Is this diet unhealthy?

I work at a hospital and one of the diets I found is called the Three Day Cardiac Diet~it is recommended for patients who need heart surgery but are too overweight and high risk to go under anesthesia. It is pretty much an 800 calorie a day diet for 3 days and its really strict with diuretic type of food then the next 4 days you can eat what you'd like as long as you don't go overboard and proportion good with all food groups included no soda--only diet.

I am taking it a step further with sticking to 1200 calories a day after the strict 3 days and exercising on my elliptical 20 minutes a day and taking the stairs up to tenth floor 1-2 times during M-F (those stairs are killer too super steep and I like die and get reborn every time I do those). The only thing is it is saying I should eat more like 1500 calories what with all the exercising and and I've been doing 800 so I kinda felt weak today. Plus I was so busy at work I did like 27 exams today so I am super beat. But I have already lost 7 lbs in 3 days so I know it is successful.

I am super hungry right now and my son's Valentine treats from school are making me salivate, but I think it is good if I stick with it because my stomach will shrink right?

I'm not trying to do anything crazy and get to pre-baby weight (127, I am 183 now!) I would actually be stoked to get to the 160's-150's range but I want some quick results!

What works for you guys? Is this healthy?


  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I think dropping too quickly and reducing calories calories too much will mean you will lose muscle. Not good. Inevitably you will end up eating too much (ie the Valentine's chocolates) and your slowed metabolism will mean that you'll replace your lost muscle with fat. I've done this may times myself through yo yo dieting.

    I'd say to just be sensible, eat AT LEAST 1200 calories a day and do some strength exercise. Boring advice but that's just my opinion.

    BTW - Just recently I've been trying to increase my protein and decrease my carbs (specifically sweets) and it seems to have worked for me :smile:
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    If you're starving right now you're setting yourself up for failure. Eat back your exercise calories, you'll still be at a deficit and lose weight. And 1200 calories a day is way too few for 183 pounds.
  • StephnElbow
    StephnElbow Posts: 91 Member
    there is a reason the weight is dropping fast, thats an extreme diet meant for an extreme situation. those people need surgery asap and need to lose the weight fast if they want a chance at surgery.

    your situation is not nearly as life and death. i would say to eat at least 1000 calories if you still want to go very low, but i think 1200 each day with exercise is fine.

    i eat ~ 1200 a day and exercise and i have been losing about 2 lbs a week.
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    Well, it'll get you your coveted quick results, but they won't last.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Your stomach will not shrink...If you starve yourself you will lose weight fast, and then cave because that's what starving people do and eat lots of junk...And guess what? You will gain even faster and more than what you lost...
  • I hardly think I am gambling with people's lives because I am eating under 1000 calories, geez~dramatic much? Whats more I can do x-rays in my sleep and still spot a pathology so trying to attack my professional career is just plain mean and not what I thought this message board was geared towards. My husband will sometimes a go an entire day without eating and he is not even trying to diet!

    To the rest of you, thanks for the advice about it being too aggressive I just wanted to get my results because contrary to popular belief I have been trying to stick to the 1200 calories a day/2 lbs a week thing for years and have been unsuccessful but maybe I will try the substituting proteins for carbs thats a good idea, the sweets and carbs always get me.

    Oh and this diet isn't only meant for medical emergencies~its also known as the Three Day Cardiac FAD diet and is kind of popular right now. The situation I described is just an example of one hospital in Birmingham that recommends it for their Cardiac patients, hardly neglectful on my part to want to at least try it out.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member

    To the rest of you, thanks for the advice about it being too aggressive I just wanted to get my results because contrary to popular belief I have been trying to stick to the 1200 calories a day/2 lbs a week thing for years and have been unsuccessful but maybe I will try the substituting proteins for carbs thats a good idea, the sweets and carbs always get me.

    Oh and this diet isn't only meant for medical emergencies~its also known as the Three Day Cardiac FAD diet and is kind of popular right now. .

    You're either not counting calories correctly, you need to exercise more, or you need to actually UP your calories, depending what your stats are. Otherwise, being in a deficit, you would be losing. So something you're doing isn't correct if you've been trying for years.

