How long can I run?



  • dad040859
    As many others have said, don't worry about what others are thinking. Truth be told, most of them are thinking "wow, I wish I were out there running." You would actually be inspiring others. I hadn't run since freshman year in high school, then at age 41 I ran a marathon (and again the next year). This is one of the only things you really get to do in which you can be totally selfish and do just for you!
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    Something else you can do is set the treadmill to a high incline. This works out your lungs just as good as running, and you can probably keep it up for longer which will build up your confidence if you're worried about people seeing you "stop running". That's how I got to running. I'd set the incline on the treadmill up to level 13 and just TOWER over everyone at the gym. It was actually kinda fun being up so high! haha!
  • JoceyyySmall
    JoceyyySmall Posts: 155 Member
    It takes time to build up to running long distances or any distance at all. I can now run for a solid 40 minutes straight and did a 5ks with a running club once a week. It definitely took me time to build up to even trying to join a running club. When I first started "running' I was so proud of myself for going 25 minutes straight at an extremely slow pace of 5 km/h(3 mph)- that's slow for me now as I can run at 7.5-8K/hr (4.5-5) continuously. When I began 5ks I walked more than I ran- but by the last one I did with the club I ran the entire way. Improvement will come slowly, but surely.

    its about starting somewhere and doing what you can do. People may watch you but most are thinking "wow look at them go- so proud of them for at least attempting."

    Also I read many articles and such about form etc as running can be hard on the body.

    I read this I think on the messages boards a while ago and has stuck with me ever since " Any movement forward is going movement" So no matter how slow your going- youre still going past where you started.

    Edit: Also doing other cardio besides running and strength training consistently will also help improve your running.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    The best performance training you can do is intervals. So, going from a walk to a jog and back to a walk is the best way to improve. Pick a point, and jog to it. The more you do it, the better, and you will get better.
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    I also got into running with c25k - I used the one at If you are struggling, slow down. You may be trying to run too fast. When starting out, it's best just to worry about running for the amount of time the program tells you to so you can build your endurance - it's not about speed. Speed will come later. Also, be sure to get fitted for a good pair of running shoes.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Yet another c25k recommendation. Even when I was a healthy weight teen, I couldn't run more than 1/4 mile at a time. I started doing c25k in mid March of last year. I thought I was going to die and my "run" was 4 mph. Today, I ran 9 miles. Still not fast (took me 97 minutes) but I never thought I'd be able to run a mile at a time, let alone 9 of them.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Forget what others think is #1. They think you are overweight... They think you are wasting your time... They think you will give up.... Prove them wrong!. That being said, do what you can do then try to add a few seconds to it every time. If you are conscientious about it seek out a place that is more private. One caveat on the running thing. Make sure your joints are ready for it. If you have any knee problems or other joint issues that may be problematic... walk. Nothing wrong with that. Eventually you will be ready for it (unless the joint problem is serious)... Better to walk a couple of miles per day than to sit around recuperating from a knee surgery. As for me... 20 seconds is more than I can do ... for now. I used to run quite a bit but my weight is still too much for my knees to take the shock... When I am ready, I look forward to getting into it again... Really improves the weight reduction progress
  • plargomar
    plargomar Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 250lbs and have run four 5Ks. The first one took me 56 minutes...the last one was 43 minutes. THAT IS NOT FAST. But, I did it. Some day I will be under 30minutes.

    A runner friend of mine told me when I first started running:

    It doesn't matter how fast you run down the road...only across it. :)

    Best of luck hon!
  • VanillaWest
    I just want to say Thank you to everybody to relied, I feel so motivated right now, I'm definitely going to try out the Couch 2 5k Program!
  • KellyAFraley
    If I saw you outside jogging I would think you were awesome!

