Is this diet unhealthy?



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Yes, it is. It is also not a diet endorsed by any hospitals.

    "The 3-Day Cardiac Diet is one of the many names given to a quick weight loss plan that is alleged to have been used as a way to help cardiac surgery patients lose weight prior to surgery. Also known as the "Cleveland Clinic Diet," the "American Heart Association Diet" and the "Birmingham Hospital Cardiac Unit Diet," the program consists of a detailed list of meal plans that, if strictly followed, can supposedly help you lose up to 10 lbs in three days. Health professionals, however, criticize the 3-Day Cardiac Diet as potentially harmful to your health and warn that it is a poor choice for people seeking long-term, sustainable weight loss. Speak to your doctor about the possible risks before beginning the 3-Day Cardiac Diet."
    "Both the Cleveland Clinic and the American Heart Association have publicly stated that they did not develop the 3-Day Cardiac Diet and do not endorse the program as a way to either lose weight or enhance your health. Both medical institutions encourage dieters to avoid restrictive "crash" diets like the 3-Day Cardiac Diet and instead focus on making lifestyle changes that can lead to long-term weight loss and a decreased risk of serious medical problems in the future. "

    Read more:


    "The Cleveland Clinic diet development is attributed to the Cleveland Clinic located in Cleveland, Ohio. However, there is no official record of the diet’s use in the facility. In fact, the origins of the diet have become somewhat of an urban legend. Many variations of the diet and stories of its development can be found posted by anonymous sources on Web sites and blogs. It is possible that the diet became associated with the Cleveland Clinic because the clinic does publish specialized cookbooks and nutrition guides for persons with kidney disorders or diabetes.

    There are no books or privately published versions of the Cleveland Clinic diet in print, which makes it difficult to date this diet let alone trace it back to its original source. Although some accounts maintain that the Cleveland Clinic diet first began to circulate around 1985, the Oregon Health and Science University’s disclaimer about this diet states that an early form of it called the University of Oregon Medical School diet has been passed around the Pacific Northwest since 1975. The Cleveland Clinic diet has been attributed to the cardiology departments of various hospitals and medical centers. Supposedly these facilities have overweight patients scheduled for heart surgery use the diet to help them lose weight before the operation."
  • chiera88
    chiera88 Posts: 155
    sounds very unhealthy. that's alot of weight to lose in a few days for someone who is not sick or obese. sounds like a crash diet that won't last. also, you not fueling your body with the energy you neeed
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    If you are super hungry and you feel week, it's not healthy.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    "FAD" diet. Says it all right there. You'll lose, & then you'll gain it all back plus some. Just stick to your calorie goals, exercise, & you will lose weight the healthy way.


    Good things (like a Fit Healthy body) come to those who wait. Those who won't wait and do extreme diets like this to lose weight quickly because they are impatient... well, they become skinny fat people.... smh
  • noexcuses84
    noexcuses84 Posts: 100 Member
    don't we all wish there was one diet out there that we could all follow and lose 7lbs in 3 days and keep it off for good??!!! unfortunaely, as some have already said, it isn't good to lose weight really quick! u'll find that u will go into starvation mode and end up gaining it back. i've lost 10 lbs and it's taken me 6 weeks to get that far! kudos to u if it works for u but i think u'll find it'll do more harm than good.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    I am taking it a step further with sticking to 1200 calories a day after the strict 3 days and exercising on my elliptical 20 minutes a day and taking the stairs up to tenth floor 1-2 times during M-F (those stairs are killer too super steep and I like die and get reborn every time I do those). The only thing is it is saying I should eat more like 1500 calories what with all the exercising and and I've been doing 800 so I kinda felt weak today. Plus I was so busy at work I did like 27 exams today so I am super beat. But I have already lost 7 lbs in 3 days so I know it is successful.

    Low calorie diets and excersize/active lifestyle don't mix*. You seem to be aware of this fact..
    Also, I don't think a diet that weakens the user should be called successful.

    * low calorie relative to the individuals energy needs.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    This is one of the worst things I've heard on here yet.

    You asked for advice, and then decided to ignore it.

    Just because a diet is popular does not mean it is effective.

