2nd Day and already fell off....



  • naturerunner
    Tomorrow is a new day! Drink lots of water and eat lots of lean protein to help keep you full! Once you have been away from the excess salt and sugar for a few days the cravings will lessen and soon go away. You can do it! :)
  • Marie294
    Marie294 Posts: 304
    I read once; when you get a flat tire do you get out and flatten the other 3 or do you change the flat? Falling off the wagon is just a flat tire, it doesn't have to ruin your day.

    I'm going to remember this, and use it!! Hope you don't mind :)
  • gish676
    Don't beat yourself up! You are human just move on. : )
  • streese50
    streese50 Posts: 17 Member
    Hang in there. I just committed myself to the 17 day diet..... to get off the plateau. I loved the 1 flat tire analogy!
  • denalc
    This is my first week too and it is difficult to start new eating habits. Don't beat yourself up too badly, any good diet takes one day at a time. We learn as we grow in our knowledge of better eating habits and healthier lifestyles. Whenever I fall short and give into an urge to eat things I know I shouldn't, I try to get in a mile or two on the treadmill or workout, burn away the guilt. Stay strong and keep your goals in focus.:smile:
  • ccfessler
    ccfessler Posts: 28 Member
    I sent you a request. I try to eat true to my diet 80% of the time. You need allowances for mistakes and cravings ( just not too often) and VDay is a hard holiday. Don't beat yourself up though, you will do better tomorrow!
  • Jconner30
    Think LONG TERM!!!
  • diamonds50
    diamonds50 Posts: 4 Member
  • whoagal
    whoagal Posts: 2 Member
    We all have those days when we indulge even though we know we shouldn't, and then we (perhaps) feel guilty and think, "Well, I've already messed up today so I might as well eat what I want now!" It's NORMAL to "fall off the wagon" so to speak. You need to do 2 things: #1. Identify WHY you didn't stick to your plan and #2. Give yourself a good talking to and get right back on your plan!! No matter what you ate, nor what you did or didn't do, get right back on the plan!!!! It helps that your're using MyFitnessPal and keeping track of the food values for the foods you eat. Take a good look at those numbers. Remember, who are you doing this for?? YOU!! Nobody else! And you are the person who will reap the benefits of all your hard work. This will work. You just make up your mind to stick with your plan, no matter how many times you may eat something you shouldn't. Good luck!
  • Katie1951
    Katie1951 Posts: 314 Member
    Love that quote, do you mind if I borrow it?
  • whoagal
    whoagal Posts: 2 Member
    Very good advice!!!
  • rrollando
    Tomorrow is another day! "guilt is not your friend" let it go and start again......if you still struggle figure out if your head really wants this.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    You are perfectly fine, I am new as well. You are only on day two so personally I wouldn't even consider that looking over the side of the wagon let alone falling off it. Although I don't know it as fact, but I am certain that nearly every one here has had bouts of overindulgence at one time or another. I know it's supposed to be serious stuff, but you can't beat yourself up about it. Make this a fun journey. If it's a chore you might not be inclined to stick with it. At least you know when you've overindulged and by your post you aren't afraid to admit it. Tomorrow is a new day for everyone. Like my big sister says to me, take it one day and one step at a time. Just my humble opinion.
  • danascot
    danascot Posts: 100 Member
    Just try to remember that you are only temporarily satisfied by the "junk" food - it passes so quickly you probably don't even remember it! But, think about how gratifying it is to make a wise choice - that feeling lasts much longer, has a snowball effect of you making more healthy choices, etc. and before you know it - you've changed your way of thinking and relating to food. So, you made a bad choice today - but tomorrow is a new day. Just pause and count to 10 or something before you decide to put the high calorie stuff to your lips. I also think about how much exercise I'd have to do to undo the damage! That helps as well.

    Best of luck to you - don't give up - it takes time to form new habits and break old ones. Stay positive!
  • bzmommy34
    bzmommy34 Posts: 229 Member
    Love that quote, do you mind if I borrow it?

    Borrow away :)
  • bzmommy34
    bzmommy34 Posts: 229 Member
    You are going to be just fine...You can do this! Really you can! And you are serious--you shouldn't have to qualify that. You are serious because you are here. Coming here shows that you know you have a job to do.

    You will find that there are mean people on this site...not too many. If you plan on eating "whatever" after you complete the weight loss, I suggest that you try to fit these things in after a couple of months. Just once in a while, on an ordinary day--to make it extraordinary.

    Me personally, I plan to have cake, ice cream, desserts, and all of those fun things like "out to eat" treats. So every once in a while, I exercise more so that I can fit it in.

    Here's the thing...after a couple of months, watching your intake becomes second nature, your exercise becomes a "me" time that you don't want to give up. It's really hard during those first two months, but the successes that you have in the first couple of months really set the stage for the months that come after. I'm really glad you started after the holidays; they were pretty hard for me with the pb fudge and cookies. I didn't gain but I didn't feel like I was "sticking to the plan" either. I will not feel bad about the piece of triple chocolate cake I ate in celebration of a co-worker's promotion to VP. I will always remember that day (and the cake was delicious).

    So what if you had a bad day. Everyone has a bad day. But you can do this...Really you can do this...I'm around (a little less a round as I used to be). Feel free to add me as a friend...I'll look for you and cheer you on, pick you up when you are down, and show you through photos that this will be the best time of your life...the time you said, "Hold on World, I've got something to do for me right now."

    THANK YOU! Validation and affirmation is SO huge to any success, even if it is just successful thinking! I appreciate your words and advice and thanks for the smiles some of your words gave me. Much needed!
  • Danpellizzari
    So you fell off. Big deal. Day 3 u get to start over.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I have no idea what food you are referring to (bogo????) but if you go over your calories on any given day you have 2 choices:
    1. say "see, this proves that I can never lose weight, I may as well just eat more junk, I'll never succeed anyway."
    2. say "dammit, that was a crappy day. How can I do better tomorrow?".

    I suggest number 2.
    Use that energy to work out what you could have done differently and how you can make tomorrow a better day.
    Good luck!
  • Jkipp74
    Add me also. One day isn't a huge fall off. (One month or one week, however) Just take it as a treat day, be better the next day. And share whatever you get to eat if you can.:glasses:
  • WhitLester
    I've been on my diet for about 3 weeks and started the app a week ago. My goal is to get to Hawaii next June without any issues with my body. I would be thrilled to get down to my birthweight but I am sure that aint happening. I'm overweight and kind of think I'm in LOVE with food, but becoming accountable for what I'm eating is really helping me. Before I eat anything I find out what's in it and whether or not I can have it. My self control has seriously kicked in and if I overdo, I know I have to work out like crazy to burn those calories. You can overcome this and become the fine hot momma you want to be. You have to be honest with yourself first. Good luck!