    I was going to say the same thing. When I see heavy people at the gym, or outside running/jogging I
    get so excited for them. I'm heavy myself and know what it's like to be self conscious about what others
    think. But I am doing it for ME not them. I'm working hard for ME, not them. If they think I/you/anyone is
    wasting time, or pathetic, fat, jiggly, ugly, too sweaty, not sweaty enough, or stinky.... OH WELL!!

    I tell myself that one day I will hit my goal and be fit and healthy, and I proved them wrong when they thought
    I would never make it, or would give up, or slow down. I used to hate doing anything outside or at the gym
    where anyone could actually see my jiggly bits. Now I prefer to go to the gym and let those faster, thinner,
    fitter people be a source of motivation for me.
  • PoochPottery
    As far as I am concerned when I see anyone out jogging I am happy and give them my support! It really does not matter what others say anyway! It is your body and health!
    Besides they are just jealous that you are out there and they are not!! :laugh:
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
  • VanillaWest
    Thank you so much! I never thought exercise that way before. :D
  • BlooQKazoo
    The first time I ever ran, I couldn't make it one lap around the track. Now (after about a month and a half) I can run (well, jog at 5.5 mph) for over an hour. It gets easier, and anyone who judges you is just looking for ways to make themselves feel better. Kudos to you for getting fit! :D
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I'm 250lbs and have run four 5Ks. The first one took me 56 minutes...the last one was 43 minutes. THAT IS NOT FAST. But, I did it. Some day I will be under 30minutes.

    You'll totally get there! I started c25k in March of last year at 227 lbs. My first 5k was on 11/11/11 and I did it in 34:10. I decided one of my fitness goals for this year was to run 5k in under 30 minutes. Last week, I did it in 29:48. I was so pleased with myself.

    To celebrate a year of a healthier me, I signed up for a half-marathon on 3/11. I'm super nervous but I know I can do it.
  • ItsTiffanyFTW
    ItsTiffanyFTW Posts: 72 Member
    Everyone has to start somewhere! Whether it's 20 seconds or 20 minutes... you're out there and you're doing it!

    It is difficult to say, "don't worry about what others think"... but really, don't. When I see anyone out running/walking, I have a level of respect that they're out there workin' it. When other people pass me, I think, "I'll get there... eventually."

    I have a goal this year to run a half-marathon. Not for time, just to say, "I did it!!" I'm currently at about a 13 min mile... is that good? Not particularly... but it's something, and I know I can only get better the more I practice and harder I try. And I currently weigh 205.

    C25K is a great app. You'll be very happy when another week goes by and you can run that little bit extra without stopping each time. Good luck!
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    I really want to start jogging, But it's weird because i don't know how long i can jog for, I weight 248, and i feel as though people will think I'm fat and pathetic for jogging 20 seconds and then stopping because I'm too tired.

    How long can you jog/run?

    Don't worry, I weigh 75 kilos (158lbs) and I can only run for about 30 seconds! SO FAR! That's the kicker, never EVER give up on yourself, always try and do a little better tomorrow, keep breaking your personal best, if only by a second or 2!
  • MOS3
    MOS3 Posts: 134 Member
    Well done for running for 20 sceonds. I have only been doing it for a couple of weeks and I started at 30 seconds (and that was a major struggle) now each time I go out I do a bit more. My husband started off the same and now he is signed up for a 10k. As you will see from all of the other posts - everyone has had their starting points. So keep going - you are doing GREAT!!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Most people won't think anything of it... Others may see you're making a concerted effort, others may be cuel. But seriously, never let that get in the way because they're morons. And probably are not much fitter than you despite appearances. Jog/Walk for about 20 minutes, jog or run where you can as often and for as long as you can, walk briskly in between.
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hi :-)
    You should start off by doing the couch to 5k. It is for absolute beginners. It starts off with more walking than running and builds you up really slowly. MOST people feel the need to walk run walk run so don't feel self conscious :) feel proud that you're out there working to get fitter! The great thing about C25K is that if you feel like you aren't quite ready for the next level, you can repeat a week.

    Here's a link

    Happy Running!