Eating over half my calories for supper



  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 2,952 Member
    I eat more calories at breakfast and lunch and your post got me thinking about why. Several years ago I followed a diet plan that advised no carbohydrates at night -- only veg and lean protein. It really worked and I have tried to follow it ever since. The author of the plan had some theory about your metabolism slowing at night but I was skeptical about that so I was always curious why it worked so well. Then it dawned on my why it works. If you can't have carbs at night it forces you not to have a drink and not to eat dessert. My doctor once told me that most people are pretty good about eating right at breakfast and lunch. It's dinner where they fall down because they're tired and there are more temptations. So having a firm rule about not eating the worst stuff at night can get you through the toughest part of the day.

    So do what works for you. If saving all your calories for night works for you, go for it. I'm going to keep eating more earlier and avoiding carbs at night which keeps me from going over. Good luck!
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    I eat one big meal spread over about 2-3 hours and I am done for the day. Bigger meals may satisfy you better.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I get panicky if I don't have at least 1000 calories available for supper + evening snack.

    Me too. I only have 600 right now. I'm scurred.
  • monicalynne68
    monicalynne68 Posts: 87 Member
    I need to plan out my meals better so I *know* what I'm having for supper. Lately, I save over half my calories for the day just for supper, because I don't know what meal I'll have in the evening and I don't want to go over. I know that isn't healthy so I need to plan a menu for the week. Any good ideas?

    Also, what kind of alcoholic beverages can you enjoy? I like to have a drink now and then in the evening, but the stuff I usually drink is so high in calories!

    I don't "save" a lot of calories for dinner but I do exercise for 2-3 hours every afternoon so unless I go nuts at Ben And Jerry's I have quite a few calories left at the end of the day. I like to eat. I love food so I make sure I exercise enough so if I want to I can enjoy my food without guilt. Be careful however. I still try to keep my calorie intake under 1200 total. I don't pay attention to the "net" calories. It's easy to get carried away if you go by "net" calories instead of actual calories. People subconsciously overdue it with the rational that "I can eat this. I worked off the calories this afternoon." and then can't figure out why they aren't losing weight.

    As far as the alcohol is concerned, I'm a beer girl. I like by beer which is not a good choice. lol This is my "Do as I say, Not as I do" moment. lol Choose something like rum and diet coke or a vodka tonic or vodka soda. Wine is also a good choice. Stay away from creamy drinks like white russians. Lots of calories in those. Also stay away from sugary drinks like margaritas. If you're gonna go with beer, pick a light one like coors light or michelob ultra. They are only about 100 calories.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Oh yeah, and I really like Skinny Girl Margaritas.
  • maryjay51
    i try to plan my meals and snacks for the day so i have a guideline to follow..sometimes i make a change because there is a change in plans so i readjust it when i get home..however if i have an idea as to what i planned for my day i can try to work around it if im out and having to order a meal. usually i keep my meals between 250-400 calories and then i have my two or three in-between meals which can be anywhere from 100-200 calories. it keeps me full all day to do it that way and keeps my metabolism running wild. there are days it doesnt work out that way but this is a typical day for me
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I usually don't have many calories left after 3pm so instead of starving the rest of the day this motivates me to go to the gym.. I almost HATE rest days because then I have to try and get by on 1200 calories or so. After a great workout I can't wait to get home with 1000 calories from 6-9pm hehe ( incl supper)

    I have started the past couple of weeks eating higher calories than my 1200 on my rest days just so I am not starving, some would call them spike days, usually only 1500-1700 though, and I am really seeing great weight loss with this method...
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    dinner is usually my biggest meal.
  • witchfire372
    i need to plan my meals and snacks better too- i only have 374 calories left for my dinner :( and i am sooo hungry... i like to have plain oatmeal for breakfast with some no sugar added maple syrup drizzled on top...
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    Most of my calories go towards my dinner...because for me, it's my biggest meal.
    It goes breakfast> lunch>dinner....