    The pounds lost during a diet like this is water weight, and lean mass. You're not taking in enough calories, and you're damaging your body. That is absolutely your right, but please understand that nearly no one here will support you through this. They WILL support you if you stick to most of the guidelines put out my MFP, which is proving each and every day to help people lose weight.

    The 3 day cardiac diet is meant as a last ditch effort to get water weight off a congestive heart failure patients lungs & cardiovascular system. The reason for this is that after heart surgery, many patients are super hydrated which can cause pnuemonia when combined with a ventilator. They must be put on diuretics afterwards to help their body shed the excess water. Otherwise, they die. Since this is not your situation, this diet is not appropriate for you.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Do you need heart surgery but are too overweight and high risk to go under anesthesia?
  • Milliebear66
    Milliebear66 Posts: 23 Member
    hiya, I have heard of the 3 day thing and know a few people who have done this and lost weight, but it's not sustainable... BUT it may give you the kick start you need. Do what you feel happy with, I have lost 1stone 2lbs by sticking to less than 1000 calories a day BUT once a week, I treated myself and ate/drank what I wanted to. I have 5 lbs to go to get to my goal and I will get there and I will stay there .. different things work for different people.. sometimes a little kick start is what is needed, if it gets too much, then stop it ... Good luck :)
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
  • Yes, it is. It is also not a diet endorsed by any hospitals.

    "The 3-Day Cardiac Diet is one of the many names given to a quick weight loss plan that is alleged to have been used as a way to help cardiac surgery patients lose weight prior to surgery. Also known as the "Cleveland Clinic Diet," the "American Heart Association Diet" and the "Birmingham Hospital Cardiac Unit Diet," the program consists of a detailed list of meal plans that, if strictly followed, can supposedly help you lose up to 10 lbs in three days. Health professionals, however, criticize the 3-Day Cardiac Diet as potentially harmful to your health and warn that it is a poor choice for people seeking long-term, sustainable weight loss. Speak to your doctor about the possible risks before beginning the 3-Day Cardiac Diet."
    "Both the Cleveland Clinic and the American Heart Association have publicly stated that they did not develop the 3-Day Cardiac Diet and do not endorse the program as a way to either lose weight or enhance your health. Both medical institutions encourage dieters to avoid restrictive "crash" diets like the 3-Day Cardiac Diet and instead focus on making lifestyle changes that can lead to long-term weight loss and a decreased risk of serious medical problems in the future. "

    Read more:


    "The Cleveland Clinic diet development is attributed to the Cleveland Clinic located in Cleveland, Ohio. However, there is no official record of the diet’s use in the facility. In fact, the origins of the diet have become somewhat of an urban legend. Many variations of the diet and stories of its development can be found posted by anonymous sources on Web sites and blogs. It is possible that the diet became associated with the Cleveland Clinic because the clinic does publish specialized cookbooks and nutrition guides for persons with kidney disorders or diabetes.

    There are no books or privately published versions of the Cleveland Clinic diet in print, which makes it difficult to date this diet let alone trace it back to its original source. Although some accounts maintain that the Cleveland Clinic diet first began to circulate around 1985, the Oregon Health and Science University’s disclaimer about this diet states that an early form of it called the University of Oregon Medical School diet has been passed around the Pacific Northwest since 1975. The Cleveland Clinic diet has been attributed to the cardiology departments of various hospitals and medical centers. Supposedly these facilities have overweight patients scheduled for heart surgery use the diet to help them lose weight before the operation."

    Exactly-it is a fad diet meant to kick start weight loss, hardly any if any cardiac labs implement it. That is just what it says in the explanation.
  • tumblr_lsktn8jhZe1qcix7jo1_500.jpg

    LOL Thanks thats very helpful.
  • Sounds like a diet I did a few years ago. It worked great! Of course you wouldn't want to do it for long periods of time, but for 3 days it wont' hurt and it definitely helped kick start weight loss for me back in the day. Obviously, I didn't maintain the weight loss, as I'm back here with 25 lbs to lose. : ( Just don't go overboard, and if you feel weak, then for God's sake, woman... EAT! :wink:

