Do you have a gym nemesis?



  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    The 20 year old treadmill in the workout room here at work. We used to have a KILLER, awesome, amazing, I'd marry it if I could kind of treadmill, but when the owners of our building relocated the workout room, they took the best piece of machinery they had and left the crappy one. The old treadmill will randomly shut off. No reason. You could workout 30 minutes, or 30 seconds.... whatever it feels like you should do. No matter if you turn it on and get going again.... BAM! Safety bar in the gut!

    It totally sucks *kitten*.
  • Cassi_Eats_Apples
    Oh and there's also an old lady that always seems to come over to me after I've just gotten on the recumbent bike, and always asks me how long I've been on it. And then huffs away when I say 5 minutes. The fat burn program is 20, and I always sign up on the board like I am supposed to.
  • 1FitMomof4Girls
    1FitMomof4Girls Posts: 202 Member
  • junglejd13
    junglejd13 Posts: 55 Member
    I am a luscious sized lady, and like many of you have said, I've seen the mean stares and glances when I'm coming to workout or take a class. I think people get intimidated when someone who weighs 100lbs + more than them can do the same exercise/intensity they probably feel like they need to do better or put the fatties in their places. That however, just makes me want to succeed in my health journey even more. I may be fat, but I played rollerhockey with all boys for 4 years, ice hockey, and field hockey in high school, I'm strong and have a lot of muscle under this fat so take that! I also was the only girl in my family and raised with all boys, I got beat up alot but my pain tolerance is that of a zen master.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Oh a definite fun addition:

    hmmm..the 80 year old man who can run faster than me. laps me on the track!!!
    ..the girl who constantly wears a shirt that says "run run run"..and she never runs!
  • junglejd13
    junglejd13 Posts: 55 Member
    OMG the creepy female janitor. She has this nasty greasy like female mullet, she thinks shes cool, tries to act ghetto. I used to always smile at her, she never smiles back and i've seen her stare at me and my friend (also luscious sized lady when we work out like she is disgusted. But she is in no way shape or form healthy looking and yeah. So she can stare at me all she wants, and watch as the pounds come off.
  • calana
    calana Posts: 88 Member
    There's this one woman who is in her early 60s I'd say. At my gym there are fans around the cardio area and if nobody is using one, you can go grab one and plug it in in front or behind of your machine so you have the cool air blowing on you. It's really nice and I enjoy that they have that option.

    Anyways, this SAME lady has come up to my machine, given me a dirty look and then UNPLUGGED my fan and taken it away to her machine. This has happened at least 3 or 4 times.

    I'm not a confrontational person so I haven't said anything but if she does it again I might have to.

    haha, what if you just "think" you can use the fans like that, and she gets mad at you for stealing fans and takes it away. or only for VIP members or somethng. ha

    Haha I wish that were true! I would definitely be VIP and maybe I'd get some other good freebies haha.
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    My gym nemesis is this one skinny little thing that always smirks and gives me dirty looks.
    Especially when I'm on the arc trainer, she always make it a point to be right beside me and she smirks about going way faster then I do on it.
    The thing is though, I set mine on the highest incline and 80 out of 100 resistance.
    Of course she can go faster on 0 incline with like 5 resistance.

    Check the cals burned, mine are always substantially higher just saying.

    LOL, you NEED to see this!!
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    i dont have a nemisis, i'm usually distracted by the food network on tv while im on the treadmill
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    definitely. and, pardon my french, but the f*cker is always wearing power lifting gear, but never tries to actually work out. me and my workout buddies call him "spiderman". he comes in eyeballing us every day, puts a ton of weight on the bar, and does 1 or 2 reps for a couple sets and walks away. eyeballing us some more. sure he's a big dude, but i'd kick his *kitten* if he ever gets the guts to say something
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    The oldish geezer who goes to some of my spin classes... you know him - he's the one who kind of looks like a turtle. He needs to spend more effort working instead of looking round the room at other people. I swear I have never seen him break out into a sweat. Man up, quit glaring around at others and develop fast legs you turtle headed clown!!
  • whitneyann0
    whitneyann0 Posts: 327 Member
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just realised there is one young guy not so much a nemesis who always gets on the elliptical in my vicinity and breaks wind all the time - i wouldn't mind so much if it weren't for the fact that it seems everyone then looks at me!
  • Cassi_Eats_Apples
    My gym nemesis is this one skinny little thing that always smirks and gives me dirty looks.
    Especially when I'm on the arc trainer, she always make it a point to be right beside me and she smirks about going way faster then I do on it.
    The thing is though, I set mine on the highest incline and 80 out of 100 resistance.
    Of course she can go faster on 0 incline with like 5 resistance.

    Check the cals burned, mine are always substantially higher just saying.

    LOL, you NEED to see this!!

    lololololololol. I've seen that I love her. And yes it pretty much hits the nail on the head.
  • dazkeirle
    dazkeirle Posts: 25 Member
    You've touched on something here.

    Usually at the start of workout I'm calm, but as i work out and my test rises I start thinking everybody has some agenda with me.

    By the time I'm leaving I'm usually imagining kicking off with every single male in the gym.

    It gets out of control so I tend to just listen to music and ignore everyone, but I know it's happening.

    The best thing is, usually the ones I think are real bell ends who i couldn't imagine talking to, once a convo gets going by accident, usually turn out to be the nicest of nice guys.
  • lk227
    lk227 Posts: 28
    That's funny. I actually have NIKE shirts that I got on sale which say "run run run" and I never run at the gym. They're really comfy. I like to run outside at night time (less people watching me gasping for
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Not in the gym, at the dojo I have a fair number though. Nice thing about that is I get to punch them in the head from time to time.
  • chesterdogmine
    chesterdogmine Posts: 20 Member
    There's this one woman who is in her early 60s I'd say. At my gym there are fans around the cardio area and if nobody is using one, you can go grab one and plug it in in front or behind of your machine so you have the cool air blowing on you. It's really nice and I enjoy that they have that option.

    Anyways, this SAME lady has come up to my machine, given me a dirty look and then UNPLUGGED my fan and taken it away to her machine. This has happened at least 3 or 4 times.

    I'm not a confrontational person so I haven't said anything but if she does it again I might have to.

    Maybe we go to the same gym. An older lady at the gym I "attend" will unplug two or three big floor fans and position them on all sides of her when she gets on any cardio equipment and then turns them on high. You might have one of them that you are using but it makes no difference to her. She will unplug it and move it to her machine. I guess she likes to work out in hurricane winds. I just laugh and move on. People do some of the quirkiest things. It can be quite amusing to watch them while I am doing my cardio work.
  • smashatoms
    smashatoms Posts: 144 Member
    There's this one woman who is in her early 60s I'd say. At my gym there are fans around the cardio area and if nobody is using one, you can go grab one and plug it in in front or behind of your machine so you have the cool air blowing on you. It's really nice and I enjoy that they have that option.

    Anyways, this SAME lady has come up to my machine, given me a dirty look and then UNPLUGGED my fan and taken it away to her machine. This has happened at least 3 or 4 times.

    I'm not a confrontational person so I haven't said anything but if she does it again I might have to.

    HAAH OMG that is kind of hilarious, you should go unplug the fan from her!

    One time I was at machines with a friend and we put our waterbottles and ipods on the machine and went for a quick stretch on the mats, I looked over and noticed this dude bout 60 on my machine. We walked over, he had taken my ipod, waterbottle, and towel off the machine and placed it on the floor. My friend and I told him that we were using the machines and asked him if he could use a different one that was available. The gym wasn't very crowded, or else I would not put my stuff on the machine and just expect people to not get angered. So he refused to get off and we had to get the 18 year old kid at the desk to ask him to get off, and he did, whilst he yelled at my friend. I didn't want to have a gym enemy since I see this guy all the time so afterward I walked over to him and told him I appreciated him relocating and apologized for leaving my stuff on the machine while not using it. He touched my arm and thanked me for being so kind and apologized. So I guess the lesson is that people are revved up sometimes about life and a little understanding goes a long way.

    My NEW nemesis is this lady in her late 40s early 50s that told me the lesmills cxworx class was really really hard after she looked me up and down. I thought to myself "yeah I'm fat but I'm strong and athletic and motivated," it's cool cause I've hear her talking trash about other people like she is a 15 year old high school girl, while I'm focusing on ME and busting my *kitten* to get in shape. Hope shes still at the gym in 1 mo, 2 mo, 1 year, however long it takes for me to get to my goal weight and body fat so I can see the look on her face while I'm hot and she still has ugly "mom hair"

    Just to elaborate-- because JungleJD13 and I are twin sisters and go to the same gym...
    She is awful. She stares me down when I'm on the cardio machines and walks by classes that I go to, and stops and stares through the open door!
    One day, after I had my trainer appointment, I was up at the guest services desk and she comes up behind the girl ringing me up and she starts asking how much it costs to have a trainer. She stood over my entire transaction, talking about how expensive it is, and said, "Well, I guess if you can AFFORD it..." basically being judgmental over my investment to take care of myself.
    She's completely inappropriate! Nothing like feeling completely violated while trying to get your sweat on!
  • SpunkBean
    SpunkBean Posts: 35 Member
    I have two!! Every Saturday I like to do a good spin workout, and the last four Saturdays, without fail, one of the girls comes into the spin room and plugs her iPod into the overhead system and cranks the volume up so high I can't hear my music with my headphone volume ALL THE WAY UP!! The weirdest thing is they are practicing zumba moves...not even using the spin bikes. They never seem to pay any attention to the fact that I am there. I always feel so disrespected!! I secretly hope that one day one of them trips and ends up pinned down by a bike ;)