    However, been told, breakfast should be your just can't do for me...having a wee dinner won't curb my hunger pangs at 10pm!! dont fret saving half of them for dinner :)! I like to do it, cos I know i snack in the evening, or at least want something else to eat in the evening...

    I also try eat something every 4 hours...


    Breakfast: 8amish
    Lunch: 12-1pm
    Dinner: 6/7pm
    Snack: 9pm

    Bed at midnight etc...x
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I'm on an intermittent fasting diet (a la Leangains) so it's not at all unusual for me to eat a 2k calorie dinner, with only 500 cals spread throughout the rest of the day. It has accelerated my fat loss. There's nothing whatsoever wrong with it.
  • medical31907
    medical31907 Posts: 3 Member
    I get panicky if I don't have at least 1000 calories available for supper + evening snack.

    Haha It's not only me then!! Good!

    I thought your morning-mid day meals were supposed to be the largest, and the smallest meal should be your evening meal because your metabolism slows overnight. Is that incorrect?

    There is no metabolic benefit to meal timing. Many people, including myself, skip breakfast altogether and still lose weight just fine.

    I typically only eat 1 meal per day ... and it works fine for me.
  • medical31907
    medical31907 Posts: 3 Member
    [quote So do you use all of you use all your calories eating one meal a day cause I do the same but they computer tell me that I am not eating enough calories and Im putting my body in starvation mode.
    I get panicky if I don't have at least 1000 calories available for supper + evening snack.

    Haha It's not only me then!! Good! I

    I thought your morning-mid day meals were supposed to be the largest, and the smallest meal should be your evening meal because your metabolism slows overnight. Is that incorrect?

    There is no metabolic benefit to meal timing. Many people, including myself, skip breakfast altogether and still lose weight just fine.

    I typically only eat 1 meal per day ... and it works fine for me.
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    I'm a night eater too. I've lost weight just fine eating at night. I try to save at least half of my day's caloric allotment for Supper and afterwards. I'm on just a slight deficit now, so this usually equates to 500-600 calorie each for breakfast and lunch, followed by afternoon 200-300 afternoon snack. I usually have 1500 calories or more for the evening.

    Another "trick: I have recently discovered when on caloric restriction is having a cup of coffee in the late afternoon or early evening. It helps control my appetite. Then, I postpone dinner until as late as possible. If I eat too early I stand the chance of running out of calories.
  • ReginaM49
    ReginaM49 Posts: 65 Member
    I agree with the others. No harm in eating the majority of calories at dinner. Everyone is different. Do what works for you.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I skip breakfast, to have those cals late at night when i really actually want them! :D
  • sukatx
    sukatx Posts: 103
    I'm with most of the posters here. I usually have over 1000 calories for dinner and pre-bedtime snack. Do what works for you!
  • michmill98
    I tend to eat half of mine for lunch during the work week. My breakfasts are usually around 200 unless I pick up an egg mcmuffin (only on days when I know it's going to be a late lunch, usually a couple times a month because of meetings). But my downfall is that I go out for lunch every day because I have to get away from my cubicle! It doesn't do me any good to bring my lunch and a book anymore because I get bothered constantly.

    Since my hubby works out of town during the week, I figure if I have my large meal at noon, it's sometimes easier to cook for one at night to meet my calorie/macro goals. For example tonight was whole wheat pasta with a bit of ricotta cheese and some peas stirred in as I was way low on my carbs. Last night was a veggie & cheese omelet since I had a big salad at lunch.

    I think everyone's needs (and schedules) are different so as long as you feel that you're making progress then that's what should count!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Definitely do what works for you..... I am currently eating 3400 calories a day so I split mine up:

    Breakfast: 900 calories
    Lunch: 600 calories
    Supper:900 calories
    Snacks: 1000 calories (3-4 snacks over the course of the day)

    I am currently losing 1 pound a week, Sunday is my rest day so my calorie intake on that day is only 2500 calories for the entire day...