Walking on the treadmill is so boring. Any suggestions?



  • DreamiJeani
    I take my kindle and set the print big enought that I can see it while Im running :)
  • Jillabella180
    I read while on the treadmill.
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    I cover the treadmill display and listen to music, but it still stinks, but it is soooo worth it. Very few activities tone so many areas at once as running. Sorry I needed a reminder, because it really is my least favorite form of exercise. :tongue:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Music was the only thing that helped me. But even then it was still pretty boring. I tried closing my eyes and pretending I was doing something other than walking in place, but that just made me step off the belt and almost fall on my face. I tried to listening to audio books, but that was a little distracting so I went back to music. Then I said F this and gave the treadmill to my daughter, which turned out to be a really bad decision since I've had to help her move it twice in addition to the initial move from my house to hers. :grumble:

    Then I got an eliptical, which is just as boring really. But it is easier to do with my eyes closed since my feet never actually leave the machine. I still have it but haven't used it in a couple of years except to hang laundry on. Zumba DVDs are so much more fun.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    It may sound weird, but I "box" while I walk hills. I do it in intervals, one imagining I've got one of those high-mounted punching bags, then just walking for a few minutes, then switch it up with jabs, etc. It seems silly (and probably looks crazy) but it really amps up a walking workout and helps pass the time really quickly. My arms are becoming very toned. I've even started adding some light hand weights.
    Good luck!

    I do this as well and use the heck out of inclines.