what do you consider moderation?



  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    some people are in the 'only eat clean' camp and some are in the 'everything in moderation' camp. if you fall in the everything in moderation camp, what is your definition of moderation for donuts?

    daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly? what do you think is a moderate amount of donuts for a person to consume in a year?

    i eat a chocolate-frosted donut every saturday morning that we have roller hockey. probably 40 weeks out of the year. it's quick and easy (we buy them there) and cheap. recently i have started thinking that i don't actually think a donut a week is a moderate amount.

    just wondering what other people thought about moderation?

    Definition of moderation for donuts? I don't have one, I cut out all cakes due to being unable to stop at just the one :laugh:
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Within my calories and macros. Currently I'm 50/50 "clean"/dirty...and I'm happy with this.
  • sschoolfield
    I haven't eaten a doughnut since...well, actually a few months before I started dieting but, if I wanted one badly enough and I could fit it into my daily calorie allotment (even if that meant a little extra workout time) I would certainly have one. That's my stand on moderation.
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    I have one, maybe two donuts a week... used to be one or two a DAY. The difference now is that I spend a ton of $$ on frozen ones from Holey Donuts (I usually wait for the free shipping offers), and have no problem fitting those yummy baked goodies into my macros for the day.

    The Pink Velvet ones are a *perfect* substitute for my former favorite strawberry frosted ones from Dunkin'Donuts -- not to mention a fraction of the fat and calories!

    Life is too short not to toss yourself a treat now and then... :happy:
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I COULD go the "oh, honey do what you want, there is no right or wrong" route...but I think you want our honest and outright opinions here so....

    My opinion on donuts is that they are never worth it. There is virtually nothing beneficial for your body about donuts. They are packed with sugar and empty carbs and then usually deep fried in saturated fat and then frosted with some more sugar and fat and sometimes sprinkled with some sugar and artificial coloring. GROSS. Personally, if I'm going to do something that horrible to my body, I'd rather just have a line or two of cocaine.

    That being said...I'll eat an old-fashioned donut about once per year. They are so dense and good!!

    WOW.............you just compared DONUTS to COCAINE!


    have you ever done cocaine? really? I have. Lots of it. You DO NOT want to go there.

    EAT THE DAMN DONUT............

    :devil: :smokin: :devil: :smokin: :devil: :smokin:
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I eat a little over 3000 calories daily, and most of it is healthy stuff.
    If I get a craving, I have some.
    One of the reasons I am so against these absurd starvation diets is they stifle metabolism and force people to become food Nazi's about their calorie intake.

    You can argue the virtues of the crash diet, but at the end of the day, low calorie diets suck - NO FUN!
    I eat whatever the heck I want, when I want it, and on "free day", as much as I want.

    Life is to be LIVED:drinker:

    Have I told you lately HOW MUCH YOU ROCK???

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • alabughosh
    alabughosh Posts: 132 Member
    Yes Polly, I have done cocaine, sometimes a lot and sometimes just a line or two. I haven't done it in a couple years and I'm certainly not advocating it or encouraging people to do cocaine. And no, I don't want to compare donuts to cocaine....I DID compare sucrose in mass quantities (such as in a donut) to cocaine. I DID go there, but I'm not trying to debate it publicly. If you want to discuss it further, PM me.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Yes Polly, I have done cocaine, sometimes a lot and sometimes just a line or two. I haven't done it in a couple years and I'm certainly not advocating it or encouraging people to do cocaine. And no, I don't want to compare donuts to cocaine....I DID compare sucrose in mass quantities (such as in a donut) to cocaine. I DID go there, but I'm not trying to debate it publicly. If you want to discuss it further, PM me.

    you know.. come to think of it i never did see a fat cokehead.... maybe i could sell a weightloss book... Dont Doughnut, Do Line.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Moderation IMO, is being able to eat what you want and stay within daily calorie limits.

    This. I would just add that it also depends on your goals. Are you a fitness instructor or does your livelihood depend on your physique? Are you training for a fitness competition or any event in which you need to be in TOP form by a certain deadline? Are you happy with your current fitness level or weight loss progress? Do you struggle with an eating disorder or nutrition related disease? If the answer is no, then enjoy your Saturday donut.

    thanks for these questions; i hadn't thought of it like that. i am not happy with my current fitness level and maybe that is why i have started to question whether a donut a week is moderation or not.