Thoughts on food combining? Because I just got chewed out.



  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    HAHAHA, thanks for sharing this...Glad she thinks enough of you to recommend cat food!! Hilarious! I drink the EXACT same smoothie all of the time, and have done great so far!!
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Remind her that you will probably be the one organising her meals in a few years time. She should be NICE to you!
  • erilynbmore
    erilynbmore Posts: 42 Member
    um wow hahaha

    you're doing fine.
  • snewsome7
    All the things she said could be true (I have no idea) but I would rather not try and keep up with ALL of that EVERY day! There is WAY tooooo much going on to have to keep up with what food to eat with what to get the right brain response. Just sayin!
  • irisheyes1977
    ive only heard of the too much soy thing with menopausal women and how it can interfere with all of that but nothing for the ones not in menopause
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    I love green smoothie!
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I would have guessed she had a great sense of humor, but you know her better than me!
  • iwisheyes
    Ahh... all of our well-intentioned friends! Bless their little hearts. Smile and nod, dear; you are doing just fine.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    1. ok - you might not have known that protein inhibits the processing of 'green' benefits
    2. eat greens with protein like chicken, tuna, beef, soy - don't add starches or carbs for proper food combining enzymes for your digestive track to produce.

    ^ Complete crap.
    3. And change out your major protein daily to create a different amino acid brain process result as well
    4. dairy coats your villi - which is then blocked from absorbing as much of the green benefits as possible
    ... ^ I corrected her here and told her my almond milk is quite dairy free, lol
    5. i missed that - so check out the dance that your 'greens' and protein powder do then
    6. I had a colonics session in Hawaii and the lady there was awesome as I took nutritional lessons from her - the different enzymes the stomach produces based on the different combinations

    Holy #$% is this real life? So she tells you what to do very matter-of-fact like, and supports it with "This colonics lady in Hawaii told me". Ok, I've heard it all now.

    ^ MoreCrap.jpg

    9. don't forget your carbs as our brains need carbs to regulate brain chemistry

    Ask her what gluconeogenesis is and then ask her if we still need carbs.

    12. what is your blood type?

    I'd tell her it's FU.
  • shorhota
    shorhota Posts: 4 Member
    You put food in your body. Your body takes what it needs, and can. If you start getting medical symptoms of a deficiency, THEN you can worry. In the meantime, you're fine. If we were all striving to optimize our nutritional efficiency, we'd be drinking tasteless grey formulations through a straw six times per day.
  • swellen
    swellen Posts: 78 Member
    Don't her first two points contradict each other? Protein inhibits the processing of 'green' benefits... so eat greens with protein. Huh?

    Also (from her link) "melons are best eaten alone" really cracked me up for some reason. I just had visions of people rushing off to a quiet room... "Leave me alone! I'm eating melon!" Hehe.

    But yeah... she's full of crap. Smile and nod, and enjoy your smoothie.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    LOL Its okay! I thought macros made eating difficult, just imagine how much work she goes through to analyze her meals! LOL!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
  • miss_sarcastic
    Oh my gosh, guys, you are too much. I'm sitting here cracking up. Thanks for making me so less irritated! LOL

    When she was pitching in her "do this" "eat this" "your body needs this" I was quick to inform her that I am an Allied Health major in one of the top universities, have a 3.7 gpa and have taken many classes on healthy lifestyles, nutrition, human anatomy and physiology, biology, etc. I know what the body needs, and I could explain the complex digestion processes and what each individual source (protein/fat/carbs/vits/minerals) does and how it affects different body processes.

    My shake was delicious and good for me and that's all I care about, haha.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Why the hell is she buying her cat hormone free chicken?? I'd LOVE to have that kind of money - and the kind of time it takes to randomly rant about a protein shake...

    You just keep doin' your thing! And in the future block her from seeing any of your protein shake pictures. :smokin:
  • vamiles
    Hahaha! Can I please friend her? I need some more laughter in my life! Imagine what she'd have said about the chicken, quinoa, and peas I fed my kids for dinner... My kids that box for exercise, lol!

    LOL!!! ROFL!!! It's not that serious I combine protein with spinach and chicken a lot it really doesn't affect me much. This lady is too hardcore for me and I'm an athlete... jtfo
  • Lena1967
    Lena1967 Posts: 94 Member
    "But yeah... she's full of crap. Smile and nod, and enjoy your smoothie."

    Well . . . she WAS full of crap, then she got that colonic.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I guess she's on the team of "friends don't let friends combine foods or let their melons touch?"

    you can tell she means well...but seriously...

    enjoy your healthy shake! :)
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    "But yeah... she's full of crap. Smile and nod, and enjoy your smoothie."

    Well . . . she WAS full of crap, then she got that colonic.

    OMG. That was PRICELESS!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Im still laughing about the chicken she wants you to get that she feels is fit for her cat! lol

    Same here- that's the bit that just sent me over the edge. I'm going to be giggling about that every time I feed the cats now. LOL Science Diet anyone?

    I would say 'thanks for caring about me. I'm following medical advice (losing weight is medical advice)'. I'd Thank her for the caring (because to her she IS trying to help) but let her know I'm doing my own thing. Still- really really funny stuff there.

    Makes me think of a giant picnic plate- no food touches any other food!