    Thanks that is exactly what I plan to do. I do not think I'll have too much trouble maintaining because 12-1500 is not that hard for me ya know? Its just that when I don't achieve the results I am looking for I overeat, defeated. I think this jusmpstart is kind of good for me because it gives me that kickstart I need like you said and then it is easier to maintain for me the right way then it is to lose the right way.
  • Hi, I think if your going to cut that drastic for 3 days then go off, bank/forth....why not just stick to what is truly an appropriate calorie consumption every day so you and your family :wink: are more confortable. If you don't truly adjust your '''daily''' lifestyle the weight loss won't stick. Up your exercise if anything is what I may suggestion. Either way, you will get there. You are here which shows you are motivated and that is what this will take for us all. Motivationa and support. Keep up the good work, Sandi
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Exactly-it is a fad diet meant to kick start weight loss, hardly any if any cardiac labs implement it. That is just what it says in the explanation.

    Ok, I am confused. In your original post you described it as a diet used by hospitals. I pointed out it is not, you agree.

    You also asked if it is healthy. I posted the opinion given by one of the hospitals who people claim use this diet along with the AHA which said :

    "Both the Cleveland Clinic and the American Heart Association have publicly stated that they did not develop the 3-Day Cardiac Diet and do not endorse the program as a way to either lose weight or enhance your health. Both medical institutions encourage dieters to avoid restrictive "crash" diets like the 3-Day Cardiac Diet and instead focus on making lifestyle changes that can lead to long-term weight loss and a decreased risk of serious medical problems in the future. "

    Bottom line - this diet is not healthy, fad or not. And fad diets don't work.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Sounds like a diet I did a few years ago. It worked great! Of course you wouldn't want to do it for long periods of time, but for 3 days it wont' hurt and it definitely helped kick start weight loss for me back in the day. Obviously, I didn't maintain the weight loss, as I'm back here with 25 lbs to lose. : ( Just don't go overboard, and if you feel weak, then for God's sake, woman... EAT! :wink:

    Thanks that is exactly what I plan to do. I do not think I'll have too much trouble maintaining because 12-1500 is not that hard for me ya know? Its just that when I don't achieve the results I am looking for I overeat, defeated. I think this jusmpstart is kind of good for me because it gives me that kickstart I need like you said and then it is easier to maintain for me the right way then it is to lose the right way.

    So why ask if you don't really want to hear the answer?
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    Just because the diet is floating around out there in cyberspace doesn't mean it's not designed for exactly what you said - CARDIAC PATIENTS WHO NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT QUICKLY FOR SURGERY. People always find a way to validate something in order to fit their desires, but that doesn't mean it's right. Personally, I think that if you had to ask if it's unhealthy, you already know or suspect it is.

    I fail to see why you even asked. You already have it in your mind that you're going to do what you want to do regardless of the feedback you received.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    I work at a hospital and one of the diets I found is called the Three Day Cardiac Diet~it is recommended for patients who need heart surgery but are too overweight and high risk to go under anesthesia. It is pretty much an 800 calorie a day diet for 3 days and its really strict with diuretic type of food then the next 4 days you can eat what you'd like as long as you don't go overboard and proportion good with all food groups included no soda--only diet.

    I am taking it a step further with sticking to 1200 calories a day after the strict 3 days and exercising on my elliptical 20 minutes a day and taking the stairs up to tenth floor 1-2 times during M-F (those stairs are killer too super steep and I like die and get reborn every time I do those). The only thing is it is saying I should eat more like 1500 calories what with all the exercising and and I've been doing 800 so I kinda felt weak today. Plus I was so busy at work I did like 27 exams today so I am super beat. But I have already lost 7 lbs in 3 days so I know it is successful.

    I am super hungry right now and my son's Valentine treats from school are making me salivate, but I think it is good if I stick with it because my stomach will shrink right?

    I'm not trying to do anything crazy and get to pre-baby weight (127, I am 183 now!) I would actually be stoked to get to the 160's-150's range but I want some quick results!

    What works for you guys? Is this healthy?

    As long you're not doing this long term it shouldn't hurt, basically don't go past 3 days and just continue with your 1200 calories. Don't be cared of eating back exercise calories as well, the only thing is not to be shock if some of the weight you lost during the three day crash comes back but after that with sticking to the normal 1200 it should be okay again. Basically just don't get discourage if some of the 7 lbs comes back and continue on dieting and see if after awhile it starts to drop again.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member

    Have I told you lately that I love you? :flowerforyou: