My boyfriend thinks MFP is for girls only



  • marquesajen
    Nope, seems to be quite a few dudes on here, my husband included. It's not like the site is covered in girly girl patterns or anything either, which as a tomboy I'm grateful for. If he isn't ready then he isn't ready though, so good luck. When he's ready to join "myfitnesschick" we'll be here :D
  • dsmonteith
    he's probably about the same overweight as I was before I started MFP (40 or so pounds overweight) and since I've lost almost 15 pounds, I'm trying to get him to do it too and he keeps telling me "that's for girls"

    It's really annoying because I want him to be healthy. He's already got back problems and has trouble sleeping.

    Real men count calories and macros. (and pick up heavy things and set them back down) :)

    That is one of my favorite commercials!
  • Ro0kins_Wedding
    He sounds like a bottom
  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    Nah, not for girls only.