works for them, and allow everybody else the same freedom. Good luck.

    Thanks! For both being helpful and nice!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    From somebody who has actually TRIED this, I can actually answer your question instead of just blasting the "fad diets don't work" line.

    I've did this a few years back and it worked but it was really tough to stick to. This isn't a "fad diet", it's a lifestyle and it's not for everybody. I will warn you that the first phase is the hardest but you feel great once you get through it. And this plan is based on healthy, whole, good food so you're not going to do any damage to your body.
    Glad to hear it worked....
    So, why are you here?

    It worked...right?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I'm here because I had more children and really wanted the community support this time around. Don't judge me because you don't know anything about me. Do you know anything about this plan? Probably not. It's based on what we're supposed to do, which MFP backs up. Eating healthy whole foods and not garbage. So really, you can't go wrong....and with somebody who struggles with the basics of how to eat healthy, it's a good plan to show you what to do. I still use the principals of that plan in my daily eating habits.
    Good luck with your program.....seriously!
    And welcome to MFP!
    Actually, I am all about whole foods.
    If man makes it, don't eat it.

    I am striving for that ideal. Again, good luck!
  • You're welcome. These forums drive me insane sometimes.

    I don't know why people have to be so rude. These are made to be support forums, it's too bad people feel they have to try to insult others. Just be glad it's just weight we are trying to lose, not a bad attitude as well.
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    I made the soup and I eat it usually for one meal, because it has lots of good veggies and stuff and is very low calorie and low sodium, but I eat other foods for breakfast and lunch. It seems to help, but I am thinking it is because of the saved calories and sodium intake. I could not eat it for every meal or even every day. I have to wonder like some others if it is more water weight that is being lost. Honestly, I really enjoy it for either lunch or dinner.
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    Yes I am the result of the Fat Flush Diet...

    I recommend that everyone start with Fat Flush to rid your body of toxins before you start a heavy diet routine. I learned a lot about the importance of fiber, and being clean inside.

    I would not recommend this as a long term diet however.
  • I made the soup and I eat it usually for one meal, because it has lots of good veggies and stuff and is very low calorie and low sodium, but I eat other foods for breakfast and lunch. It seems to help, but I am thinking it is because of the saved calories and sodium intake. I could not eat it for every meal or even every day. I have to wonder like some others if it is more water weight that is being lost. Honestly, I really enjoy it for either lunch or dinner.

    Thanks! I love making my own soup and if I can get rid of a lot of the salt and unnecissary sugar and fat, I'm sure my foods will taste a lot more flavorful!
  • Yes I am the result of the Fat Flush Diet...

    I recommend that everyone start with Fat Flush to rid your body of toxins before you start a heavy diet routine. I learned a lot about the importance of fiber, and being clean inside.

    I would not recommend this as a long term diet however.

    I don't think I could do it long term!! :smile: That would be too tough, but I like the idea of starting with it! Thanks!!