    "FAD" diet. Says it all right there. You'll lose, & then you'll gain it all back plus some. Just stick to your calorie goals, exercise, & you will lose weight the healthy way.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    Keep in mind that this type of diet is typically done under a doctor's supervision.
  • I lost 5 pounds in one week.. albeit half of it sodium bloat in one week by following a strict 1200 calories (MEASURE EVERYTHING OUT and COOK IT YOURSELF) Vegan Gluten-Free Diet with no sugar (except what happens naturally in fruit) or alcohol. In addition, I did an hour of cardio exercise per day. The second week I only lost 2lbs. Seven pounds in two weeks felt like a pretty fast start. Plus now that I'm allowing myself meat, dairy and wheat/oats again... I find just one serving does it for me.

    Hope that helps!
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 748 Member
    Ok...I'm not gonna lie I've done this diet before with a friend of mine. I also know several other people who have done it. The short answer is yes, IF you can stick to it exactly the way they say will drop pounds. This does not mean that's a good thing though. More than likely you'll gain it back, and it's not a healthy diet. For Cardiac gotta do what you gotta do so that you can save their life, you know? I wouldn't recommend it.
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    Its also known as the 3 day military diet. They used to have recruits do it for basic training. I did it once..way back...lost 7lbs in a week...mostly water weight Im certain. I say go low carb/high protein for 3 days... (Im actually doing this Sun, Mon and Tues)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    it is recommended for patients who need heart surgery but are too overweight and high risk to go under anesthesia.

    There's a reason for that. It's a short term solution geared for a specific event. It's not really about long term and permanent fat loss. The majority of weight lost will be water.

    You won't do much damage doing it for three days however. It might give you a psychological boost which means you stick to a sensible plan for the longer term thereafter.

    All the best.
  • Thanks, everyone has been really helpful and thrown some good ideas out there. However, I am going to stick with it this month because I love the results I am getting so far and it makes a 1200 calorie diet feel like nothing. After I achieve the results I want in a month, I am going to use some other ideas on here you guys gave me to maintain it. But I need astounding results in order to not be defeated and stick with it and I love how this one is working so far. Its not hard and for the other 4 days I can be more liberal. This is merely a jump start I think, to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This diet has made me realize red beats are not that bad!
  • it is recommended for patients who need heart surgery but are too overweight and high risk to go under anesthesia.

    There's a reason for that. It's a short term solution geared for a specific event. It's not really about long term and permanent fat loss. The majority of weight lost will be water.

    You won't do much damage doing it for three days however. It might give you a psychological boost which means you stick to a sensible plan for the longer term thereafter.

    All the best.

    I think you are exactly right, it is a psychological boost for sure. But I think I can maintain after a big loss like 30 lbs.......
  • Its also known as the 3 day military diet. They used to have recruits do it for basic training. I did it once..way back...lost 7lbs in a week...mostly water weight Im certain. I say go low carb/high protein for 3 days... (Im actually doing this Sun, Mon and Tues)

    Ya, I am thinking the high protein/low carb way is a winner, after I get my jump start. I've lost an inch on my bust and two on my tummy 1 on my hips so far and I am fitting into my medium scrubs today so I do not think it is just water weight although it does say the first week you do it it is mostly water weight you lose.
  • hwjssc
    hwjssc Posts: 194 Member
    I done this diet also..I did loose 7lbs..but I was VERY hungry and I really do not think it is healthy for you..
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    DIETS DONT WORK!! You will end up gaining it all back unless you plan to eat like that the rest of your life. You need a lifestyle change. We are what we eat. If you need some ideas with out starving yourself add me. Don't learn the hard way like I did.
  • Sounds like a diet I did a few years ago. It worked great! Of course you wouldn't want to do it for long periods of time, but for 3 days it wont' hurt and it definitely helped kick start weight loss for me back in the day. Obviously, I didn't maintain the weight loss, as I'm back here with 25 lbs to lose. : ( Just don't go overboard, and if you feel weak, then for God's sake, woman... EAT! :wink:
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    Sometimes..our bodies need a kick start. Thats why people do the intermittent fasting....short term.
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    Ummm. This diet is done for a reason... for people about to undergo heart surgery. Sounds ridiculous to me.